Student Study Site for Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School , Second Edition
A Cognitive and Cultural Approach
Cory A. Buxton and Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr.

Journal Articles

Note: Each link below expands or collapses when clicked.

Chapter 1: The Nature of Science

Teachers' Beliefs About the Nature of Science and Their Relationship to Classroom Practice
Nancy W. Brickhouse

Journal of Teacher Education, May 1990; vol. 41, 3: pp. 53-62.

Abstract: The effect of teachers' beliefs about the nature of science on their classroom practice was exam ined. Three science teachers were interviewed to elucidate their understanding of science and science teaching. To make connections between their thinking about science and their actions in teaching science, each teacher's classes were observed for at least 35 hours. The teachers differed in their views of the nature of scientific theories, scientific processes, and the progression and change of scientific knowledge. Teachers' beliefs about science influenced not only explicit lessons about the nature of science, but also shaped an implicit curriculum concerning the nature of scientific knowledge.

Question to consider based on this article: How do the beliefs of teachers about the nature of science and the realities of science correspond?

Scientific literacy for all citizens: different concepts and contents

Rakesh Popli

Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, 123-137 (1999)

In this article, three different descriptions of curricula for scientific literacy (SL) are summarized, compared, and critically reviewed from the point of view of their suitability for all citizens. Science for All Americans, a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, envisages giving every citizen a thorough exposure to the world of science, technology, and mathematics; the report Towards Scientific Literacy, published by the International Institute for Adult Literacy Methods, recommends a phenomenological approach to science designed to make science useful for people in their daily lives; and a similar curriculum, Minimum Science for Everybody, published by a voluntary organization in India, provides a detailed alternative conceptual framework for SL in which community traditions and knowledge systems are interfaced with science.
The three reports are seen to differ from one another not only in respect of the contents of the curricula recommended, but also in their approaches, and the world views underlying these different approaches are brought out. It is suggested that SL curricula in both “developed” and “developing” countries be reviewed in the light of the ideas contained in all three reports in accordance with the needs and circumstances of the people.  The article argues for the need to review the nature of science from the perspective of the common citizen.

Question to consider based on this article: What are some of the major models of Scientific Literacy that are currently being argued for? How do they differ and how are they similar?

Creating the Conditions for Scientific Literacy: A Re-Examination

Margaret Eisenhart
Elizabeth Finkel
Scott F. Marion

American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 261-295 (1996)

Abstract: This article explores the way in which scientific literacy has been defined, justified, and operationalized in current proposals for science education reform. We argue that, although the vision of scientific literacy reflected in reform proposals is broad, progressive, and inclusive, it is being implemented in narrow and conventional ways. As a consequence, we are not optimistic that current proposals will lead to a significant increase in the scientific literacy of the U. S. population. In the article, we discuss limitations in the current direction of science education reform and examine some alternate ways of thinking about it.

Question to consider based on this article: What are some of the different ways in which scientific literacy can be understood?

Scientific literacy as collective praxis

Wolff-Michael Roth
Stuart Lee

Public Understanding of Science, January 2002; vol. 11, 1: pp. 33-56.

Abstract: In this article, we conceive of scientific literacy as a property of collective activity rather than individual minds. We think of knowing and learning science as situated in and distributed across social and material aspects of a setting. To support the proposed conception, we provide several detailed cases from our three-year multi-site ethnographic study of science in one community, featuring different types of citizens who walk a creek, interact during an environment-oriented open-house event, discuss water problems, collect data, and have different conceptions of human-environment relations. The case studies show that collectively, much more advanced forms of scientific literacy are produced than any individual (including scientists) could produce. Creating opportunities for scientific literacy to emerge from collective activity, irrespective of whether one or more participants know some basic scientific facts, presents challenges to science educators very different from teaching basic facts and skills to individuals.

Question to consider based on this article: What does scientific literacy consist of? What is the relationship of scientific literacy to collective activity?

Chapter 2: Science Education in Social Context

Religion and the politics of science: Can evolutionary biology be religiously neutral?

Robert Audi

Philosophy & Social Criticism, January/February 2009; vol. 35, 1-2: pp. 23-50.

Abstract:This article examines the permissibility of teaching evolution in the public schools of a religiously diverse society. Science is committed to methodological naturalism, which is a limited epistemological position that is silent on issues of religious importance. The article argues that it is possible to teach evolution under the assumptions of methodological naturalism without violating the principle, of secular rationale or the neutrality principle which apply to religion in a pluralistic democracy. However, neither creationism nor Intelligent Design qualify for inclusion in a science curriculum. The article ends with a discussion of philosophical and pedagogical approaches that an instructor should employ when teaching evolutionary theory.

