Chapter 2

Click on the links below to access the additional resources and reading referred to in Chapter 2, Engaging in Reflexive Practice and Making Ethical Choices

2.1 Reflexivity statement example

2.2 Video discussion focused on the ‘ cloud’and ‘cloud computing’

2.3 Video discussing the purpose and function of blogs

2.4 Herbig's and Hess' Living Text project reflexivity and overall project videos

2.5 Evernote and Moleskine ‘smart notebooks’

2.6 Ethical guidelines:

2.7 Article by Iphofen, R. (2011) ‘Ethical decision making in qualitative research’. Qualitative Research, 11, 443–446. 

2.8 Association of Internet Researchers Recommendations from the AoIR Ethics Working Committee

Additional materials:


Authors: Trena Paulus, Jessica Lester and Paul Dempster

Pub Date:December 2013

Pages: 224

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