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Learning from Journal Articles

Looking for some interesting research to review? You'll find it here! The following article selection matrix outlines a set of articles that illustrate key concepts introduced throughout Making Sense of the Social World, Third Edition. The headings in the article selection matrix identify the text chapters that are most relevant to each article. The numbers shown in the headings link to the article review questions that you should emphasize when you read the article. Article review questions are listed below the table. The other review articles are also relevant, but the focus should be on those questions with the links. Links are provided to overviews of the research or to the full text of the articles.


First Author Year Topic Theory, Philosophy
Concepts, Measures
(7, 11, 12)
(13, 14)
Units, Times
(8, 9)
(18, 19)
2008 Policing X   X     X Secondary Quant
2001 Anger X X X X X X Survey Quant
2001 Women, War X   X       Interviews Qual
2004 Research Ethics X X         Participant Observation Qual
2003 Juvenile Justice     X     X Secondary Quant
2000 Family Roles     X       Survey Quant
1999 Corrections     X X X X Survey Quant
2004 Media     X X     Survey Quant
2003 Sexual Abuse         X X Secondary Quant
2003 Casinos & Crime X   X X   X Experiment Quant
2003 Drug Use X X X X X X Survey Quant
2003 Ethnic Identity X   X       Interviews Qual
2005 Criminology       X   X Demographic/ Comparative Quant

Links to the home pages for each journal are provided below:

Journal Web Sites


Article Review Questions

The questions below are designed to guide your reading of an entire research article.

  1. What is the basic research question, or problem? Try to state it in just one sentence. (Chapter 2)   top

  2. Is the purpose of the study explanatory, evaluative, exploratory, or descriptive? Did the study have more than one purpose? (Chapter 1)   top

  3. What prior literature was reviewed? Was it relevant to the research problem? To the theoretical framework? Does the literature review appear to be adequate? Are you aware of (or can you locate) any important studies that have been omitted? (Chapter 2)   top

  4. Was a theoretical framework presented? What was it? Did it seem appropriate for the research question addressed? Can you think of a different theoretical perspective that might have been used? (Chapter 2)   top

  5. How well did the study live up to the guidelines for science? Do you need additional information in any areas to evaluate the study? To replicate it? (Chapter 2)   top

  6. Did the study seem consistent with current ethical standards? Were any trade-offs made between different ethical guidelines? Was an appropriate balance struck between adherence to ethical standards and use of the most rigorous scientific practices? (Chapter 2)   top

  7. Were any hypotheses stated? Were these hypotheses justified adequately in terms of the theoretical framework? In terms of prior research? (Chapter 2)   top

  8. Was the study design cross-sectional or longitudinal, or did it use both types of data? If the design was longitudinal, what type of longitudinal design was it? Could the longitudinal design have been improved in any way, as by collecting panel data rather than trend data, or by decreasing the dropout rate in a panel design? If cross--sectional data were used, could the research question have been addressed more effectively with longitudinal data? (Chapter 2)   top

  9. What were the units of analysis? Were they appropriate for the research question? If some groups were the units of analysis, were any statements made at any point that are open to the ecological fallacy? If individuals were the units of analysis, were any statements made at any point that suggest reductionist reasoning? (Chapter 2)   top

  10. Did the study seem consistent with current ethical standards? Were any trade-offs made between different ethical guidelines? Was an appropriate balance struck between adherence to ethical standards and use of the most rigorous scientific practices? (Chapter 3)   top

  11. What were the major concepts in the research? How, and how clearly, were they defined? Were some concepts treated as unidimensional that you think might best be thought of as multidimensional? (Chapter 4)   top

  12. Did the instruments used, the measures of the variables, seem valid and reliable? How did the authors attempt to establish this? Could any more have been done in the study to establish measurement validity? (Chapter 4)   top

  13. Was a sample or the entire population of elements used in the study? What type of sample was selected? Was a probability sampling method used? Did the authors think the sample was generally representative of the population from which it was drawn? Do you? How would you evaluate the likely generalizability of the findings to other populations? (Chapter 5)   top

  14. Was the response rate or participation rate reported? Does it appear likely that those who did not respond or participate were markedly different from those who did participate? Why or why not? Did the author(s) adequately discuss this issue? (Chapters 5, 7)   top

  15. Were any causal assertions made or implied in the hypotheses or in subsequent discussion? What approach was used to demonstrate the existence of causal effects? Were all five issues in establishing causal relationships addressed? What, if any, variables were controlled in the analysis to reduce the risk of spurious relationships? Should any other variables have been measured and controlled? How satisfied are you with the internal validity of the conclusions? (Chapter 6)   top

  16. Was an experimental, survey, or participant observation research design used? How well was this design suited to the research question posed and the specific hypotheses tested, if any? Why do you suppose the author(s) chose this particular design? How was the design modified in response to research constraints? How was it modified in order to take advantage of research opportunities? (Chapters 6, 7, 9)   top

  17. Summarize the findings. How clearly were statistical and/or qualitative data presented and discussed? Were the results substantively important? (Chapter 10)   top

  18. Did the author(s) adequately represent the findings in the discussion and/or conclusions sections? Were conclusions well grounded in the findings? Are any other interpretations possible? (Chapter 12)   top

  19. Compare the study to others addressing the same research question. Did the study yield additional insights? In what ways was the study design more or less adequate than the design of previous research? (Chapter 12)   top

  20. What additional research questions and hypotheses are suggested by the study's results? What light did the study shed on the theoretical framework used? On social policy questions? (Chapter 2, 12)   top