Question to consider based on this article: Can evolutionary biology be religiously neutral?

Beliefs of Science Teachers Toward the Teaching of Science/Technological/Social Issues: Are We Addressing National Standards?

Jon E. Pedersen
Samuel Totten

Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, October 2001; vol. 21, 5: pp. 376-393.

Abstract:As science educators, we must view the changing nature of society brought on by technology and the global nature of society as an impetus to reexamine the nature of science instruction. We have been bestowed with the responsibility to educate students on a variety of topics that less than two decades ago did not exist. Many of these social issues are controversial in nature and are directly linked to the local, regional, national, and global communities in which we exist. However, including these social issues in the extant curriculum of science has, at best, been limited. This is true even though the National Science Education Standards specifically indicate that science and technology, as well as science in personal and social perspectives, are integral to science education. The following study examines a group of science teachers’ beliefs about the implementation of controversial social/technological issues in the extant science curriculum. Indications are that teachers believe that social issues are important to study, yet lack the support from their communities to teach social issues.

Question to consider based on this article: How does the understanding of science and science education need to change in the context of a changing global culture?

Science-Technology-Society (STS): A New Paradigm in Science Education
Nasser Mansour

Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, August 2009; vol. 29, 4: pp. 287-297., first published on May 18, 2009.

Abstract:Changes in the past two decades of goals for science education in schools have induced new orientations in science education worldwide. One of the emerging complementary approaches was the science-technology-society (STS) movement. STS has been called the current megatrend in science education. Others have called it a paradigm shift for the field of science education. The success of science education reform depends on teachers' ability to integrate the philosophy and practices of current programs of science education reform with their existing philosophy. Thus, when considering the STS approach to science education, teacher beliefs about STS implementation require attention. Without this attention, negative beliefs concerning STS implementation and inquiry learning could defeat the reform movements emphasizing STS. This article argues the role of STS in science education and the importance of considering science teachers' beliefs about STS in implementing significant reforms in science education.

Question to consider based on this article: How

Chapter 3: Toward a Philosophy of Hands-On Inquiry-Based Science Education

Inquiry-Oriented Instruction in Science: Who Teaches That Way?

Thomas M. Smith
Laura M. Desimone
Timothy L. Zeidner
Alfred C. Dunn
Monica Bhatt
Nataliya L. Rumyantseva

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, September 2007; vol. 29, 3: pp. 169-199.

Abstract: The expansion of the No Child Left Behind Act to include science standards and assessments is likely to refocus states’ attention on science teaching and learning. Requiring teachers to have subject majors and greater funding of professional development are two key policy levers for improving instruction in science. There has been relatively little work examining the characteristics of teachers who are most likely to initiate inquiry-oriented instruction in science classrooms. Using a nationally representative sample of the teachers of eighth grade science students, the authors found relatively strong associations between reform-oriented practice and the majors and degrees that teachers earned as part of their formal schooling, as well as their current levels of participation in content-oriented professional development activities.

Question to consider based on this article: What is the relationship between the training of teachers in terms of methods and science content and how they actually teach?

‘I liked the experiment because there aren’t too many people who come into school to burn money’: promoting participation in the sciences with chemical magic

Elaine Regan

Improving Schools, November 2009; vol. 12, 3: pp. 261-276.

Abstract: This article reports on students’ perspectives of an in-school promotional intervention aimed at challenging traditional methods of teaching science in schools in an effort to inspire interest in school science and increase enrolments. First, the context for the research is discussed before briefly describing the intervention strategy employed and finally, exploring the potential of this innovative pedagogy as a vehicle for addressing participation in science at the classroom level. It is argued that participation depends on engagement with a subject, and the author posits that providing innovative, motivating and fun approaches to learning within the classroom that interest and engage pupils will lead to better connections with school science and to science in society. This article gives some insights into the use of a chemical magic show through the qualitatively different views and attitudes towards the chemical magic show of a sample of Irish students (n = 328). Implications for participation and inclusive and motivational classroom pedagogy are discussed.

Question to consider based on this article: How important is it to make science engaging as a means of getting students to effectively learn science in the classroom?

Effects of Activity-based Elementary Science on Student Outcomes: A Quantitative Synthesis

Ted Bredderman

Review of Educational Research, Winter 1983; vol. 53, 4: pp. 499-518.

