Author: Pamilla Ramsden

Pub Date: April 2013

Pages: 480

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About the Book

Welcome to the companion website for Understanding Abnormal Psychology by Pamilla Ramsden.

This textbook presents a thorough understanding of abnormal psychology with a focus on the integration of psychology, biology and health. It goes beyond a descriptive overview of clinical disorders to provide a critical appreciation of the multifaceted aspects of mental illness. Each disorder is clearly and succinctly explained with the support of case studies. These examples are then used to introduce the debates surrounding current research, the biology of abnormal disorders and standards of treatment. The bridge between the biological elements of brain functioning and the psychological mechanisms that are responsible for coping and adjustment is thoroughly explored. This valuable consideration of the range of elements involved in the diagnosis and treatment of clinical disorders will provide you with a broad and critical understanding of this complex and fascinating field.

Understanding Abnormal Psychology: Clinical and Biological Perspectives is an essential textbook for undergraduate students taking courses in abnormal or clinical psychology.

On this companion website, you will find...

Instructor Resources

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This section of the companion website contains resources which are available free of charge to lecturers who adopt Understanding Abnormal Psychology.

The following material is available for lecturers:

Testbanks: Arranged by chapter, these testbanks contain multiple choice questions and short answer questions that can be used for student assessment.

PowerPoint(™) Slides: All of the key points and figures and tables arranged in presentations by chapter.

Student Resources

This section contains a wealth of resources for use including;

Multiple Choice Questions: Online multiple choice questions per chapter to test your knowledge.

Flashcard Glossary: Coming soon! Online flashcards based on the book’s glossary help you brush up on key terms and definitions.