Study Site for Online Interviews in Real Time
Janet Salmons

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Chapter 1: Real Interviews in an Online World

In Chapter 1 you will discover reasons why researchers choose to collect data through online interviews. You will look at distinctions between different kinds of synchronous and asynchronous communications that can be used for scholarly interviews.

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Chapter 2: Online Research With Technology

In Chapter 2 you will explore online communications tools and ways verbal and visual features can be used for scholarly interview purposes. You will also consider options and issues for selection of the appropriate technologies for carrying out the research.

What are "online interviews in real time"? For the purpose of this book, the term refers to Scholarly interviews conducted via rich media synchronous ICTs. Rich media uses multiple channels and immediate feedback to create sense of presence Shin (2002), drawing on work of Lombard and Ditton (1997), points out: "Presence, as social richness, involves the degree to which media are capable of making users perceive other users’ sociability, warmth, sensitivity, personality, or closeness in a mediated communication situation" (p. 124).


Chapter 3: Interviews for Scholarly Research

In Chapter 3 you will examine inter-relationships between epistemologies, theories, methodologies and methods in research design. You will focus specifically on the variations of the in-depth interview for data collection.


Chapter 4: Design for Credible and Ethical Online Research

In Chapter 4 you will delve into research design considerations for online interview research. You will survey ethical issues in online research and determine what ethical issues might need to be addressed depending on interview approach and public or private setting.


Chapter 5: Sampling: Selecting Participants for Online Interviews

In Chapter 5 you will explore types of sampling and selection of research participants for online interviews. Building on prior chapters, it will explore the implications of design for sampling and participant selection.


Chapter 6: Preparing for a Live Online Interview

In Chapter 6 you will look at the preparation of interview questions or prompts, planning for use of communication tools in the interview, and the interviewer’s preparation to listen to the research participant


Chapter 7: Conducting the Synchronous Online Interview

In Chapter 7 you will look at practical steps for carrying out an online interview. Four kinds of interviews are described using text-based, videoconferencing, online meeting spaces or immersive virtual environments. You will also look at steps for following-up with interviewees to verify and complete the data collection.


Chapter 8: Visual Research and the Synchronous Online Interview

In Chapter 8 you will look at technologies that offer researchers and participants the opportunity to communicate using visual modes in online interviews. A Typology of Online Visual Interview Methods is introduced, with alternatives to use in text-based, videoconferencing, online meeting spaces or immersive virtual environments