Learning From SAGE Journal Articles

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Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview of White-Collar Crime: A Systems Perspective

Sills, S. J. & Chunyan, S. (2002). Innovations in survey research: An application of web-based surveys. Social Science Computer Review, 20(1), 22-30.

  1. What are some problems associated with using web-based surveys?
  2. How can researchers improve the response rate for web-based surveys?
  3. What are some of the advantages of using a survey administered through the internet?

Calvey, D. (2008). The art and politics of covert research: Doing ‘situated ethics’ in the field. Sociology, 42(5), 905-918.

  1. What are some of the ethical concerns associated with covert research?
  2. What are some of the advantages of conducting covert research?
  3. What is meant by the concept of "situated ethics"?
  4. How could covert research be applied to the study of white-collar offending?

Chapter 2: Understanding White-Collar Crime: Definitions, Extent, and Consequences

Piquero, N. L., Carmichael, S., & Piquero, A. R. (2008). Research note: Assessing the perceived seriousness of white-collar and street crimes. Crime and Delinquency, 54(2), 291-312.

  1. Why is it important to understand public perceptions of white-collar offending?
  2. According to the findings of this study, did the public view white-collar crime as less than street crime?
  3. Which variables were associated with an individual's perception of the seriousness of white-collar crime?

Moore, E. & Mills, M. (1990). The neglected victims and unexamined costs of white-collar crime. Crime & Delinquency, 36(3), 408-418.

  1. What are the primary costs associated with white-collar victimization?
  2. What are the secondary consequences of white-collar crime and how do they affect society?
  3. According to the authors, why has the victim's movement traditionally overlooked white-collar crime victims?

Robin, G. D. (1974). White-collar crime and employee theft. Crime & Delinquency, 20(3), 251-262.

  1. How did Sutherland originally define white-collar crime?
  2. Why is there so much confusion about the definition of white-collar crime?
  3. What is occupational deviance?

Copes, H. & Vieraitis, L. M. (2009). Understanding identity theft: Offenders' accounts of their lives and crime. Criminal Justice Review, 34(3), 329-349.

  1. What are the differences between the populist and the patrician definitions of white-collar crime?
  2. How common is identity theft?
  3. What are the typical methods used by identity thieves to commit their crime?

Chapter 3: Crimes in Sales-Related Occupations: A Systems Perspective

Krippel, G. L., Henderson, L. R., Keene, M. A., Levi, M., & Converse, K.(2008). Employee theft and the coastal South Carolina hospitality industry: Incidence, detection, and response (survey results 2000,2005). Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(3), 226-238.

  1. Why is the hospitality industry particularly susceptible to employee theft?
  2. What did the authors find was the most common item stolen by employees?
  3. What was the demographic profile of employee thieves that emerged in this study?

Ghiselli, R. & Ismail, J. A. (1998). Employee theft and efficacy of certain control procedures in commercial food and service operations. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 22(2), 174-187.

  1. What were the three most common types of theft reported by food service employees in this study?
  2. How is age related to employee theft?
  3. What are some of the theft prevention measures recommended by the authors?

Chapter 4: Crimes in the Health Care System

Payne, B. K. & Gray, C. (2001). Fraud by home health care workers and the criminal justice response. Criminal Justice Review, 26(2), 209-232.

  1. What are the seven forms of Medicaid fraud discussed in this article?
  2. How has the criminal justice system reacted to Medicaid fraud?
  3. What did the authors find to be the most common form of Medicaid fraud?

Vaughn, M. S. & Collins, S. C. (2004). Medical malpractice in correctional facilities: State tort remedies for inappropriate health care administration to prisoners. The Prison Journal, 84(4), 505-534.

  1. What is medical malpractice?
  2. What are the four categories of medical malpractice examined within this article?
  3. What are some of the possible paths of recourse available to inmates who are victims of medical malpractice within a correctional institution?

Dabney, D. A. & Hollinger, R. C. (1999). Illicit prescription drug use among pharmacists: Evidence of a paradox of familiarity. Work and Occupations, 26(1), 77-106.

  1. What factors contribute to illegal drug use by pharmacists?
  2. How did the pharmacists interviewed justify their drug use?
  3. The authors discuss the "paradox of familiarity".  What do they mean by this phrase and how does it apply to pharmacists' drug use?

Dabney, D. A. & Vaughn, M. S. (2000). Incompetent jail and prison doctors. The Prison Journal, 80(2), 151-183.

  1. How is the socialization process of doctors employed in correctional institutions different from doctors employed in the free world?
  2. What were some of the consequences that prisoners encountered due to inadequate medical care?
  3. According to the findings of this study, were incompetent prison doctors punished harshly for their behavior?

Chapter 5: Crime in Systems of Social Control: White-Collar Crime in Criminal Justice, Political, and Religious Systems

Wolfe, S. E. & Piquero, A. R. (2011). Organizational justice and police misconduct. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38(4), 332-353.

