Authors:Judith Green and Nicki Thorogood

Pub Date: November 2013

Pages: 376

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Welcome to the companion website for the third edition of Qualitative Methods for Health Research by Judith Green and Nicki Thorogood.

About the Book

The Third Edition of this bestselling introduction to health research is packed full of real-world advice for researchers and students. It is an invaluable introduction to the theoretical and practical essentials needed to design, conduct and appraise qualitative research regardless of the level of experience.
The book highlights core research skills, taking the reader through the key debates in qualitative methodology. It sets out a logical, easy-to-follow path through the entire research process including the key methods for collecting and analyzing qualitative data. At every stage, theory is supported by practical examples and case studies ensuring students in the fields of public health, health services research, nursing and health promotion will find it engaging and relevant.

Clear, thorough and articulate, this is an authoritative introduction to qualitative research for all health professionals and students.

“Revised and updated for a third edition, Green and Thorogood’s excellent textbook provides a solid grounding for health professionals in the theory and practice of qualitative research methods. This new edition, with an increased focus on data management and analysis, will remain the core qualitative methods textbook for our Master in Public Health Programme.”

Dr Stephen Clayton, Director of Studies for the Online Master of Public Health, Institute of Learning & Teaching, The University of Liverpool.

Judith Green is a Professor in Sociology of Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Nicki Thorogood is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Instructor Resources

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This site is designed to help create a significant learning opportunity for your students by encouraging active participation, experience and reflection.

The lecturer resources section of the site contains detailed PowerPoint slides to accompany each chapter of the book.

Student Resources

The following resources are freely available to students using the third edition of Qualitative Methods for Health Research:

  • Further Reading: journal articles picked by the authors to help further your understanding of each chapter topic
  • Weblinks: carefully selected online resources relevant to each chapter, with explanatory notes
  • Case Studies: easy to download case studies taken from the book
  • Reflective Questions to accompany each chapter
  • Glossary Flashcards: test your knowledge with these interactive flashcards.