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Multiple-Choice-QuestionsClick on the Section links below to test your knowledge on their contents via a selection of multiple choice questions. Read through the multiple choice questions below and attempt to answer them on your own. Then click “Show Answer” to see if you got the answers right. Tip: Click on each link to expand and view the content. Click again to collapse. Section 1: Getting started1) “AIDS does not exist apart from the practices that conceptualise it, represent it, and respond to it.” (Crimp, 1988, p. 3). This quotation is associated with which epistemological/theoretical framework?
Answerc 2) ‘The process of critically reflecting on the content and process of the knowledge we produce’ is a definition of which key concept in qualitative research?
Answerc 3) Which of the following key concepts are associated with qualitative research?
Answerb 4) Qualitative research is primarily concerned with…?
Answera 5) Qualitative research is primarily concerned with…?
Answerc 6) Which is a key feature of qualitative research?
Answerb 7) Qualitative research is primarily concerned with…?
Answera 8) ‘The theory or philosophy of the nature of reality and being’ is a definition of which of the following concepts?
Answerd 9) A sample of 50 participants in a qualitative interview study is?
Answera 10) One of the most common types of sampling used in qualitative research is?
Answerb 11) A sample is saturated in an interview study when?
Answera 12) Three types of sampling commonly used in qualitative research include:
Answerd 13) The ‘usual suspects’ are:
Answerb 14) Hidden populations are:
Answerb 15) Hard-to-engage participant groups are:
Answera 16) Insider researchers are:
Answerb 17) One of the advantages of being an insider researcher is that:
Answerd 18) Participant information sheets should:
Answerc 19) Information about possible sources of support should:
Answera 20) People’s rights as voluntary participants include the right...:
Answerd 21) It’s important to collect demographic data from participants because:
Answerd 22) On demographic sheets it is common to ask for information about:
Answera 23) You should never ask participants about their:
Answerd 24) Which of the following statements best describes why some people choose to do qualitative research:
Answerd 25) Bias is not a meaningful concept when critiquing qualitative researcher because:
Answerb Section 2: Collecting Data 1) Researcher self-disclosure and the development of rapport with participants are issues particularly associated with which of the following qualitative methods?
Answerd 2) Which of the following are examples of good interview questions?
Answerb 3) Which of the following qualitative methods reduces the power and control of the researcher?
Answerc 4) People management is a particular consideration when using which of the following qualitative methods?
Answerb 5) Which of the following are examples of ‘secondary sources’?
Answerd 6) Qualitative surveys are particularly useful for?
Answera 7) One of the weaknesses of qualitative surveys is?
Answera 8) Which of the following qualitative methods is ideally suited to capturing routine and everyday processes?
Answerb 9) Which of the following methods is more commonly used in quantitative research than qualitative research?
Answerd 10) An important design feature of story completion tasks is?
Answera 11) Which of the following methods are particularly useful for accessing assumptions and ‘hidden’ meanings?
Answerd 12) What are the major design issues in using secondary sources?
Answerb 13) What is the major motivation for using secondary sources?
Answera 14) Virtual interviews can encourage participants to:
Answerd 15) Interviews are ideally suited to which of the following types of qualitative research:
Answerd 16) Ideally how many interviews should you conduct in one day:
Answerb 17) When interviewing someone you know, such as a close friend, it’s important to:
Answerc 18) An ideal size for a focus group is about:
Answerc 19) In a focus group discussion, participants should be encouraged to:
Answera 20) Focus groups are ideally suited to research questions about:
Answerb Section 3: Analysing Data 1) When transcribing interview and focus group data, it’s important to:
Answera 2) To produce a ‘good enough’ transcript of an hour long interview it takes about:
Answerb 3) Errors in transcription:
Answerc 4) An orthographic transcript:
Answerc 5) Transcription isn’t straightforward because:
Answerb 6) Which of the following are examples of experiential qualitative approaches?
Answera 7) Which of the following are examples of critical qualitative approaches?
Answerb 8) ‘What are the main experiential features of being angry?’ Which qualitative approach would be most appropriate to answer this research question?
Answerc 9) ‘This method of analysis aims to understand people’s lived experience and the meanings they attach to their experiences’. Is this a definition of?
