Student Study Site for Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 7th Edition
A Multicultural Perspective
Allen E. Ivey, Michael J. D’Andrea, and Mary Bradford Ivey
Ivey, D'Andrea, and Ivey - Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 7th Edition

Introduction to the Student Study Site

This open-access site has been created for students and instructors using Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective, 7th Edition by Allen E. Ivey, Michael J. D’Andrea, and Mary Bradford Ivey. This study site is a valuable resource for both students and instructors to be used in conjunction with the textbook to enhance understanding of key concepts, facilitate class discussion, as well as provide materials for course projects and research.

The following materials are available on this site:

Chapter Resources

Web Quizzes:
Web quizzes provide multiple choice and true/false questions to enhance students’ understanding of the material. Answers are provided for each question after the quiz has been completed.

SAGE Journal Articles

Full-text articles from a variety of disciplines support and expand upon the concepts presented in each chapter. Discussion questions can also be provided to focus and guide student interpretation.

Acknowledgments and Thanks

Thanks to Allen E. Ivey, Michael J. D’Andrea, and Mary Bradford Ivey for writing an excellent textbook. Also to Jeffrey A. Hayes, Pennsylvania State University and Maxine L. Rawlins, Bridgewater State University for providing these excellent instructor materials to accompany their book.