Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Fourth Edition 4e

Authors: Ola W. Barnett, Cindy L. Miller-Perrin, and Robin D. Perrin

Pub Date: December 2010

Pages: 896

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About the Book

Streamlined and updated throughout with state-of-the-art information, this Third Edition of the bestselling Family Violence Across the Lifespan: An Introduction gives readers an accessible introduction to the methodology, etiology, prevalence, treatment, and prevention of family violence. Research from experts in the fields of psychology, sociology, criminology, and social welfare informs the book’s broad coverage of current viewpoints and debates within the field. Organized chronologically, chapters cover child physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; abused and abusive adolescents; courtship violence and date rape; spouse abuse, battered women, and batterers; and elder abuse.

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This site is designed to help create a significant learning opportunity for your students by encouraging active participation, experience and reflection.

Student Study Site

This Web-based student study site is intended to enhance students' understanding of Family Violence Across the Lifespan: An Introduction, 3rd Edition by Ola W. Barnett, Cindy L. Miller-Perrin, and Robin D. Perrin. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing the potential for students to learn and enhance class discussion.

Acknowledgment and Thanks
We would like to thank Maryse Nazon for updating and creating the test bank and PowerPoint; Vicky Verano for her work on the student activities, discussion questions, web resources, and case studies; and Sarah Feuerbach for her work on the chapter outlines, journal articles, quizzes, and audio and video links.