Journal Articles

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Chapter 1: Counseling: Helping as a Professional Practice

  1. Evidenced based practice
    William C. Sanderson, Why Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments are Important
    Behav Modif July 2003 vol. 27 no. 3 290-299
    • Students can discuss whether insurance companies or other sources should dictate the mode of treatment
  2. Procedural Knowledge and characteristics of Expert Counselors
    Len Jennings, Michael Goh, Thomas M. Skovholt, Matthew Hanson and Devjani Banerjee-Stevens, Multiple Factors in the Development of the Expert Counselor and Therapist
    Journal of Career Development September 2003 vol. 30 no. 1 59-72
    • Article provides a base for discussion around the qualities of expertise in counseling as contrasted to lay helping.
  3. Counseling Process and the elements involved
    Calvin J. Daane and C. Patrick McGreevy, Chapter V: The Counseling Process and Function
    REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH April 1966 vol. 36 no. 2 264-273
    • The article sensitizes the student to the complicated nature of professional counseling - taking it well beyond “friendly chatting”. Discussing student reactions to the discussion would be helpful to arouse a valuing of the complexity of the counseling process.

Chapter 2: Helping - The Practice of Facilitating Change

  1. Case conceptualization
    Len Sperry, Case Conceptualizations: The Missing Link Between Theory and Practice
    The Family Journal 2005 13: 71
    • The study provides a unique view of case conceptualization-using family systems model. Provides an opportunity to discuss the value and difficulty in developing case conceptualization for individuals, couples or families.
  2. Case conceptualization and multicultural sensitivity
    Charles R. Ridley, Lisa C. Li and Carrie L. Hill, Multicultural Assessment: Reexamination, Reconceptualization and Practical Application.
    The Counseling Psychologist 1998 26: 827
    • The article introduced the concept of multiculture into the complex process of case conceptualization and will provide the students with an appreciation of the multiple factors involved in case conceptualization
  3. Transtheoretical Model of Change - change on continuum
    Mitchell J. Moore, The Transtheoretical Model of the Stages of Change and the Phases of Transformative Learning: Comparing Two Theories of Transformational Change
    Journal of Transformative Education 2005 3: 394
    • The presentationprovides an opportunity for students to understand the complexity of change and the continuum upon which change occurs.

Chapter 3: The Counseling Relationship: A Unique Social Encounter

  1. Working Alliance
    David R. Strauser, Daniel C. Lustig and Chandra Donnell, The Relationship Between Working Alliance and Therapeutic Outcomes for Individuals with Mild Mental Retardation
    Rehabil Couns Bull 2004 47: 215
    • Students could discuss the possible difficulties in developing a working alliance with those with mild mental retardation.
  2. Counseling Relationship/Working Alliance
    Thomas L. Sexton and Susan C. Whiston, The Status of the Counseling Relationship: An Empirical Review, Theoretical Implications, and Research Directions
    The Counseling Psychologist 1994 22: 6
    • While somewhat a dated article, the discussion on the elements of a working alliance and the question of future implications is worth student discussion.
  3. Working Alliance
    Meifen Wei and P. Paul Heppner, Counselor and Client Predictors of the Initial Working Alliance: A Replication and Extension to Taiwanese Client-Counselor Dyads
    The Counseling Psychologist 2005 33: 51
    • A question the students could discuss or respond to is: “ Does the findings ‘generalize’ to clients and counselors of other cultures?”
  4. Working alliance/ challenge with children.
    Tine K. Jensen, Hanne Haavind, Wenke Gulbrandsen, Svein Mossige, Sissel Reichelt and Odd Arne Tjersland, What Constitutes a Good Working Alliance in Therapy with Children That May Have Been Sexually Abused?
    Qualitative Social Work 2010 9: 461 originally published online 20 October 2010
    • The article provides many discussion points around the students comfort with issues such as sexual abuse, to the difficulty and gaining informed assent from children.