In this study, meta-analysis techniques were used to synthesize research on the effectiveness of three major activity-based elementary science programs (ESS, SAPA, and SCIS), which were developed with federal support. In 57 controlled studies, outcomes were measured in over 900 classrooms; the overall mean effect size for all outcome areas was .35. The mean effect size was .52 for science process tests, .16 for science content, and .28 for affective outcomes. On the average, gains also were realized in creativity, intelligence, language, and mathematics. Only 3 of 14 coded study features were related to reported effects: Disadvantaged students derived greater benefits than other students; tests not biased in favor of the activity-based programs resulted in positive but lower effects than those favoring the activity-based approach; and published reports had higher effects than unpublished reports. The effects of particular programs reflect their relative curricular emphases. In three followup studies, student groups that had had activity-based programs in elementary school and had later experienced traditional science programs during middle school years could not be consistently distinguished from control groups.

Question to consider based on this article: How useful is activity based science for student learners from minority backgrounds?

From Student to Scientist: An Experiential Approach to Science Education

Paul Tuss

Science Communication, June 1996; vol. 17, 4: pp. 443-481.

Abstract: This article provides a rationale for exploring ways in which science educators can structure learning activities that more accurately reflect the scientific inquiry processes used by practicing research scientists. Science learning activities based on the experiential model are better able to promote student construction of scientific knowledge and provoke students into making the transition from naive to higher-order, scientific ways of thinking. The conclusion is drawn that experiential education strategies will strengthen school science performance, particularly among students from underrepresented groups, and create an increased pool of scientific and technical workers.

Question to consider based on this article: How can teaching students to think as scientists actually do help in the learning of basic science?

All Around the World: Science Education, Constructivism, and Globalization

Noel Gough

Educational Policy, September 1998; vol. 12, 5: pp. 507-524.

Abstract: This article explores a number of challenges, uncertainties, and opportunities facing science education as new and complex global processes affect the ways in which knowledge is produced and circulated. Major themes of the article include the difficulties of implementing Western science education programs in cross-cultural and/or multicultural settings and the extent to which the doctrine of "constructivism" resolves issues of cultural difference, even for those science educators who are particularly attentive to the cultural contexts of science and science education. It is argued that although Western science educators cannot speak from outside their own Eurocentrism, asking questions about the globalization of science education as a cultural practice might help to make both the limits and strengths of Western science's knowledge traditions more visible.

Question to consider based on this article: How do the methods used in science teaching need to adapt to the demands of cultural difference in an increasingly gloabalized world?
Constructivism in Mathematics and Science Education
Paul Cobb

Educational Researcher, October 1994; vol. 23, 7: pp. 4.

Abstract: The idea for this exchange arose as a response to the fervor that is currently associated with constructivism in some segments of the mathematics and science education communities. In addressing this topic, it seems important to distinguish between the writings of influential constructivist theorists, particularly von Glasersfeld, and the views that have emerged in the two educational communities. As a theory, constructivism is often reduced to the mantra-like slogan that "students construct their own knowledge." Although several theoreticians have stressed that constructivism is a model or a conjecture that might be useful for educational purposes, the characterization of learning as individual construction is frequently treated as a conclusively proven fact that is beyond justification. Difficulties, of course, arise when one applies psychological constructivism reflexively and attempts to explain how so many mathematics and science educators have individually constructed this supposedly indubitable proposition. It is also interesting to note that a far greater degree of certainty is typically attributed to this proposition than to the apparently fallible and potentially revisable claims of mathematicians and scientists.

Question to consider based on this article: What is the relevance of constructivism to models of science instruction? What are its limits and possibilities?

Using Sociotransformative Constructivism to Teach for Understanding in Diverse Classrooms: A Beginning Teacher’s Journey

Alberto J Rodriguez
Chad Berryman

American Educational Research Journal, December 21, 2002; vol. 39, 4: pp. 1017-1045.

Abstract: This is an article within an article. It reports the results of a study with high school students, teachers, and a preservice teacher; and it uses those results in further investigating the preservice teacher’s views 1 year after his participation in the study, a year during which he taught in his own classroom. Using sociotransformative constructivism as the theoretical framework, the article presents insights into the issues and difficulties that can be encountered by Anglo-European beginning teachers who are committed to teaching for understanding in predominantly Latino/a and impoverished school settings. Findings from this study suggest that an article-within-an-article format can be used as a tool for further professional development and as a research tool for strengthening the validity of research claims.