Answera 10) Which method of analysis is concerned with the role of discourse in wider social processes of legitimation and power?
Answera 11) Which approach to analysis focuses on how participants use language in order to manage stake in social interactions?
Answerd 12) Which approach to analysis assumes that discursive constructions are implicated in the ways in which we experience ourselves?
Answerb 13) Which approach to analysis particularly favours homogeneous samples?
Answerc 14) The use of descriptive, linguistic and conceptual codes is associated with which of the following approaches to qualitative analysis?
Answerd 15) Which of the following approaches to qualitative analysis recommend immersion in the data as a first stage of analysis?
Answerd 16) Which qualitative approach is particularly associated with more detailed approaches to transcription?
Answerb 17) Which qualitative method is concerned with the study of talk-in-interaction?
Answerd 18) Conversation analysts value which of the following types of data?
Answerc 19) One of the distinctive features of thematic analysis is:
Answera 20) A good thematic analysis has:
Answerc 21) When writing up your analysis you should:
Answerc 22) Things to avoid when writing up your analysis include:
Answerd 23) Good data extracts are:
Answerc 24) Good themes:
Answerc 25) The most important criterion for determining a theme is:
Answerb 26) Which types of research questions can be addressed using both thematic analysis and IPA:
Answera 27) Constructionist thematic analysis is similar to:
Answerd 28) In vivo codes in grounded theory are similar to:
Answerb 29) Advanced memos in grounded theory are used to:
Answerc 30) Which of the following research questions are ideally suited to thematic analysis?
Answerd Section 4: Completing the Process
1) Which three criteria are associated with the evaluation of qualitative research?
Answerd 2) Which are some of Lucy Yardley’s (2008) open-ended, flexible principles for judging the quality of qualitative analysis?
Answerb 3) It is appropriate to use member checking as a credibility check when:
Answerc 4) You can ‘situate your sample’ by:
Answerc 5) In order to ‘ground in examples’ it is important to:
Answerb 6) In a 10,000 word report, the introduction section should be about:
Answerb 7) The purpose of a literature review in a qualitative research report is to:
Answera 8) In the general discussion section of a qualitative report, it is always important to:
Answerd 9) Editing a draft of your report:
Answerc 10) One of the features of good qualitative poster design is:
Answerd 11) A visually pleasing qualitative poster uses:
Answerd 12) Qualitative posters are easier to read when:
Answerc 13) Reliability is not a meaningful criteria for judging the quality of qualitative research because:
Answerc 14) One of the key quality criteria for discursive research is:
Answerb 15) Member checking assumes that:
Answera 16) Providing a ‘thick description’ to enable another researcher to determine whether they can ‘safely’ transfer your findings to another context is Lincoln and Guba’s (1989) definition of:
Answerd 17) Elliot et al.’s (1999) guidelines for the publishability of qualitative research, include:
Answerc 18) Credibility checks such as member checking are problematic in discourse analytic research because:
Answerd 19) Some of the problems with member checking include:
Answerd 20) When giving an oral presentation of qualitative research you should:
Answerb Research Scenario MCQsScenario 1: Researching overseas students A 3rd year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your advice. She is from Poland and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative surveys to collect the data. 1) The fact that she is Polish…
Answerc 2) If she conducted interviews...
Answerb 3) What would be one of the practical advantages of using qualitative surveys rather than interviews?
Answerc 4) When using thematic analysis to analyse her data at first she identified mainly ‘semantic’ codes. Semantic codes...
Answera 5) If she is successful in her research, she should be able to...
Answera Scenario 2: Researching people’s perceptions of transgender parenting
A researcher has collected story completion data about people’s perceptions of transgender parenting. She has collected 50 stories – 25 from men and 25 from women – and is unsure whether to use thematic analysis or interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyse the data and she asks for your advice...
Answerb 2) The researcher chose to use story completion tasks to collect her data...
Answera 3) When the researcher has completed her analysis she will be able to...
Answerd 4) The researcher is worried that interviews would have been a better method to use, so you reassure her that story completion tasks are an appropriate method because...
Answerd 5) The researcher wants to compare male and female participants’ responses to the story completion task but she is worried that this would be inappropriate. You reassure her that this would be appropriate because...
Authors:Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke Pub Date: March 2013 Pages: 400 |
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