  1. What are the three key elements to the organizational justice paradigm?
  2. How does the organizational justice model contribute to an understanding of police officer deviance?
  3. According to the results, how do peer associations influence police misconduct?

Kramer, R. C., Michalowski, R. J., & Kauzlarich, D. (2002). The origins and development of the concept and theory of state-corporate crime. Crime & Delinquency, 42(2), 263-282.

  1. How is occupational crime different from corporate crime?
  2. How is state corporate crime defined and how has this definition evolved?
  3. What are the three key features of the concept of state corporate crime?

Terry, K. J. (2008). Stained glass: The nature and scope of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(5), 549-569.

  1. Why is difficult to identify the rate of child sexual abuse committed by religious officials?
  2. What was the Church's common response to abusers?
  3. Who were the most common victims of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church?

Chapter 6: Crimes in the Educational System

Kalof, L., Eby, K. K., Matheson, J. L., & Kroska, R. J. (2001). The influence of race and gender on student self-reports of sexual harassment by college professors, Gender & Society, 15(2), 282-302.

  1. What is sexual harassment?
  2. What was the most common form of harassment found by the researchers?
  3. Why might students be reluctant to report sexual harassment committed by a faculty member?

Perry, B. (2010). Exploring academic misconduct: Some insights into student behavior, Active Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), 97-108.

  1. How does the author define plagiarism?
  2. What contributes to students' confusion about the definition of plagiarism?
  3. What are the different typologies of cheaters outlined in the article?
  4. What can be done to prevent the different types of plagiarism on college campuses?

Chapter 7: Crime in the Economic and Technological Systems

Selwyn, N. (2008). A safe haven for misbehaving?: An investigation of online misbehavior among university students. Social Science Computer Review, 26(4), 446-465.

  1. How is cyber-crime different from "cyber-misbehavior"?
  2. Did respondents report widespread online misbehavior?
  3. How did students defend their actions?

Morris, R. G. & Higgins, G. E. (2009). Neutralizing potential and self-reported digital piracy: A multitheoretical exploration among college undergraduates. Criminal Justice Review, 34(2), 173-195.

  1. What is digital piracy and what are the costs of this type of crime?
  2. Which theoretical models found support within this study and how did they explain digital piracy?
  3. How did the sample used in this study limit the generalizability of the findings?

Calavita, K. & Pontell, H. N. (1990). "Heads I win, tails you lose": Deregulation, crime, and crisis in the savings and loan industry. Crime & Delinquency, 36(3), 309-341.

  1. How did deregulation contribute to the savings and loan crisis?
  2. What is collective embezzlement?
  3. How does finance capitalism promote corporate crime?

Szockyj, E. (1993). Insider trading: The SEC meets Carl Karcher. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 525(1), 46-58.

  1. When does insider trading become illegal?
  2. Who is Carl Karcher and what did he do that was against the law?
  3. According to the author, what makes a white-collar case, specifically an insider trading case, tough to prosecute?

Chapter 8: Crimes in the Housing System

Aalbers, M. B. (2006). 'When the banks withdraw, slum landlords take over': The structuration of neighbourhood decline through redlining, drug dealing, speculation, and immigrant exploitation. Urban Studies, 43(7), 1061-1086.

  1. How is "neighborhood decline" conceptualized?
  2. What is redlining and blockbusting?
  3. Should these behaviors be considered a form of white-collar crime or just dishonesty on the part of the real estate and loan industry?

Palmer, D. & Maher, M. W. (2010). The mortgage meltdown as normal accident wrongdoing. Strategic Organization, 8(1), 83-91.

  1. What are the claims of normal accident theory?
  2. How is wrongdoing distinguished from a "normal accident" and are the two distinct concepts?
  3. How are "normal accidents" and wrongdoing related?
  4. How are the two concepts of "normal accident" and wrongdoing evident in the American mortgage crisis?

Hirsch, P. & Morris, M. (2010). Immoral but not illegal: Monies vs. mores amid the mortgage meltdown. Strategic Organization, 8(1), 69-74.

  1. What is the difference between the legal responsibility and the ethical responsibility of mortgage brokers?
  2. What is the doctrine of "moral hazard" and how has it protected mortgage brokers from liability?
  3. How does the particular philosophical stance of a given period influence the judicial response to the actions of businesses, such as the mortgage industry?

Chapter 9: Crimes by the Corporate System

Barnett, H. C. (1981). Corporate capitalism, corporate crime. Crime & Delinquency, 27(1), 4-23.

  1. How can American corporate capitalism perpetuate corporate crime?
  2. What are the conflicting goals of the criminal justice response to corporate crime?
  3. According to the author what must be done to reduce corporate crime?

