Stewart Clegg, Chris Carter, Martin Kornberger and Jochen Schweitzer

Pub Date: 01/2011
Pages: 488

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Stewart Clegg, Chris Carter, Martin Kornberger and Jochen Schweitzer

Online readings

Welcome to Companion Website for Strategy: Theory and Practice by Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Chris Carter and Jochen Schweitzer.

Click below for full text journal articles that will provide a deeper understanding of the topics in each chapter. In the book these articles are listed at the end of each chapter under the heading ‘Looking for a higher mark’.

Journal articles

Chapter One

Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens and Michael J. Mol (2005) So You Call That Research? Mending Methodological Biases in Strategy and Organization Departments of Top Business Schools, Strategic Organization, 3(1): 117–28.

Hitoshi Mitsuhashi and Henrich R. Greve (2004) Powerful and Free: Intraorganizational Power and the Dynamics of Corporate Strategy, Strategic Organization, 2(2): 107–32.

Joseph T. Mahoney and Anita M. McGahan (2007) The Field of Strategic Management within the Evolving Science of Strategic Organization, Strategic Organization, 5(1): 79–99.

David Seidl (2007) General Strategy Concepts and the Ecology of Strategy Discourses: A Systemic-Discursive Perspective, Organization Studies, 28 (2):197–218.

Chapter Two

Spencer, B., Peyrefitte, J. and Churchman, R. (2003) Consensus and Divergence in Perceptions of Cognitive Strategic Groups: Evidence from the Health Care Industry, Strategic Organization, 1: 203–30.

Thomas, L. G. and D’Aveni, R. (2009) The Changing Nature of Competition in the US Manufacturing Sector, 1950–2002, Strategic Organization, 7: 387–431.

Chapter Three

Constance E. Helfat and Margaret A. Peteraf (2009) Understanding Dynamic Capabilities: Progress along a Developmental Path, Strategic Organization, 7: 91–102.

Richard J. Arend and Philip Bromiley (2009) Assessing the Dynamic Capabilities View: Spare Change, Everyone?, Strategic Organization, 7: 75–90.

Chapter Four

Ezzamel, M. and Willmott, H. (2008) Strategy as Discourse in a Global Retailer: A Supplement to Rationalist and Interpretive Accounts, Organization Studies, 29 (2): 191–217.

Jarzabkowski, P. (2004) ‘Strategy as Practice: Recursiveness, Adaptation and Practices-In-Use. Organization Studies, 25(4): 529–60.

Chia, R. and MacKay, B. (2007) Post-processual Challenges for the Emerging Strategy-as-Practice Perspective: Discovering Strategy in the Logic of Practice, Human Relations, 60(1): 217–42.

Chapter Five

D. Kärreman and A. Rylander (2008) Managing Meaning through Branding: The Case of a Consulting Firm, Organization Studies, 29 (1): 103–25.

Majken Schultz and Mary-Jo Hatch (2005) Building Theory from Practice, Strategic Organization, 3 (3): 337–48.

Hess, R. L., Jr, Ganesan, S, and Klein, N. M. (2003) Service Failure and Recovery: The Impact of Relationship Factors on Customer Satisfaction, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (2): 127–45.

Kumar, V. and Petersen, J. A. (2005) Using a Customer-Level Marketing Strategy to Enhance Firm Performance: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(4): 504–19.

Chapter Six

Miguel Pina E. Cunha and Joao Vieira Da Cunha (2008) Managing Improvisation in Cross Cultural Virtual Teams, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, (1) 2: 187–208.

M. J. Hatch, (1999) Exploring the Empty Spaces of Organizing: How Improvisational Jazz Helps Redescribe Organizational Structure, Organization Studies, 20 (1): 75–100.

Kamal Munir and Nelson Phillips (2005) The Birth of the ‘Kodak Moment’: Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Adoption of New Technologies, Organization Studies, 26 (11):1665–1687.

Deborah Dougherty (2004) Organizing Practices in Services: Capturing Practice-based Knowledge for Innovation, Strategic Organization, 2(1): 35–64.

Mie Augier and Saras D. Sarasvathy (2004) Integrating Evolution, Cognition and Design: Extending Simonian Perspectives to Strategic Organization, Strategic Organization, 2 (2): 169–204.

Deborah Dougherty (2008) Bridging Social Constraint and Social Action to Design Organizations for Innovation, Organization Studies, 29(3): 415– 434.

Raymond E. Miles, Charles C. Snow and Grant Miles (2007) The Ideology of Innovation, Strategic Organization, 5(4): 423–435.

Chapter Seven

Gordon, R., Clegg, S. R. and Kornberger, M. (2009) Embedded Ethics: Discourse and Power in the New South Wales Police Service, Organization Studies, 30(1): 73–99.

Sotirios Paroutis and Andrew Pettigrew’s (2007) Strategizing in the Multi-business Firm: Strategy Teams at Multiple Levels and Over Time, Human Relations, 60(1): 91–135.

