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Recommended Web Resources

General Sites on Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration

U.S. Census Bureau

Where to go to get the latest estimates on the sizes of minority groups in the United States. Good places to begin the search for data include "Minority Links," "Statistical Abstract," and the list under "Subjects A to Z."

Race and Ethnicity

An excellent site with insightful text and multiple links. This is part of a Sociological Tour through Cyberspace developed by the sociology department at Trinity University

Whiteness Studies: Deconstruction (the) Race

This site contains articles, news stories, and videos related to the topic of Whiteness studies, which is considered to be "an attempt to think critically about how white skin preference has operated systematically, structurally, and sometimes unconsciously as a dominant force in American society and culture" (Jay, 2005).

CDMS – Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society

The CDMS is an interdisciplinary research service initiative from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It's goals are to help people realize the benefits of diversity, as well as to form coalitions with individuals and groups of various ethnic backgrounds, and prepare students for civic engagement and participation in a democratic society.

WWW Virtual Library: Sociology – Directories of Resources

A comprehensive list of web links to sociological sites of the web from which research can be done on race and ethnicity issues.

Implicit Association Test

This web site presents the Implicit Association Test, or IAT for short, a new method that demonstrates public-private and conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. Test your individual level of racial prejudice by clicking on "Measure your Implicit Attitudes" and taking the Race Implicit Attitudes Test.

America's Racial and Ethnic Minorities

The full text of the Population Bulletin, published in September 1999, is available online offering readers a chance to see how America's racial and ethnic groups compare with one another across a host of demographic dimensions.

The Affirmative Action and Diversity Project: A Web Page for Research

This site presents diverse opinions regarding Affirmative Action topics; rather than taking a singular pro or con position, it is designed to help lend many different voices to the debates surrounding the issues of affirmative action.

When Racial Categories Make No Sense

A Canadian perspective that concisely reviews the biological consensus on race alongside the lack of political consensus about the use of racial classifications.

Public Agenda

A very useful website that provides data and analyses for a wide range of topical issues. For example, click on Immigration and then Race for issue guides on these topics. The Understanding the Issue section lays out the facts and policy alternatives, while the Public Opinion section offers a detailed profile of public thinking about each issue.

The Center for World Indigenous Studies

With the collapse of the Cold War, ethnic conflicts around the globe have become the predominant source of political violence and war. Many of these involve "indigenous peoples" struggling against states dominated by "non-indigenous" groups. The Center for World Indigenous Studies maintains a useful website about such peoples.

FAIR – Federation for American Immigration Reform

This is an immigration reform site which can be used to compare and contrast concerns over the new wave of immigration.

Ellis Island

This is the website for Ellis Island – the main port of entry for over 12 million immigrants to the United States. This site includes in-depth information on the history of Ellis Island and immigration to the U.S., as well as free searches of passenger records to help people find their ancestors who came through Ellis Island.


Gender and Society: Nature or Nurture?

This comprehensive site includes information and links to sources on matters of gender. Historical, political, and cross-cultural issues are explored.

Voice of the Shuttle – Gender and Sexuality Studies

This webpage features an ample and wide variety of links to information on femininity and masculinity gender studies, sexuality studies, related journals and magazines, and the historical contributions of leading researchers in these fields.

Feminist Majority Foundation

This site will familiarize you with the goals and programs of the Feminist Majority Foundation. It also provides links to information on contemporary feminist research.

American Men's Studies Association

This destination provides you with information on research on men's studies. Multiple links are provided to sites concerned with men's issues and men's organizations.

XY: Men, Masculinities, and Gender Politics

XY is a website focused on men, masculinities, and gender politics. It is a space for the exploration of issues of gender and sexuality, the daily issues of men's and women's lives, and practical discussion of personal and social change.

Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises

This is a Census Bureau website. It contains information and data on businesses owned by women and minorities.

Children's Gender Beliefs

This article is a compilation of research that has been done over the years exploring how and when children learn about gender and gender expectations.

African Americans

Census Bureau African-American Population

This site contains facts and data on the African-American population of the United States.

NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Since it's foundation in 1909, the NAACP has fought hard to ensure that the voices of African Americans are heard. The Association is committed to social justice, and has helped change many negative aspects of American society.

How Race is Lived in America

A series of 15 articles published by the New York Times summarizing a year-long investigation by a team of reporters in the year 2000, of how black-white relations are being lived out by ordinary people in churches, schools, neighborhoods, and other venues.

Selections from the WPA American Slave Narratives

The "Slave Narratives" are an interesting source of information about the nature of everyday life under slavery. The narratives were compiled during the 1930s by interviewing ex-slaves, and provide a close-up, personal view of the system of slavery from the perspective of its victims.