Question to consider based on this article: How does working across cross-cultural settings affect the work of science teachers in their classrooms?

How Teachers Respond to Children’s Inquiry

Susan Engel
Kellie Randall

American Educational Research Journal, March 2009; vol. 46, 1: pp. 183-202., first published on October 7, 2008

This study examined how teachers respond when children engage in inquiry-based deviations from a planned task. Thirty-one teachers each completed a brief science activity and accompanying worksheet with a student confederate. Teachers were given one of two goals for the study: help the students complete a worksheet or help the students learn more about science. The instructions had a significant effect on the teachers’ responses to students’ deviations. Teachers in the worksheet condition tended to discourage deviation and draw the students back to the task at hand, whereas teachers in the learn more condition were more likely to encourage and expand on the deviation. Apart from their responses to students’ deviations, nearly all teachers were classified as encouraging, suggesting that an articulated goal for the activity has a particular effect on the response to deviations. Implications for the role of teachers in the development of children’s curiosity are considered.

Question to consider based on this article: How do different instructional models encourage or discourage open-ended models of science inquiry?

Chapter 4: Diverse Learners in the Science Classroom

Science Information in Fictional Movies: Effects of Context and Gender

Claudia A. Barriga
Michael A. Shapiro
Marissa L. Fernandez

Science Communication, March 2010; vol. 32, 1: pp. 3-24.

Abstract: The National Science Board and others are concerned that movies often miscommunicate science to the public with negative effects on science literacy and attitudes toward science. However, very little is known about the specific impact of movie science on audiences. This experiment examines the influence of narrative transportation, role of science within the movie, and gender of the viewer on evaluation of incorrect scientific information in fiction. Results show that incorrect science facts accepted as true after seeing identical segments from movies depend on the gender of the participant and a manipulation of the perceived centrality of science to the plot. Men tended to detect more inaccurate science facts when they thought science was central to the plot. Women detected more inaccurate science facts when they thought science was peripheral to the plot, which was presented as a relational story. The results may have implications for research on media effects, public understanding of science, and gender differences in learning.

Question to consider based on this article: What is the effect of media on the general understanding  of science?

Parents Explain More Often to Boys Than to Girls During Shared Scientific Thinking

Kevin Crowley
Maureen A. Callanan
Harriet R. Tenenbaum
Elizabeth Allen

Psychological Science, May 2001; vol. 12, 3: pp. 258-261.

Abstract: Young children's everyday scientific thinking often occurs in the context of parent-child interactions. In a study of naturally occurring family conversation, parents were three times more likely to explain science to boys than to girls while using interactive science exhibits in a museum. This difference in explanation occurred despite the fact that parents were equally likely to talk to their male and female children about how to use the exhibits and about the evidence generated by the exhibits. The findings suggest that parents engaged in informal science activities with their children may be unintentionally contributing to a gender gap in children's scientific literacy well before children encounter formal science instruction in grade school.

Question to consider based on this article: How does gender affect how parents interact with their children about the nature of science?

Lessons Learned About Educating the Gifted and Talented: A Synthesis of the Research on Educational Practice

Karen B. Rogers

Gifted Child Quarterly, Fall 2007; vol. 51, 4: pp. 382-396.

Abstract: This article discusses five reconsiderations (lessons) the research on the education of the gifted and talented suggests. Although several of the considerations derive from traditional practice in the field, some reconsideration is warranted because of more currently researched differences in how the gifted learner intellectually functions. It is argued that thinking of the gifted learner as idiosyncratic, not necessarily one of many classified as "the gifted," requires a reconceptualization of how to appropriately and fully serve this unique learner. The research synthesized here covers the period from 1861 to present and represents the entire body of published research studies and representative literature (theory, program descriptions, and persuasive essays). Implications for service development and implementation are also discussed.

Question to consider based on this article: How are the needs of gifted students best meet in termsof science instruction?

Science and Special Education: A Science Education Perspective

Rodney L. Doran
J. Richard Sentman

Remedial and Special Education, March 1994; vol. 15, 2: pp. 128-133.

Abstract: This paper is organized into two major parts: a review of current activities in science education, and a review of the articles within this special issue. Project 2061 (aaas) and the scope, sequence, and coordination project (nsta) are ongoing efforts to develop new approaches for school science programs. Other reports and journals in the science education field are described briefly. "Constructivism" and "alternative assessment" are two of the ideas science educators are currently exploring as ways to improve science teaching and learning. The last section includes brief reviews of each of the other papers in this issue with special focus on the science education dimension. There is much we can learn from each other.

