Chapter 1­­- The scope and contribution of qualitative research


Reading and Reviewing:

It is suggested that you carry out a scoping exercise in order to identify qualitative papers in your particular field.  Dipping into recent issues of relevant journals (listed below) which are most likely to publish such work, identify two or three qualitative papers that spark your interest.

Business Studies/Organizational Research: Academy of Management Journal;
International Journal of Qualitative Research in Organizations & Management; Organizational Studies

Education: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education

Human Geography: Space and Place

Medical Sociology: Health; Social Science and Medicine; Sociology of Health and Illness

Medicine/Health Services Research: British Medical Journal; British Journal of General Practice; Communication and Medicine

Nursing: International Journal of Nursing Studies;  Journal of Advanced Nursing; Qualitative Health Research

Psychology: Qualitative Research in Psychology

Social Work: Qualitative Social Work

Sociology: Cultural Sociology; Sociology; Sociological Research Online (available free for private individuals and subject to subscription for institutions – on <>); and Sociological Review

Others: Discourse and Society; Health and Social Care in the Community; Journal of Interprofessional Care

 N.B.This, is not intended as an exhaustive list, as many other journals are increasingly publishing qualitative work.

Having read a few papers, you should then ask:

  • How are research questions formulated?
  • Which methods appear to be most popular?
  • Is the focus on issues relating to practice, evaluations or theoretical concerns?
  • How do authors locate their studies with reference to other qualitative work and theoretical frameworks within your discipline or sub-discipline?




Author: Rosaline Barbour

Pub Date: Novembers 2013

Pages: 392

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