Study Site for Online Interviews in Real Time
Janet Salmons

For Instructors

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Chapter Resources

Final Paper

The course will culminate in a formal proposal or plan for future research using synchronous online interviews. The proposed study can be conducted entirely with qualitative methods or with mixed methods. The proposal could be an early version of the methodology chapter of your dissertation or thesis proposal. It could also be a plan for an article or action research in a professional setting.

The proposal should entail a discussion of your research questions and brief background of the inquiry, supported by the scholarly literature. You should offer a detailed explanation and your rationale of the research methodology including sampling approach, interview type, ICT tool(s) and use of visual or other methods.

You will need to justify your methods using the readings from the course and your own research.

Be prepared to give a brief “defense” of your proposal (10-15 minutes), and be prepared to make revisions based on the feedback of your peers. You will be expected to offer feedback on the proposals of your peers.

Length: 15-20 pages
Graduate writing mechanics and appropriate academic style are expected.

Web Resources
