Chapter Resources

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Chapter 1: A Unique Way to View the World

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    • Video Links
    • What is Sociology?

      This video details what sociology is as a discipline.

      1. How does sociology differ from other sciences such as psychology?
      2. What does sociology have to say about individual free-will?
      3. What do sociologists mean by “social structure?”
    • The Sociological Imagination

      This video uses a Mardi Gras parade to demonstrate “the sociological imagination,” or, the relationship between seemingly individual level happenings and larger social forces.

      1. What can the structure of parades reveal about a community?
      2. What can parades reveal in terms of communities' beliefs and values?
      3. Why is it important for the sociologist to be aware of his/her own prejudices and biases?
    • How to Get Fat Without Really Trying

      This video demonstrates the ways in which larger social forces, such as the politics of the food industry, intercede with our personal lives.

      1. In what ways does this video demonstrate what Mills called the “sociological imagination?”
      2. Drawing from the video, why is it important to think of explanations beyond the level of the individual?
      3. Distinguish between a psychological and a sociological explanation of body weight.
    • The Meth Epidemic

      This video tracks the rise of methamphetamine use across America and shows how it became a problem due to personal, community, state, and national changes.

      1. How does society try to eliminate meth use at the micro-, meso-, and macro-level?
      2. What are some impacts meth has at the micro-, meso-, and macro-level?
      3. One key benefit of the sociological perspective is that it allows us to understand people’s actions by recognizing that there are things completely under our control and other things that are completely outside of our control. How does this apply to the use and distribution of meth?
    • The Persuaders

      This video examines the advertising industry and how they use branding and market research to make their products become part of culture.

      1. To what extent do we use goods and products to display who we are to others and to what extent are goods pushed on us based on our social characteristics?
      2. Many scholars argue that shopping is social. What do you think they mean by that? How is that exemplified by the film?
      3. Many applied social scientists do research that examines social behaviors for profit. Is this good business? Is this ethical? How so or how not?
    • The Undertaking

      This video examines a family who works in the funeral industry as a window into American feelings on death and dying.

      1. How do funeral rituals describe by the Lynch family show our cultural values about death and dying?
      2. How would a sociologist create a research question to systematically evaluate the claims that the Lynch family makes about death and dying?
      3. The funeral industry arguably exists to serve micro-level relationships, consoling individuals who have just lost others central to their social existence. How is the funeral industry connected to institutions at the meso- and macro-levels?
      4. While it seems like the funeral industry is very helpful and necessary, why do you think there is a stigma against it at the society level?
    • Young & Restless in China

      This episode presents intimate portraits of nine young Chinese over the course of four years, examining the reality of their lives as they navigate their way through acountry that is changing daily.

      1. Consider the ways in which social forces are shaping each of these individuals’ lives. What are some of the causes and consequences of human behavior seen in these stories?
      2. Pay close attention to the varying levels of social relationships seen here. How do experiences differ between small groups of people (like dyads), larger groups (like employees and local organizations), and the largest groups (ethnic groups and national organizations)?
      3. List some similarities and differences in the social nature of people from different cultures.
    • Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity

      This is the introduction to the documentary by Jackson Katz that explores the connection between masculinity and violence in the media.

      1. How does Jackson Katz show that men's behaviors are socially constructed and socially learned?
      2. How does the Media, a key social institution, shape how we perceive men in American society?
      3. One of Katz's central arguments is that our society creates violence so that it is a normative expectation rather than an act of deviance or a social abnormality. How would a sociologist test this claim? Would methods of testing vary between applied and academic sociologists?
    • The Corporation - Legal Person - 2 of 14

      This segment from the documentary The Corporation details how corporations are legal persons and shows the impact this can have on society.

      1. This clip suggests we can examine the corporation as an individual in order to understand it. Explain how this differs from the Social World model.
      2. How would you examine the issue of global capitalism using the Social World model?
      3. Several different individuals are highlighted in this clip. Which ones, in your opinion, are applied researchers and which are academic researchers? Explain. What are the job titles of all of these individuals? What does this suggest for the employment possibilities for sociologists
    • Major in Sociology

      This video was made by a university to show their students the opportunities available to them by studying sociology.

