Study Site for Online Interviews in Real Time
Janet Salmons

Introduction to the Student Study Site

This web-based study site is intended to enhance students' understanding of Online Interviews in Real Time by Janet Salmons. This site is a companion to the book, offering additional current resources related to designing, planning and conducting online interview research.

Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing the potential for students to learn and to enhance discussion in online, hybrid or face-to-face classes. These materials are also geared to the doctoral student or researcher who is designing scholarly research.

Bookmark to Keep Current about Online Interviews in Real Time!

The Web-Based student study site contains recommended Web sites, journal articles, and more. This website will be updated to reflect new trends, technologies and research relevant to the topics covered in the book.


If you have published studies based on interviews conducted online, please send a reference to and it will be added to the resource list. Contribute to the ongoing development of knowledge about online interview research by participating in a survey: