Chapter Resources

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Chapter 1: The Study of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Chapter 2: Scientific Research and Statistical Analysis

Chapter 3: Basic Descriptive Univariate Analysis

Chapter 4: Describing Univariate Distributions

Chapter 5: Distributions: Normal and Otherwise

Chapter 6: An Introduction to Probability Theory and Probability Distributions

Chapter 7: Univariate Inferential Statistics: Sampling Distributions and Population Parameter

Chapter 8: Bivariate Hypothesis Testing with Nominal and Ordinal Variables

Chapter 9: Bivariate Hypothesis Testing for the Difference Between Two Means

Chapter 10: Bivariate Hypothesis Testing with One-Way Analysis of Variance

Chapter 11: Bivariate Linear Regression and Correlation and Linear Partial Regression and Correlation

Chapter 12: Multivariate Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis and Logistic Regression-An Introduction

Chapter 13: Nonparametric Statistics

  • Chapter Quiz
    • Web Resources
    • National Institute of Justice
      The US National Institute of Justice (NIJ) website contains a wealth of information helpful to any person interested in crime statistics the noun in various formats, from raw data to reports to podcasts and videos.
    • The Crime Report
      Created by a group of journalists with an avid interest in criminal justice-related issues, the Crime Report website is a treasure of information and perspective.  Among other things, on its “Resources” section, it has a “Media Toolkit” feature that provides contact info of individuals and agencies expert on certain topics like gun violence, drugs, corrections, and law enforcement.
    • Crime Magazine: an Encyclopedia of Crime
      With a penchant for stimulating thinking on crime-related topics, the Crime Magazine provides a springboard to explore with emperical reality.  The content from Crime Magazine challenges the reader to find and analyze evidence in order to test the fascinating ideas presented.

Chapter 14: Real Life Adventures of Statistics Users

Chapter 15: Summary and Conclusions

Authors: Jack Fitzgerald and Jerry Fitzgerald

Pub Date: January 2013

Pages: 608

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