      1. What does the sociology examine? Were you surprised by any of the topics that sociology studies? Why or why not?
      2. What opportunities are open to people who major in sociology? Were you surprised by the any of the opportunities open to sociologists? Why or why not?
      3. Examine the sociology classes offered at your college or university? Which of them are you interested in?
      4. Which specific topics are you most interested in learning about in your introductory course?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 245: Allure of the Mean Friend

      This episode discusses the cultural values of meanness and niceness.

      1. How are people using common sense assumptions to explain social behavior in this episode? How could you reframe these questions to make them worthy of sociological inquiry?
      2. Two of the acts actually use quasi-scientific research to consider the value of niceness and meanness. Does this make you have more faith in the conclusions? Why or why not?
      3. We commonly understand that people come together for the benefit of others in the group. However, this episode suggests that this is not always the case. Why is this? In your opinion, does meanness fit in or undermine the assumptions of sociology? Why or why not?
    • Episode 389: Frenemies

      This episode is about people who are both friends and enemies at the same time.

      1. Consider what we learned in the textbook about the various types of social interactions that are studied: dyads, three-or-more groups, etc. How do relationships in this episode change based on how large or small the social groups are?
      2. What types of common sense assumptions are confirmed or challenged in this episode?
      3. Act Two follows how reality stars walk the fine line between making friends and making a name for themselves. In what ways does this Act relate to the concept of “sociological imagination”?
    • Episode 75: "Kindness of Strangers"

      This episode presents stories of people who don't really know each other, how they relate to each other, and what results from that. From an actor welcoming a troubled boy into his home to an obnoxious neighbor, the concept of people as social beings is explored.

      1. Do these stories support the notion that human beings are social by nature? How?
      2. What are the dyads, small groups, and larger institutions in these stories? How does the experience of Jack with Canada Lee in Act Two "Runaway" fit into the social world’s model?
      3. What does Act Three "Unkindness of Strangers" tell us about conflict and change?
    • Episode 250: The Annoying Gap Between Theory…and Practice

      This episode investigates the gap between the way we think things will happen and what actually happens.

      1. In many ways the gap between theory and practice describes the difference between common sense and scientific reasoning. Do the individuals in these stories use common sense or scientific reasoning? In the ones that use common sense, should the issues told in this episode be avoided or altered if individuals had thought more scientifically about the situation?
      2. How do decisions these individuals make at the micro-level come to influence the meso- and macro-levels?
      3. How would you apply the sociological perspective to explain what happens to the individuals at the center of each of these stories? Explain.
    • Episode 355: The Giant Pool of Money

      This episode explores the financial crisis created by the sub-prime mortgage situation.

      1. Evaluate the credit crunch from the micro-, meso-, and macro-level. How do actors at each level of analysis contribute to the credit crunch?
      2. The sociological perspective works to understand how life chances are the product of your personal experiences and greater social factors. What social factors contributed to the current fiscal state of our society? How do individuals contribute?
      3. How would a sociologist evaluate the credit crunch? What questions would they ask? How would this vary from the questions an applied sociologist would ask?
    • The Society Pages: Shehzad Nadeem on Outsourcing in India

      This show discusses the social and cultural dimensions of outsourcing in India.

      1. How can a sociological inquiry help us to understand outsourcing on a micro-, meso- and macro-level?
      2. Describe how the various social sciences would examine the micro-level stories of Indian phone workers?
      3. What are some of the common sense beliefs concerning outsourcing to India and how can a sociological analysis debunk some of those assumptions?

Chapter 2: Examining the Social World: How Do We Know?

