Designed to help students learn how to assess clients, conduct treatment planning, and evaluate client outcomes, this practical book addresses specific CACREP competencies. Incorporating case studies and examples, authors Joshua C. Watson and Brandé Flamez provide foundational knowledge for sound formal and informal assessments, cover ethical and legal considerations in assessment, describe basic statistical concepts, highlight the domains in which assessments are commonly used (intelligence, aptitude, achievement, personality, career, etc.), and provide strategies for integrating assessment data when working with clients.

Counseling Assessment and Evaluation is part of the SAGE Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs). To learn more about each text in the series, please visit


  • The text is organized around and adheres to the new CACREP standards of developing professional identity.
  • Reflective practice exercises in every chapter help readers develop their own style of consultation and strengthen their identity as a counselor.
  • Case examples, exercises, and illustrations in each chapter give readers an opportunity to put what they've learned into practice.
  • Current trends in consultation are discussed throughout the text.
  • Guided exercises expose readers to distinct consultation situations and challenge them to think through each scenario based on different consultation models.
  • Coverage includes writing proposals, conducting workshops, drafting contracts, setting fees, and doing reports to help readers learn essential skills needed in consultation positions.

For Instructors Teaching a Single Course

The Series features eleven texts that address each of the foundational skill areas necessary for professional identity development. In each text, you'll find:

  • An emphasis on counseling as a reflective practice in both course progression and professional settings
  • A focus on applying theory to practice
  • An integration of CACREP Standards
  • A diverse and respected group of authors, most of whom are practitioners and educators
  • Instructor resources (password protected) and student resources (open access) that provide robust pedagogical support

For Curriculum Developers

A common set of features span all texts in the Series, offering instructors and students a consistent approach to foundational content. Features include:

  • The fostering of the student's professional identity using the ethical guidelines and CACREP standards that guide the counseling profession
  • A blend of contemporary theory with current research and empirical support
  • Case illustrations and guided practice exercises to help students translate theory and research into professional decision making and application
  • An assimilation of concepts and constructs that move students to higher levels of cognitive and affective competence
  • An emphasis on the need for and means of demonstrating accountability
  • Instructor (password protected) and student resources (open access) that provide robust pedagogical support