Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Fourth Edition

Authors: Neil J. Salkind

Pub Date: September 2010

Pages: 472

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About the Book

The Fourth Edition of Neil J. Salkind's bestselling text introduces students to the fundamentals of basic statistics in an informative, personable, and unintimidating way. The author expertly guides students through various statistical procedures, beginning with basic descriptive statistics and correlation and graphical representation of data and ending with inferential techniques including analysis of variance.

The Fourth Edition includes a new chapter (Chapter 10) on the one same z test, offering a further introduction to inferential statistics. Additional practice exercises have also been added to the end of each chapter, varying in their level of application. A new appendix E offers a refresher on basic arithmetic operations and includes accompanying exercises. Finally, the rich pedagogical features in the new edition include sidebars offering additional technical information about the topics presented and points that reinforce major themes in the book.

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This Web-based student study site is intended to enhance students' understanding of Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, 4th Edition by Neil Salkind. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing the potential for students to learn and enhance class discussion.