Williams, J. W. (2008). The lessons of 'Enron': Media accounts, corporate crimes, and financial markets. Theoretical Criminology, 12(4), 471-499.

  1. Why is it important to examine the media's portrayal of corporate crime scandals?
  2. Two main themes emerged with regard to media coverage of corporate scandals, attributional and recovery discourses.  What characterizes these two distinct themes?
  3. According to the author, how does the media shape the concept of the American financial market?

Chapter 10: Environmental Crime

Barnett, H. (1999). The land ethic and environmental crime. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 10(2), 161-191.

  1. What is Leopold's "land ethic" and how does it relate to environmental crime?
  2. What types of behaviors fall between harmful environmental behaviors and environmental crimes?
  3. How do American philosophical views of nature conflict with the "land ethic" approach?

Simon, D. R. (2000). Corporate environmental crimes and social inequality: New directions for environmental justice research. American Behavioral Scientist, 43(4), 633-645.

  1. Why is it important to study the upper classes' role in environmental crime?
  2. Which industries are responsible for the bulk of environmental crime?
  3. What is meant by the phrase "environmental racism" and what are some examples of "environmental racism"?
  4. What is the government's role in environmental crime and how does their role influence the policing of corporate environmental offenders?

Chapter 11: Explaining White-Collar Crime

Braithwaite, J. (1991). Power, poverty, white collar crime, and the paradoxes of criminological theory. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 24(1), 40-58.

  1. According to Braithwaite, how does inequality lead to crime?
  2. How does the author reconceptualize the concept of "need" and how is need different from greed?
  3. What is the role of humiliation in the commission of crime?

Benson, M. L. & Moore, E. (1992). Are white-collar and common offenders the same?: An empirical and theoretical critique of a recently proposed general theory of crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 29(3), 251-272.

  1. What is the underlying proposition of Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory of crime?
  2. What assumptions about white-collar and street offenders are derived from the general theory of crime?
  3. Overall, was support found for Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory of crime?

Chapter 12: Policing White-Collar Crime

Rothschild, J. (2008). Freedom of speech denied, dignity assaulted: What the whistleblowers experience in the U.S.. Current Sociology, 56(6), 884-903.

  1. What were the three motivations whistleblowers discussed in interviews with the author?
  2. What reasons does the author provide for the increase in whistle blowing?
  3. How does the act of whistle blowing extend beyond the single corporation involved in illegal behavior? In other words, what are the greater social implications of whistle blowing?

Chapman, B. & Denniss, R. (2005). Using financial incentives and income contingent penalties to detect and punish collusion and insider trading. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 38(1), 122-140.

  1. What constitutes collusion and insider trading?
  2. Why are these types of corporate crime hard to uncover?
  3. What incentives does the author recommend to induce individuals to report suspicious corporate behavior?
  4. How could these incentives possibly lead to increased corporate reprisal for whistleblowers?

Chapter 13: Judicial Proceedings and White-Collar Crime

Stenning, P. C. & Shearing, C. D. (1984). Corporate justice: Some preliminary thoughts. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 17(2), 79-86.

  1. What are the core elements of corporate justice and how is it different from the traditional criminal justice approach?
  2. Why have corporations preferred this method of justice over the criminal justice response?
  3. Is the corporate justice model better equipped to deal with white-collar offending?

Benson, M. L., Cullen, F. T., & Maakestad, W. J. (1990). Local prosecutors and corporate crime. Crime & Delinquency, 36(3), 356-372.

  1. Why is it difficult to prosecute white-collar cases?
  2. Why is it important to understand prosecutor's perceptions of white-collar offending?
  3. Did prosecutors in this study view white-collar crime as a very serious issue?
  4. What type of offense is deflecting attention away from white-collar criminal prosecution?

Chapter 14: The Corrections Subsystem and White-Collar Crime

Kerley, K. R. & Copes, H. (2004). The effects of criminal justice contact on employment stability for white-collar and street-level offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 48(1), 65-84.

  1. What are some of the negative effects associated with criminal justice interaction for offenders in general?
  2. How does race effect job stability after criminal justice contact and are the effects of race different for white-collar and street-crime offenders?
  3. Which group of offenders were more likely to recover after contact with the criminal justice system?
  4. How does the number of arrests and age of first arrest influence job stability post-contact with the criminal justice system for white-collar offenders?

Unnever, J. D., Benson, M. L., & Cullen, F. T. (2008). Public support for getting tough on corporate crime: Racial and political divides. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 45(2), 163-190.

  1. What did the authors discover about public opinion of penalties for white-collar offenders?
  2. Which characteristics were found to influence an individual's opinion of punishments for white-collar criminals?
  3. What factors explain the divergent opinions of different groups toward white-collar offending?

Author: Brian K. Payne

Pub Date: March 2012

Pages: 472

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