Clive Seale

Pub Date: December 2011
Pages: 648

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Clive Seale
Journal Articles

Here you will find journal articles that can help you develop your knowledge. Click on the chapter to find the relevant articles.

1 Introduction and guide to using this book

2 Introduction to the philosophy of science

3 Research and theory

4 Research and policy

5 Ethics and social research

6 Doing a literature review

7 Research questions and proposals

8 Research design

9 Sampling

10 Doing a dissertation

11 Structured methods: interviews, questionnaires and observation

12 Qualitative interviewing

13 Focus groups

14 Doing ethnography

15 Doing historical and documentary research

16 Visual analysis

17 Secondary analysis and official statistics

18 Preparing data for statistical analysis

19 Statistical reasoning: from one to two variables

20 Statistical reasoning: causal arguments and multivariate analysis

21 Coding and analysing qualitative data

22 Generating grounded theory

23 Discourse analysis

24 Analysing conversation

25 Narrative analysis and interpretive phenomenological analysis

26 Content and comparative keyword analysis

27 Combining qualitative and quantitative methods

28 Writing a research report

29 Giving oral presentations

30 Validity, reliability and the quality of research

31 When things go wrong