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Introduction to the Web-Based Study Site

This student study site is intended to enhance your use of the text, Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling: A Life Story Approach by Sara E. Schwarzbaum and Anita Jones Thomas. All the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing the potential for students to learn and enhance class discussions and the development of skills in understanding the dynamics of multicultural counseling.

The study site contains a variety of student resources including section overviews, SAGE journal articles, classic journal articles, a list of relevant films on multiculutral counseling, podcasts, and streaming videos of selected stories in the text.

SAGE Journal Articles

There are 108 SAGE journal articles that can be downloaded off the student study site at

The full text research articles are presented by Section, so that students can identify the key topics covered. Links are provided to the journal in which the articles were orginally published.

Classic Journal Articles

This is a list of classic articles in multicultural counseling that can be used for research, presentation ideas, and personal reference.

List of Films

You will find a list of films compiled by Susan B. Goldstein, University of Redlands. This is organized by multicultural topics. They are: The Concepts of Culture and Ethnicity, Culture and Research, Basic Processes, Culture and Developmental Processes, Personality, Emotion, and the Self in Cultural Context, Health, Stress, and Coping Across Cultures, Culture and Social Behavior, Intergroup Relations, and Intercultural Interaction.


For a more practical understanding of the effects of cultural factors, five podcasts are included on this study site. They are read from five stories in the book. You will find the stories of Anthony, Bob, Butch, Karen, and Maribel in a downloadable podcast format.

Streaming Videos

In addition to the podcasts we've included two videos of the actual story tellers (Julie and Esteban), to offer an enhanced depth of understanding of how cultural factors influence personal identity, worldviews, and mental health.

Link to the SAGE Inc.Web Site

On the SAGE Web Site, you can find books for learning and research, a number to call for customer service, and a listing of other SAGE products.

We welcome feedback on the extent to which this manual is helpful in preparing classes as well as devising tests and assignments. Because many instructors are always looking for new and interesting ways to teach their courses, suggestions for additional readings, exercises, or resources would also be appreciated. Please email Veronica Novak, Senior Editorial Assistant, at, should you have any suggestions or criticisms.

Acknowledgments and Thanks

A number of people should be acknowledged and thanked for their hard work in developing the material for this student study site as well as the production and design of the study site itself.

Thanks to Sara Schwarzbaum for her patience and dedication to the task of composing the content material, soliciting readers for the stories, and convincing the two storytellers to video tape their stories. In addition to Sara, I want to thank her coauthor, Anita Jones Thomas, for her enduring patience and input throughout the creation of the content.

Finally, a big thank you to Nelly Vasquez and Monica Avila at SAGE for performing their technical magic to make the podcasts and streaming videos run on the site and to Melissa Ranalli and Rebecca Sanchez at VPG for their technical expertise in producing these products.