Chapter 4: Identifying the "What Is": Probing the Client's Issues

  1. Questions As interventions
    Dana Hillyer, Solution-oriented Questions: An Analysis of a Key Intervention in Solution-focused Therapy
    Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 1996 2: 3
    • Good discussion starter to help students see all that they do in counseling as potential interventions, including asking questions.
  2. Communication process in counseling
    Robert V. Keteyian, Individual Communication Styles in Counseling
    The Family Journal 2011 19: 90
    • Students could discuss the complexity of communication and the value to the counseling relationship
  3. Confrontation as therapeutic
    IRA MILLER, Confrontation, Conflict, and the Body Image
    JAM Psychoanal Assoc 1963 11: 66
    • Presents a good case study and illustration of the use of conflict and confrontation in counseling

Chapter 5: Goal Setting: Identifying the "what is desired"

  1. Working relationships, Common Factors and varied theoretical orientations
    Charles J. Gelso and Jean A. Carter, The Relationship in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Components, Consequences, and Theoretical Antecedents
    The Counseling Psychologist 1985 13: 155
    • Provides an opportunity to discuss common factors across different theoretical orientations. Students could identify the subtle differences in the ‘valuing’ of relationship or the desired nature of the relationship across theories
  2. Goal setting (children)
    Phyllis B. Post, Peggy L. Ceballos and Saundra L. Penn, Collaborating With Parents to Establish Behavioral Goals in Child-Centered Play Therapy
    The Family Journal 2012 20: 51 originally published online 8 November 2011
    • While the article focuses on setting behavioral outcome also demonstrates the use of ‘others’ (parents) as part of the therapeutic process. Students could discuss the pro’s and con’s to the inclusion of parents in child play therapy.
  3. Counselor Competence
    Charles R. Ridley, Debra Mollen and Shannon M. Kelly, Beyond Microskills: Toward a Model of Counseling Competence
    The Counseling Psychologist 2011 39: 825 originally published online 31 March 2011
    • Student’s could develop a self-evaluation of their current state of ‘competence’ across the 15 dimensions and even develop a plan for moving forward.

Chapter 6: Moving from "what is" to "what is desired"

  1. Change models
    James O. Prochaska, Decision Making in the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
    Med Decis Making 2008 28: 845 originally published online 17 November 2008
    • Helps student to understand/appreciate the need to help client’s overcome sources of resistance to change.
  2. Intervention/ theories
    Benjamin P. Kelch and Alan Demmitt, Incorporating the Stages of Change Model in Solution Focused Brief Therapy With Non-Substance Families: A Novel and Integrative Approach
    The Family Journal 2010 18: 184 originally published online 10 March 2010
    • Student can discuss the pro’s / con’s of blending theories as models for intervention planning
  3. Goals and Goal Scaling
    Solomon Cytrynbaum, Yigal Ginath, Joel Birdwell and Lauren Brandt, Goal Attainment Scaling: A Critical Review
    Eval Rev 1979 3: 5
    • Article is good to help students begin to appreciate that counseling and the various strategies are not ‘formulaic’. Having students identify the pro/con to the use of goal scaling and reconsider what changes if any has occurred since this article (somewhat dated).

Chapter 7: Practice Accountability: An ethical mandate and a practice necessity

  1. Accountability and Professional identity
    Jeannine R. Studer and Judith A. Sommers, The Professional School Counselor and Accountability
    NASSP Bulletin 2000 84: 93
    • Students could develop a job description and from that articulate criteria upon which to have job performance evaluated.
  2. Outcome Measures
    Danica G. Hays, Introduction to Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation
    Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation 2010 1: 1
    • The scientific-practitioner model can serve as a discussion point for practicing counselors to engage in ‘research’ even if it is ‘action research’ as a way of contributing to the disciplines knowledge base.
  3. Formative assessment (assessing counseling in process)
    Robert L. Fischer, Assessing Client Change in Individual and Family Counseling
    Research on Social Work Practice 2004 14: 102
    • It would be useful to have students generate a survey or scaling questions to assess components of a counseling dynamic that they feel are important to assess each session.

