Stewart Clegg
Martin Kornberger
Tyrone Pitsis

Pub Date: Dec 2011

Pages: 712pp

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Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 3e

Online Readings



Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Parker and Jary, 'The McUniversity: organization, management and academic subjectivity', Organization 2 (2): 319–338.

Weick, 'Faith, evidence, and action: better guesses in an unknowable world', Organization Studies 27 (11): 1723–1736.

Cornelissen, Kafouros, and Lock, 'Metaphorical images of organization: how organizational researchers develop and select organizational metaphors', Human Relations 58 (12): 1545–1578.

Sturdy, 'The adoption of management ideas and practices: theoretical perspectives and possibilities', Management Learning 35 (2): 155–179.

March, 'The study of organizations and organizing since 1945', Organization Studies 28 (1): 9–19

Hill, 'Managing across generations in the 21st century: important lessons from the ivory trenches', Journal of Management Inquiry 11 (1): 60–66.


Chapter 2

Lam, K. C. H., Buehler, R., McFarland, C., Ross, M., and Cheung, I. (2005) Cultural Differences in Affective Forecasting: The Role of Focalism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(9): 1296-1309.

Reeder, G. D., Pryor, J. B., Wohl, M. J. A., and Griswell, M. L. (2005) On Attributing Negative Motives to Others Who Disagree With Our Opinions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(11): 1498-1510.

Parashar, S., Dhar, S., and Dhar, U. (2004) Perception of Values: A Study of Future Professionals. Journal of Human Values, 10(2): 143-152.

Held, B. S. (2004) The Negative Side of Positive Psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 44(1): 9-46.


Chapter 3

Slaughter, J. E., and Zicker, M. J. (2006) A New Look at the Role of Insiders in the Newcomer Socialization Process. Group & Organization Management, 31(2): 264-290.

Kanov, J. M., Maitlis, S., Worline, M. C., Dutton, J. E., Frost, P. J., and Lilius J. M. (2004) ‘Compassion in Organizational Life’. American Behavioral Scientist, 47 (6): 808-827.

Granstrom K and Stiwne D (1998) A Bipolar Model of Groupthink: An Expansion of Janis's Concept. Small Group Research, 29(1): 32 - 56.


Chapter 4

Madsen, S. R., and Gygi, J (2005) An interview with John H. Zenger on extraordinary leadership. Journal of Leadership and Organization Studies, 11(3): 119-125.

Herman, S. (2007) Leadership training in a “not-leadership” society. Journal of Management Education 2007; 31(2); 151-155.

Browning, B. W. (2007) Leadership in Desperate Times: An Analysis of Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage through the Lens of Leadership Theory. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(2): 183-198.

Lynham, S. A., and Chermack, T. J. (2006) Responsible Leadership for Performance: A Theoretical Model and Hypotheses. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 12(4): 73-88.

Bolden, R. and Gosling, R. (2006) Leadership Competencies: Time to Change the Tune? Leadership, 2(2): 147-163.


Chapter 5

Rhodes, C. (2001) D'Oh: The Simpsons, Popular Culture, and the Organizational Carnival Journal of Management Inquiry, 10(4): 374-383.

Kaarsemaker, E. C. A., and Poutsma, E (2006) The Fit of Employee Ownership with Other Human Resource Management Practices: Theoretical and Empirical Suggestions Regarding the Existence of an Ownership High-Performance Work System. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27(4): 669-685.

Hill, R. P. (2002) Managing Across Generations in the 21st Century: Important Lessons from the Ivory Trenches. Journal of Management Inquiry, 11(1): 60-66, from our companion site.

Goldman, B. M., Gutek, B. A., Stein J. H., and Lewis, K(2006) Employment Discrimination in Organizations: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Management, 32(6): 786-830.

Becker, B. E. and Huselid, M. (2006) Strategic Human Resources Management: Where Do We Go From Here? Journal of Management, 32(6): 898-925.

Barclay, L. A. and Markel, K. S. (2007) Discrimination and stigmatization in work organizations: A multiple level framework for research on genetic testing. Human Relations, 60(6): 953-980.


Chapter 6

Greener I., (2006) Nick Leeson and the Collapse of Barings Bank: Socio-Technical Networks and the ‘Rogue Trader’, Organization, 13(3):421–441.

Brown, A. D. (2005) Making sense of the collapse of Barings Bank, Human Relations, 58(12): 1579–1604.

Brendan McSweeney (2002) Hofstede's model of national cultural differences and their consequences: A triumph of faith - a failure of analysis, Human Relations, 55(1): 89 – 118.


Chapter 7

Peter Fleming and André Spicer (2003) Working at a Cynical Distance: Implications for Power, Subjectivity and Resistance, Organization, 10(1): pp. 157 – 179.

Thomas B. Lawrence and Nelson Phillips (2004) From Moby Dick to Free Willy: Macro-Cultural Discourse and Institutional Entrepreneurship in Emerging Institutional Fields, Organization, (11)5: 689–711.

Christine Räisänen and Anneli Linde (2004) Technologizing Discourse to Standardize Projects in Multi-Project Organizations: Hegemony by Consensus? Organization, 11(1): 101-121.

Nestar Russell and Robert Gregory (2005) Making the Undoable Doable: Milgram, the Holocaust, and Modern Government, The American Review of Public Administration, 35(4): 327-349.

David Buchanan and Andrzej Huczynski (2004) Images of Influence: 12 Angry Men and Thirteen Days, Journal of Management Inquiry, 13(4): 312–323.


Chapter 8

Gioia, Dennis A, (2006) On Weick: An Appreciation. Organization Studies, 27(11): 1709-1721.

