Chapter 9

Click on the links below to access the additional resources and reading referred to in Chapter 9, Writing and Representing Findings.

9.1  Scrivener tool

9.2  Articles related to Scrivener for dissertation writing (article 1 and article 2)

9.3  Brkich & Barko's The meme and trolling as vehicles for understanding the human condition  

9.4  Popularizing Research (Vannini 2012)

9.5  Journals that are beginning to incorporate multi-media representations:

9.6    Peter Biella's ongoing work in visual anthropology

9.7 digital ethnography (Page no longer available)

9.8    Wesch's lecture on digital ethnography and YouTube

9.9    Center for Digital Storytelling

9.10  Lilia Efimova's blog

9.11  Noah Wardrip-Fruin's author's blog

9. 12 Creative Commons tailored copyright licenses

9.13   1000 Voices Project

9.14   Healthtalkonline

9.15   Mark Neumann's sound portrait of Jim Morrison's gravesite

9.16   Blog of the Soundscapes and Cultural Sustainability ethnographic soundscape project

9.17   Singapore Dreaming

9.18   Video about visual ethnographies and films

9.19   Video on how Dr. Kip Jones turned his study of ageing and gay life into film

9.20   Margaret Wetherell's YouTube video discussing her research around racism in talk

9.21  Rebecca Williams' Prezi presentation

Additional materials:

Authors: Trena Paulus, Jessica Lester and Paul Dempster

Pub Date:December 2013

Pages: 224

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