Remembering Jim Crow

The daily workings of the Jim Crow system of segregation are analyzed and described in a collection of interviews and memories.

African American Web Connection

The home page presents information on a broad range of topics, including art, history, entertainment and many others. Multiple links are also provided.

Native Americans

NCAI – The National Congress of American Indians

The National Congress of American Indians was founded in 1944 and is the oldest and largest tribal government organization in the United States. NCAI's mission is to inform the public and the federal government on tribal self-government, treaty rights, and a broad range of federal policy issues affecting tribal governments. Browse this site to learn more about the NCAI and information on events, services, and issues.

A thorough and insightful website with numerous links to information on the history, languages, and culture of many American Indian tribes. The site also includes links to historical documents, related government websites, photo galleries, and descriptions of many different native tribes around the world.

U.S. Title 25 Indian Legislation

This link takes you to the web site containing the legislation of U.S. Title 25, pertaining to the protection of Native Americans. Browse this site to learn about federal policy regarding irrigation of allotted lands, promotion of Native American social and economic welfare, and Native American health care.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Indian Health Service

An excellent source to find health and employment statistics on Native Americans.

Index of Native American Resources on the Internet

Part of the WWW Virtual Library this destination links to important and useful information including sources on legal issues, government, Native American nations, art, and more.

United Native America

United Native America was formed in 1993 as a nation wide grassroots movement to bring about a federal national holiday for Native Americans.


A comprehensive portal site for Native American resources on the Internet. Voted Forbes Magazine's "Best of the Web."

Hispanic Americans

Census Bureau Hispanic Population

This web site contains Census Bureau data on the Hispanic population of the United States. With it, you can understand the diversity among the Hispanic ethnic groups in terms of family income, poverty, educational attainment, and occupation.

The National Council of La Raza

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is a private, nonprofit, organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans. This informative site provides information on policy issues, programs, and events.

The Mexican Migration Project

Stories available online collected from a published book of narrative interviews gathered by Mexican researchers affiliated with the Mexican Migration Project. These personal accounts will provide students with insights into the complex process of Mexican migration to the United States.

The Mexican American Legal Defense Fund

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund is a legal advocacy group organized to foster sound public policies, laws and programs to safeguard the civil rights of the Latinos living in the United States.

Latino Culture

Ethnic groups are based on perceptions of cultural difference. At EdWeb of San Diego State University there is a helpful website designed to foster reflection on Latino Culture and teaching and learning styles.

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 th. This website features links to the U.S. Census Bureau's statistics on Hispanic Americans, as well as quizzes about Hispanic American history and culture, and population and economic statistics.

Asian Americans

Asian American Websites

This site includes selected Asian American web resources useful for academic research and information purposes. The websites listed focus on diversity and ethnicity studies, and include web pages as well as online journals and magazines.

The Chinese Historical Society of America

One of the oldest and largest organizations dedicated to the study, documentation, and dissemination of Chinese American history.

OCA – The Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc.

OCA is a national non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization of concerned Chinese Americans. OCA is dedicated to securing the rights of Chinese American and Asian American citizens and permanent residents through legislative and policy initiatives at all levels of the government.

Japanese American Internment Camps

This link takes you to a web site that contains very interesting pictures, maps, and descriptions of the camps that were located throughout the Western United States and Canada.

Asian American Action Fund

The AAA-Fund is a bi-partisan political action committee. The AAA's goal is to increase the voice of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on every level of local, state and federal government in America. In addition to providing information on candidates and issues, this site includes an information page for students to plan campaign activities on campus and in the community.

The Asian Nation

A concise but comprehensive information source on the historical, political, demographic, and cultural issues that make up today's diverse Asian American community.

Asian-American Politics

This website provides information on Asian-American politics including information on political issues, candidates, elections, voting records and more.

White Ethnic Groups

ADL – The Anti-Defamation League

The Anti-Defamation League a Jewish American group maintains a homepage devoted to issues of anti-Semitism and antiracist activism.

One Stop Italian America

This is the official website of the Order Sons of Italy in America, the largest Italian American organization. OSIA offers resources on culture and heritage, legislation and policy issues, current news, events, and more.

The American Irish Historical Society

This is the homepage for The American Irish Historical Society which has links to additional sites and resources.

German Immigration to the United States

The German Embassy in the United States has provided this page on the history of German immigration to the U.S. Included are details on when, why, and where German immigrants settled in the U.S.

Center for the Study of White American Culture

A general resource for issues of "whiteness" and racial identity.