When to use factor analysis

In science we often need to measure things that cannot be measured directly (so-called latent variables). For example, management researchers might be interested in measuring 'burnout', which is when someone who has been working very hard on a project (a book, for example) for a prolonged period of time suddenly finds himself devoid of motivation, inspiration, and wants to repeatedly headbutt their computer, screaming 'please, Mike, unlock the door, let me out of the basement, I need to feel the soft warmth of sunlight on my skin'. You can't measure burnout directly: it has many facets. However, you can measure different aspects of burnout: you could get some idea of motivation, stress levels, whether the person has any new ideas and so on. Having done this, it would be helpful to know whether these facets reflect a single variable. Put another way, are these different measures driven by the same underlying variable?

This chapter explores factor analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) - techniques for identifying clusters of variables. These techniques have three main uses: (1) to understand the structure of a set of variables (e.g., Spearman and Thurstone used factor analysis to try to understand the structure of the latent variable 'intelligence'); (2) to construct a questionnaire to measure an underlying variable (e.g., you might design a questionnaire to measure burnout); and (3) to reduce a data set to a more manageable size while retaining as much of the original information as possible (e.g., factor analysis can be used to solve the problem of multicollinearity that we discovered in Chapter 8 by combining variables that are collinear).

There are numerous examples of the use of factor analysis in science. Most readers will be familiar with the extroversionintroversion and neuroticism traits measured by Eysenck (1953). Most other personality questionnaires are also based on factor analysis - notably Cattell's (1966a) 16 personality factors questionnaire - and these inventories are frequently used for recruiting purposes in industry (and even by some religious groups). Economists, for example, might also use factor analysis to see whether productivity, profits and workforce can be reduced down to an underlying dimension of company growth, and Jeremy Miles told me of a biochemist who used it to analyse urine samples.

Both factor analysis and PCA aim to reduce a set of variables into a smaller set of dimensions (called 'factors' in factor analysis and 'components' in PCA). To non-statisticians, like me, the differences between a component and a factor are difficult to conceptualize (they are both linear models), and the differences are hidden away in the maths behind the techniques.1 However, there are important differences between the techniques, which I'll discuss in due course. Most of the practical issues are the same regardless of whether you do factor analysis or PCA, so once the theory is over you can apply any advice I give to either factor analysis or PCA.

1 PCA is not the same as factor analysis. This doesn't stop idiots like me from discussing them as though they are. I tend to focus on the similarities between the techniques, which will reduce some statisticians (and psychologists) to tears. I'm banking on these people not needing to read this book, so I'll take my chances because I think it's easier for you if I give you a general sense of what the procedures do and not obsess too much about their differences. Once you have got the basics under your belt, feel free to obsess about their differences and complain to all of your friends about how awful the book by that imbecile Field is...