Author: Andrew M. Pomerantz

Pub Date: September 2012

Pages: 656

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About the Book

Now in its Third Edition, Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Culture examines the many aspects of clinical psychology in a personal, thorough, and balanced manner. With over 350 new references in total and 261 since 2010, this new edition offers comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the subfields of clinical psychology, including clinical assessment, psychotherapy, ethical and professional issues, current controversies, and specialized topics. In addition to the recent scholarship, Dr. Pomerantz enhanced the strength of the text by including coverage of multicultural issues, contemporary forms of psychotherapy, and new clinical examples. Through the creative use of metaphor, he connects the new concepts with those concepts students already know, offering an accessible, current, and engaging text for all readers. This core text is ideal for undergraduates and first-year graduate students in clinical psychology courses.

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