Barry, David, Carroll, Brigid, Hansen, Hans. (2006) To Text or Context? Endotextual, Exotextual, and Multi-textual Approaches to Narrative and Discursive Organizational Studies. Organization Studies, 27 (8): 1091-1110.

Maguire, Steve and Hardy, Cynthia, (2006) The Emergence of New Global Institutions: A Discursive Perspective, Organization Studies, 27 (1): 7-29, 23.

Gazi Islam and Michael Zyphur, (2007) Ways of interacting: The standardization of communication in medical training. Human Relations, 60(5): 769-972.


Chapter 9

Ewenstein, B., and Whyte, J. (2007) Beyond Words: Aesthetic Knowledge and Knowing in Organizations, Organization Studies, 28(5): 689-708.

Vaast. E. (2007) What Goes Online Comes Offline: Knowledge Management System Use in a Soft Bureaucracy, Organization Studies, 28(3): 282-306.


Chapter 10

Lounsbury, Michael and Crumley, Ellen T. (2007) New Practice Creation: An Institutional Perspective on Innovation. Organization Studies, 28 (7): 6993-1012.

Schatzki, Theodore R, (2006) On Organizations as they happen. Organization Studies, 27(12): 1863-1873.

Schein, Edgar H, (2006) From Brainwashing to Organizational Therapy: A Conceptual and Empirical Journey in Search of 'Systemic' Health and a General Model of Change Dynamics. A Drama in Five Acts. Organization Studies. 27(2): 287-301.

Inger Stensaker and Joyce Falkenberg, (2007) Making sense of different responses to corporate change. Human Relations., 60(1): 137-177.


Chapter 11

Moore, Geoff and Beadle, Ron, (2006) In Search of Organizational Virtue in Business: Agents, Goods, Practices, Institutions and Environments. Organization Studies, 27(3): 369-389.

Moberg, Dennis J, (2006) Ethics Blind Spots in Organizations: How Systematic Errors in Persons Perception Undermine Moral Agency. Organization Studies, 27(3): 413-428.

Martin Kornberger and Andrew D Brown, (2007) 'Ethics' as a discursive resource for identity work. In Human Relations, 60(3): 497-518.


Chapter 12

Hoskin, K. (2004) Spacing, Timing and the Invention of Management. Organization, 11(6): 743-757.

Bahnisch, M (2000) Embodied Work, Divided Labour: Subjectivity and the Scientific Management of the Body in Frederick W. Taylor's 1907 `Lecture on Management'. Body & Society 6(1): 51-68.

James D. Grant and Albert J. Mills (2006) The quiet Americans: Formative context, the Academy of Management leadership, and the management textbook, 1936–1960. Management & Organizational History, 1(2): 201-224.

Spencer, D. A. (2000) Braverman and the Contribution of Labour Process Analysis to the Critique of Capitalist Production - Twenty-Five Years on. Work, Employment & Society, 14(2): 223-243.

Bryan S. Turner (2003) McDonaldization: Linearity and Liquidity in Consumer Cultures. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(10): 137-153.


Chapter 13

Clegg, S. R. (2005) Puritans, Visionaries and Survivors. Organization Studies, 26(4): 527-545.

Graham Sewell’s (2005) Nice Work? Rethinking Managerial Control in an Era of Knowledge Work. Organization, 12(5): 685-704.

Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen and Frank Dobbin (2006) In Search of Identity and Legitimation: Bridging Organizational Culture and Neoinstitutionalism. American Behavioral Scientist, 49(7): 897-907.

M. Tina Dacin, Marc J. Ventresca, and Brent D. Beal (1999) The Embeddedness of Organizations: Dialogue & Directions. Journal of Management, 25(6): 317-356.

Simone Ghezzi and Enzo Mingione (2007) Embeddedness, Path Dependency and Social Institutions: An Economic Sociology Approach. Current Sociology, 55(1): 11-23.

Chapter 14

Lisl Klein (2006) Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture: Applied social science: Is it just common sense? Human Relations, 59(8): 1155-1172.

Lex Donaldson (2005) Vita Contemplativa: Following the Scientific Method: How I Became a Committed Functionalist and Positivist. Organization Studies, 26(7):1071-1088.

Eric J. Walton (2005) The Persistence of Bureaucracy: A Meta-analysis of Weber’s Model of Bureaucratic Control. Organization Studies, 26(4): 569-600.

Dan Karreman and Mats Alvesson (2004) Cages in Tandem: Management Control, Social Identity, and Identification in a Knowledge-Intensive Firm. Organization, 11(1): 149 - 175.

Dunford, R., Palmer, I., Benveniste, J., and Crawford J. (2007) Coexistence of ‘old’ and ‘new’ organizational practices: Transitory phenomenon or enduring feature? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 45(1): 24–43.

Premilla D’Cruz and Ernesto Noronha (2006) Being Professional: Organizational Control in Indian Call Centers. Social Science Computer Review, 24(3): 342-361.


Chapter 15

Paul W.L. Vlaar, Frans A.J. Van den Bosch, and Henk W. Volberda (2006) Coping with Problems of Understanding in Interorganizational Relationships: Using Formalization as a Means to Make Sense. Organization Studies, 27(11): 1617–1638.

Mike Geppert and Karen Williams (2003) Change Management in MNCs: How Global Convergence Intertwines with National Diversities. Organization Studies, 27(4): 491-515.

M. Geppert and D. Matten (2006) Institutional Influences on Manufacturing Organization in Multinational Corporations: The ‘Cherrypicking’ Approach. Organization Studies, 27(4): 491-515.

Glenn Morgan and Peer Hull Kristensen (2006) The contested space of multinationals: Varieties of institutionalism, varieties of capitalism. Human Relations, 59(11): 1467-1490.

Yong Suk Jang (2005) The Expansion of Modern Accounting as a Global and Institutional Practice. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46(8): 297-326.