Mantere, S. (2005) Strategic Practices as Enablers and Disablers of Championing Activity, Strategic Organization, 3 (2): 157–184.

Mairi Maclean, Charles Harvey and Robert Chia’s (2010) Dominant Corporate Agents and the Power Elite in France and Britain, Organization Studies, 31 (3): 327–48.

Mueller, F., Sillince, J., Harvey, C. and Howorth, C. (2004) A Rounded Picture is What We Need: Rhetorical Strategies, Arguments and the Negotiation of Change in a U.K. Hospital Trust, Organization Studies, Special Issue on Discourse, 25 (1): 85–103.

Carter, C. and Mueller, F. (2002) The ‘Long March’ of the Management Modernisers: Ritual, Rhetoric and Rationality, Human Relations, 55(11): 1325–54.

Chapter Eight

Maielli, G. (2007) Counterfactuals, Superfactuals and the Problematic Relationship between Business Management and the Past, Management & Organizational History, 2: 275–94.

MacKay, R. (2007) What If? Synthesizing Debates and Advancing Prospects of Using Virtual History in Management and Organization Theory, Management & Organizational History, 2: 295–314.

Toms, S. and Beck, M. (2007) The Limitations of Economic Counterfactuals: The Case of the Lancashire Textile Industry, Management & Organizational History, 2: 315–30.

Chapter Nine

Farzad R. Khan, Kamal A. Munir and Hugh Willmott (2007) A Dark Side of Institutional Entrepreneurship: Soccer Balls, Child Labour and Postcolonial
Impoverishment, Organization Studies; 28: 1055–77.

Cyril Bouquet and Julian Birkinshaw (2008) Managing Power in the Multinational Corporation: How Low-Power Actors Gain Influence, Journal of Management, 34 (3) 477–508.

Hitoshi Mitsuhashi and Henrich R. Greve (2004) Powerful and Free: Intraorganizational Power and the Dynamics of Corporate Strategy, Strategic Organization, 2(2): 107–32.

Chapter Ten

Namgyoo K. Park, John M. Mezias and Jaeyong Song (2004) A Resource-based View of Strategic Alliances and Firm Value in the Electronic Marketplace, Journal of Management, 30 (1): 7-27.

Steven S. Lui and Hang-Yue Ngo (2005) The Influence of Structural and Process Factors on Partnership Satisfaction in Interfirm Cooperation, Group & Organization Management, 30 (4): 378–97.

Devi R. Gnyawali, Jinyu He and Ravindranath (‘Ravi’) Madhavan (2006) Impact of Co-opetition on Firm Competitive Behavior: An Empirical Examination, Journal of Management, 32 (4): 507–30.

Koen H. Heimeriks, Geert Duysters and Wim Vanhaverbeke (2007) Learning Mechanisms and Differential Performance in Alliance Portfolios, Strategic
Organization, 5: 373–408.

Benjamin Gomes-Casseres (2003) Competitive Advantage in Alliance Constellations, Strategic Organization, 1 (3): 327–35.

R. Duane Ireland, Michael A. Hitt and Deepa Vaidyanath (2002) Alliance Management as a Source of Competitive Advantage, Journal of Management,
28: 413–46.

C. Jay Lambe, Robert E. Spekman and Shelby D. Hunt (2002) Alliance Competence, Resources, and Alliance Success: Conceptualization, Measurement,
and Initial Test, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30 (2): 141–58.

Jeffrey J. Reuer and N. Africa Arinˇo, (2002) Contractual Renegotiations in Strategic Alliances, Journal of Management, 28 (3): 47–68.

Hong Ren, Barbara Gray and Kwangho Kim (2009) Performance of International Joint Ventures: What Factors Really Make a Difference and How? Journal of Management, 35: 805–32.

Chapter Eleven

Financial Capitalism and Private Equity – A New Regime?’, Andrew Watt and Béla Galgóczi (2009) Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research,15(2): 189–208.

Holland, D., Barrell, R., Fic, T. Hurst, I., Liadze, I., Orazgani, A. and Pillonca, V. (2009) The World Economy: The Global Financial Crisis and Collapse in World Trade, National Institute Economic Review, 208(1): 9–16.

Kotz, D. M. (2009) The Financial and Economic Crisis of 2008: A Systemic Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism, Review of Radical Political Economics, 41(3): 305–17.

Chapter Twelve

Jose I. Galan and Maria J. Sanchez-Bueno (2009) Strategy and Structure in Context: Universalism versus Institutional Effects; Organization Studies, 30(6): 609–27.

Michael A. Hitt, Laszlo Tihanyi, Toyah Miller and Brian Connelly (2006) International Diversification: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Moderators, Journal of Management, 32 (6): 831–67.

Glenn Morgan and Peer Hull Kristensen (2006) ‘The Contested Space of Multinationals: Varieties of Institutionalism, Varieties of Capitalism’, Human Relations, 59: 1467–90.