Student Study Site for Culture and Identity, Second Edition
Life Stories for Counselors and Therapists
Anita Jones Thomas and Sara E. Schwarzbaum
Warren and Fassett Culture and Identity, Second Edition

Introduction to the Student Study Site

Web-based student study site is intended to enhance students' understanding of Culture & Identity: Life Stories for Counselors and Therapists, 2nd Edition by Anita Jones Thomas and Sara E. Schwarzbaum. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing the potential for students to learn and enhance class discussion.

List of Films

The site includes a list of films composed by Susan B. Goldstein, University of Redlands. This list breaks out multicultural subjects.  The subjects are: The Concepts of Culture and Ethnicity, Culture and Research, Basic Processes, Culture and Developmental Processes, Personality, Emotion, and the Self in Cultural Context, Health, Stress, and Coping Across Cultures, Culture and Social Behavior, Intergroup Relations, and Intercultural Interaction.


For a more real-life, intimate understanding of the life stories, five recordings are included on the student study site, which can be used as podcasts or heard on the desktop. The stories of Butch, Maribel, Bob, Anthony, and Karen, taped by professional actors, correspond to the stories published in the book. 

Streaming Videos

In addition to the podcasts we've included two videos of the actual story tellers (Julie and Esteban/Eugene), to offer an enhanced depth of understanding of how cultural factors influence personal identity, worldviews, and mental health.

Section Resources

SAGE Journal Articles
There are 108 SAGE journal articles that can be downloaded off the student study site.

The full text research articles are presented by Section, so that students can identify the key topics covered. Links are provided to the journal in which the articles were orginally published.

Classic Journal Articles
These readings can be assigned to the primary textbook to supplement information in each of the sections of the textbook. They could be used as a starting point for students' research, presentations, papers, and other course assignments.  These journal articles are also available to students on the study site.

Acknowledgments and Thanks

A number of people should be acknowledged and thanked for their hard work in developing the material on the Instructor Resources and Student Study sites.

Thanks to Sara Schwarzbaum for her patience and dedication to the task of composing the content material, soliciting readers for the stories, and convincing the two storytellers to video tape their stories.  In addition to Sara, I want to thank her coauthor, Anita Jones Thomas, for her enduring patience and input throughout the creation of the content.