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Learning from SAGE Research Article: McDonaldization

Three Strikes as a Public Policy: The Convergence of the New Penology and the McDonaldization of Punishment
David Shichor
Crime & Delinquency, 10 1997; vol. 43: pp. 470 - 492.

Introduction: McDonald's in Question: The Limits of the Mass Market
Todd Stillman
American Behavioral Scientist, 10 2003; vol. 47: pp. 107 - 118.

Spectacular Colleges and Spectacular Rankings: The 'US News' rankings of American 'best' colleges
Gordon C. Chang and J. R. Osborn
Journal of Consumer Culture, 11 2005; vol. 5: pp. 338 - 364.

Puritans, Visionaries and Survivors
Stewart R. Clegg
Organization Studies, 4 2005; vol. 26: pp. 527 - 545.

Ecological Rationalization and Performative Resistance in Natural Area Destinations
Tazim Jamal, Jeffery Everett, and Graham M. S. Dann
Tourist Studies, 8 2003; vol. 3: pp. 143 - 169.

New formations of power, the oligarchic-corporate state, and anthropological ideological discourse
Bruce Kapferer
Anthropological Theory, 9 2005; vol. 5: pp. 285 - 299.

Enron Spectacles: A Critical Dramaturgical Analyis
David M. Boje, Grace Ann Rosile, Rita A. Durant, and John T. Luhman
Organization Studies, 6 2004; vol. 25: pp. 751 - 774.

Modernity and the Emotions: Corporeal Reflections on the (IR)Rational
Simon J. Williams
Sociology, 11 1998; vol. 32: pp. 747 - 769.

Mapping the Culture of Control: Seeing through The Truman Show
J. McGregor Wise
Television & New Media, 2 2002; vol. 3: pp. 29 - 47.