George Argyrous

Pub Date: 01/2011
Pages: 616

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George Argyrous

Importing the questions database into Blackboard9.1+

To import the database of questions, follow these steps:

1. Download the file to your computer and remember where you have saved it – do not unzip this file! If your browser automatically unzips this file when it downloads it, right click on the file and choose Save link as

2. In your Blackboard course go into the Content Collection

3. Click on Upload and select Upload Package from the drop-­-down list

4. Browse to the file on your computer, and Submit. After a few minutes, this will upload and unzip the file into your Content Collection. There should be a list of 62 items.

5. Go to the homepage for your course and on the left panel under COURSE MANAGEMENT select Course Tools/Tests, Surveys and Pools/Pools.

6. Select Import Pool 7. Select Browse Content Collection and browse to the Questions folder. You will see the following list of zip files:

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