Chapter 8: Counselor Competence: An Ethical Precondition to Successful Intervention

  1. Supervision (models)
    Cal D. Stoltenberg, Brian W. McNeill and Hugh C. Crethar, Persuasion and Development in Counselor Supervision
    The Counseling Psychologist 1995 23: 633
    • Provides insight into existing models of supervision and provides student the opportunity to respond to the pros and cons of each.
  2. Challenges to Supervision
    Gerard Lawson, Special Considerations for the Supervision of Home-Based Counselors
    The Family Journal 2005 13: 437
    • The article provides an opportunity for students to consider the unique needs and challenges of counselor in a variety of settings as they seek supervision
  3. Defining counselor competence
    Charles R. Ridley, Debra Mollen and Shannon M. Kelly, Beyond Microskills: Toward a Model of Counseling Competence
    The Counseling Psychologist 2011 39: 825 originally published online 31 March 2011
    • Provides a stimulus for students to discuss and plan for their own ongoing development of competence.

Chapter 9: Care for the Counselor

  1. Burnout and Self Care
    Bret Hendricks, Loretta J. Bradley, W.Chuck Brogan and Charla Brogan, Shelly: A Case Study Focusing on Ethics and Counselor Wellness
    The Family Journal 2009 17: 355 originally published online 28 September 2009
    • Can the student identify early signs of burnout and suggest steps that could have been taken to reduce the possibility of burnout?
  2. Self-Care
    John Chambers Christopher, Suzanne E. Christopher, Tim Dunnagan and Marc Schure, Teaching Self-Care Through Mindfulness Practices: The Application of Yoga, Meditation, and Qigong to Counselor Training
    Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2006 46: 494
    • Students could identify parts of the program that they could apply to their own self-care
  3. Counselor understanding of self.
    Sharon Rae Jenkins, Jessica L. Mitchell, Stephanie Baird, Sarah Roby Whitfield and Heather Lynn Meyer, The Counselor's Trauma as Counseling Motivation: Vulnerability or
    Stress Inoculation?
    J Interpers Violence 2011 26: 2392 originally published online 18 October 2010
    • Does having a similar experience - be it of trauma, loss, depression, anxiety, etc. as one’s client add or deter from counselor effectiveness?
  4. Compassion Fatigue
    Katherine N. Kinnick, Dean M. Krugman and Glen T. Cameron, Compassion Fatigue: Communication and Burnout toward Social Problems
    Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 1996 73: 687
    • Is it possible that compassion fatigue can occur in counselors as they become more experienced and thus have ‘seen’ it all before?

Chapter 10: The Unfolding Professional Identity

  1. Professional Identity
    C. Bret Hendricks, Introduction: Who Are We? The Role of Ethics in Shaping Counselor Identity
    The Family Journal 2008 16: 258
    • The author invites readers response.... perhaps the student could respond to the author and share perspectives
  2. Self-awareness and understanding as a counselor
    Maria Helena Juergens, Susan Miller Smedema and Norman L. Berven, Willingness of Graduate Students in Rehabilitation Counseling to Discuss Sexuality With Clients
    Rehabil Couns Bull 2009 53: 34 originally published online 6 July 2009
    • While the study focused on comfort with sexual issues - students could identify other client issues for which they may have difficulty in being willing to engage.
  3. Professional Identity
    Sandy Magnuson, The Professional Genogram: Enhancing Professional Identity and Clarity
    The Family Journal 2000 8: 399
    • Students could begin to develop their own genogram reflecting their professional identity
  4. Professional Identity and Professional Development
    Michael H. Rønnestad and Thomas M. Skovholt, The Journey of the Counselor and Therapist: Research Findings and Perspectives on Professional Development
    Journal of Career Development 2003 30: 5
    • Students could react the implication that theirs is a profession that will take a life time to develop.

Authors: Richards D. Parsons and Naijian Zhang

Pub Date: January 2012

Pages: 408

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