Chapter 8

Constructing Difference: Social Deviance

Sociologists at Work


Related Resources

Chaos and Crime

The basic goal of chaos theory is to explain transformations in complex systems. This site briefly describes chaos theory and then shows how it can be used to understand the growth of certain types of crime in response to what may seem at first to be insignificant social events.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The official site of the FBI provides background on major investigations of a surprising diversity of crimes, such as organized smuggling of Peruvian artifacts, and a library of articles on such topics as terrorism and fraud in financial institutions. One of the most useful features for sociological analysis is the collection of Uniform Crime Reports, which provide several years' worth of state-by-state data (and graphics) on street crime, domestic violence, hate crime, and so on.

Public Agenda

"The inside source for public opinion and policy analysis," created as a resource for journalists, offers facts (some in graphic form) for understanding various issues, as well as analyses of public opinion survey data and of public policy news and studies. One feature increasing this site's credibility is its "red flags" about potentially misleading poll results. Among the social issues addressed are crime and illegal drugs.


Statistics on crime and other matters can be called up by state or compared across states. This site was created for journalists but provides reliable data for sociological analysis.

Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

David Newman and Rebecca Smith. (Created September 14, 1999. Last updated 01/20/2004).
Copyright Pine Forge Press.