Question to consider based on this article: How

Instruction and Learning in Middle School Science Classes: Implications for Students with Disabilities

Victor Nolet
Gerald Tindal

The Journal of Special Education, Summer 1994; vol. 28, 2: pp. 166-187.

Abstract: In this study we employed a two-dimensional framework consisting of knowledge forms and intellectual operations to analyze curriculum materials, teacher-mediated instruction, and student use of information on essay and traditional criterion-referenced measures. Findings suggested that student perceptions and learning may be governed by a complex interaction between curriculum materials and teacher-mediated instruction rather than by only curriculum or teaching. Teacher use of information in complex intellectual operations during interactive instruction may be associated with student performance, but low-achieving students may need more exposure to information to take full advantage of teacher modeling.

Question to consider based on this article: What are the complex factors that interact with each other to shape student learning in science?

Math and Science Education For African-American Youth: A Curriculum Challenge

Randolf Tobias

NASSP Bulletin, October 1992; vol. 76, 546: pp. 42-48.

The recommendations offered here are applicable to all youths in mathematics and science. The emphasis, however, is placed on African-Ameri cans, because not enough of these youngsters are doing well in these subject areas.

Question to consider based on this article: How do we meet the curricular needs of African-American youth in math and science instruction?

Current Approaches to Science Education: Implications for Mainstream Instruction of Students with Disabilities

Thomas E. Scruggs
Margo A. Mastropieri

Remedial and Special Education
, January/February 1993; vol. 14, 1: pp. 15-24.

Abstract: In this article, different curriculum approaches to science education are discussed with respect to characteristics of students with disabilities. Science education is an area of increasing national interest as well as one that a recent survey of teachers identified as a highly suitable subject area for mainstreaming. A cross-categorical perspective is presented on the characteristics that serve to limit mainstream success for students with disabilities. Four major domains of functioning are identified, including language and literacy, cognitive-conceptual development, psychosocial functioning, and sensory-physical abilities. Although functioning in each of these areas can be improved through special education methods, it can also be argued that mainstream curriculum approaches themselves, representing textbook-content approaches as well as activity-inquiry approaches, interact with these disability areas. A case is made that different curriculum approaches to science education can differentially facilitate or inhibit mainstreaming success of students with disabilities.

Question to consider based on this article: How can different curricular approaches in science education facilitate learning disabled students in mainstreamed settings?

Elementary School Science for Students with Disabilities

Gail Grigg Holahan
Jacqueline McFarland
Beverly A. Piccillo

Remedial and Special Education, March 1994; vol. 15, 2: pp. 86-93.

Abstract: This paper reviews science curriculum issues surrounding the education of children with disabilities. Our nation's leadership has expressed serious concern regarding the role of science and mathematics in the education of our children, and children with disabilities cannot be excluded from this interest. we explore the background of science education for children with disabilities and examine three curricula designed especially for children with disabilities: Biological Science Curriculum study, full option science system, and science for all children.

Question to consider based on this article: What are the curriculum issues that surround students with learning disabilities?

Science Education With English Language Learners: Synthesis and Research Agenda

Okhee Lee

Review of Educational Research, Winter 2005; vol. 75, 4: pp. 491-530

Abstract: This review analyzes and synthesizes current research on science education with ELLs. Science learning outcomes with ELLs are considered in the context of equitable learning opportunities. Then, theoretical perspectives guiding the research studies reviewed here are explained, and the methodological and other criteria for inclusion of these research studies are described. Next, the literature on science education with ELLs is discussed with regard to science learning, science curriculum (including computer technology), science instruction, science assessment, and science teacher education. Science education initiatives, interventions, or programs that have been successful with ELLs are highlighted. The article summarizes the key features (e.g., theoretical perspectives and methodological orientations) and key findings in the literature, and concludes with a proposed research agenda and implications for educational practice.

Question to consider based on this article: What does the research literature in science education tell us are the specific science learning needs of English Language learners?

Science for All, Including Students From Non-English-Language Backgrounds

Okhee Lee
Sandra H. Fradd

Educational Researcher, May 1998; vol. 27, 4: pp. 12-21.

