Thomas Keenan
Subhadra Evans

Pub Date:
February 2009

Pages: 424

Keenan & Evans- An Introduction to Child Development 2e

Welcome to the Companion Website for the 2nd edition of An Introduction to Child Development by Thomas Keenan and Subhadra Evans.

‘This excellent book presents contemporary evidence in an authoritative and accessible way that draws the reader into this fascinating area from the outset. An essential companion for psychology and education-related courses.’

Dr Jonathan Doherty, Leeds Metropolitan University


‘This book is a clear and easily navigated introduction to the key areas of developmental psychology. Its informal and accessible style means that students of all levels should find it an interesting read.’

Dr Sarah E Henderson, School of Applied Social Studies, The Robert Gordon University


'A very useful introduction to child development covering a range of important topics'

David Messer, Professor of Childhood, Development and Learning, Open University