Thomas Keenan
Subhadra Evans

Pub Date:
February 2009

Pages: 424

Keenan & Evans- An Introduction to Child Development 2e

Welcome to the Companion Website for the 2nd edition of An Introduction to Child Development by Thomas Keenan and Subhadra Evans.

Flashcard glossary
A chapter-by-chapter flashcard glossary for An Introduction to Child Development is available here in Flashcard format. You can use these Flashcards to test your knowledge and revise the key concepts in the text.
A new browser window will open to display the Flashcards. Use the 'flip card' button to see the definition for each word. Use the 'previous' and 'next' arrow keys to navigate through the cards. You can also shuffle the cards and choose to omit cards as you go.

Chapter 1 (Opens in a new window)

Chapter 2 (Opens in a new window)

Chapter 3 (Opens in a new window)

Chapter 4 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 5 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 6 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 7 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 8 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 9 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 10 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 11 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 12 (Opens in a new window)
Chapter 13 (Opens in a new window)