Abstract: Standards-based reform across subject areas has an overarching goal of achieving high academic standards for all students. Although much is known about what constitutes high academic standards, little attention has been given to the attainment of educational equity for all students. In this article, we propose the notion of instructional congruence as a way of making academic content accessible, meaningful, and relevant for diverse learners. Although our discussion considers students from non-English-language backgrounds (NELB) in science education, comparable approaches can be applied to other diverse student groups and other subject areas. We discuss an agenda for research, practice, and policy in promoting high standards for all students across subject areas.

Question to consider based on this article: How can we make scientific content most meaningful and relevant for diverse  learners?

Chapter 5:Observing as a Scientist and as a Science Teacher

From Everyday to Scientific Observation: How Children Learn to Observe the Biologist’s World

Catherine Eberbach
Kevin Crowley

Review of Educational Research, March 2009; vol. 79, 1: pp. 39-6

Abstract: This article explores the development of observation in scientific and everyday contexts. Fundamental to all scientific activity, expert observation is a complex practice that requires the coordination of disciplinary knowledge, theory, and habits of attention. On the surface, observation appears to be a simple skill. Consequently, children may be directed to observe, compare, and describe phenomena without adequate disciplinary context or support, and so fail to gain deeper scientific understanding. Drawing upon a review of science education, developmental psychology, and the science studies literatures, this article examines what it means to observe within a disciplinary framework. In addition, everyday observers are characterized and a framework is proposed that hypothesizes how everyday observers could develop practices that are more like scientific observers.

Question to consider based on this article: What does it mean to conduct scientific observations within a disciplinary framework?

Chapter 10: Teacher Professional Development: Growing as a Teacher of Science

What Makes Professional Development Effective? Strategies That Foster Curriculum Implementation

William R. Penuel
Barry J. Fishman
Ryoko Yamaguchi
Lawrence P.  Gallagher

American Educational Research Journal, December 2007; vol. 44, 4: pp. 921-958.

Abstract: This study uses a sample of 454 teachers engaged in an inquiry science program to examine the effects of different characteristics of professional development on teachers’ knowledge and their ability to implement the program. The authors analyzed results from a survey of teachers served by 28 professional development providers within a hierarchical linear modeling framework. Consistent with findings from earlier studies of effective professional development, this study points to the significance of teachers’ perceptions about how coherent their professional development experiences were for teacher learning and program implementation. The authors also found that the incorporation of time for teachers to plan for implementation and provision of technical support were significant for promoting program implementation in the program.

Question to consider based on this article: What types of professional development experiences are most useful for teachers?

Challenges New Science Teachers Face

Elizabeth A. Davis
Debra Petish
Julie Smithey

Review of Educational Research, Winter 2006; vol. 76, 4: pp. 607-651.

Abstract: Providing support focused on real challenges is critical in retaining highlyqualified new science teachers, but the field lacks a systematic description of these teachers’ needs. The authors of this article examine the areas that science teachers are expected to understand: (1) the content and disciplines of science, (2) learners, (3) instruction, (4) learning environments, and (5) professionalism.
They review the literature on challenges facing preservice and early career science teachers, identify issues on which conventional wisdom is supported or called into question, and highlight the areas where the existing research is inadequate as a basis for generalization. For example, the authors found few studies on how new science teachers use curriculum materials or how they understand scientific inquiry. Their overview of challenges is followed by a discussion of how these teachers can be supported.

Question to consider based on this article: What are beginning teachers expected to understand? How they do they obtain this knowledge? What sorts of supports exist for them in this process?

Is subject knowledge the be all and end all? Investigating professional development for science teachers

Clare Woolhouse
Matt Cochrane

Improving Schools, July 2009; vol. 12, 2: pp. 160-173.

Abstract: This article reports on the initial findings of research carried out with a cohort of science teachers engaged in a professional development course at a northwest England university. The aim was to investigate how professional development was perceived by participants and explore the experiences of those who undertook the course. Results suggest that initially a utilitarian discourse which framed professional development as needing to fulfil identified needs, and an alignment of the benefits of undertaking professional development with training for quantifiable career advancement, took precedence over personal growth. However, as the course developed, the teachers began to recognize their integration into a professional learning community, and also saw the course as an opportunity for self-development. We suggest that a utilitarian paradigm can sit alongside a purpose which seeks to develop teachers' self-reflection and personal growth as a route to enrichment of pupil experience rather than focused on producing quantifiable progress in examination results.

Question to consider based on this article: How useful is professional development training perceived to be by teachers in the classroom?