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  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Private Warriors

      As the Army struggles to meet recruitment numbers, FRONTLINE takes a hard look at private contractors servicing U.S. military supply lines, running U.S. military bases, and protecting U.S. diplomats and generals. While there is nothing new about the military's use of private contractors, the Iraq war has seen outsourcing on an unprecedented scale.

      1. Examine this episode from the perspective of Conflict theory. Do the people followed in the episode seem to agree or disagree that conflict is inevitable?
      2. What are the manifest functions of private military contractors? What are the latent functions? What are the dysfunctions?
    • The Persuaders

      This video details the individuals in advertising whose jobs are to convince us to purchase particular products that we might not actually need.

      1. What methodologies do the advertisers use to determine how to best market products to individuals?
      2. From a rational choice perspective, what factors do you use to determine whether to purchase a particular product?
    • 1950 Family Date, Dinner in a 1950s Home

      This video features a 1950’s family sitting together around the family table. This video can be used to analyze the “traditional” family from four different theoretical perspectives.

      1. What would a functionalist theorist say about the actions of the family within this video?
      2. What would a conflict theorist say about the actions of the family within this video?
      3. What would a symbolic interactionist theorist say about the actions of the family within this video?
      4. What would a rational choice theorist say about the actions of the family within this video?
    • Did You Know? Predicting Future Statistics

      This video by Dr. Karl Fisch introduces students to a number of very interesting statistics. Everything from the number of babies born per minute to the number of MySpace users is covered.

      1. Which of these statistics surprised you the most? The least?
      2. What did you learn about the possible topics that can be studied using statistics?
      3. What research method do you think was used to collect most of these findings?
    • James Dobson distorts research...again!

      Dr. Carol Gilligan comments on Dr. James Dobson’s distortion of her research on a lesbian couple raising a child.

      1. What ethical violations in social science research has Dr. Dobson committed, according to Dr. Gilligan?
      2. What does this example teach us about the research we read/hear?
      3. As a researcher, what steps could you take to help minimize others misquoting your work?
    • Symbolic Interaction Theory

      In this student project, a team of undergraduates elaborates on symbolic interactionist theory using the Boston Common as an example.

      1. Using symbolic interactionist theory, how would you explain how much you trust you place in the source of this video?
      2. What critique do you have about these students’ presentation of the theory?
    • How SAGE Has Shaped Research Methods

      Founder and Chair of SAGE, Sara Miller McCune, reflects on forty years of publishing research methods books, journals and electronic media.

      1. According to McCune, in what ways has research methods changed over the past 40 years? How has SAGE contributed to these changes?
      2. In what ways do these changes represent improvements on the way the field used to be? How does SAGE hope to enhance scientific research in the future?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 75: The Kindness of Strangers

      Here are stories of the kindness, and unkindness, of strangers. All of this episode’s stories take place in locales that many people consider the least kind location in America: New York City.

      1. Propose a study to scientifically examine the commonsense phenomenon of “The kindness of strangers.” What related questions might you be able to ask?
      2. How would you set out to test your hypothesis and collect data? Would you use a survey, field observation, or a controlled experiment?
      3. After listening to these stories, what do you think your results might be? Do you think they would be different in a scientific study compared to casual observations like the ones discussed here?
    • Episode 112: Ladies and Germs

      This episode chronicles the irrationality surrounding our fear of germs.

      1. From a rational choice perspective, should American's use so many antibacterial products? Why do you think we do?
      2. From a functionalist perspective, how do you explain our fear of germs?
      3. From a conflict perspective, how do you explain the finding that women are primarily responsible for keeping their families safe from germs? What happens if they fail?
      4. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, why do you think we're so willing to purchase apple cider given its inherent risks?
    • Episode 250: The Annoying Gap Between Theory...and Practice

      This episode discusses the numerous times in which things that seemed to work in theory actually fail in practice. Examples such as running for office and budgeting properly while living in poverty are used as examples.

      1. Given what you now know about theory testing, why do you think the theories these individuals utilized failed to work in practice? What steps of research were these individuals missing?
      2. Which of the four types of sociology (scientific, humanistic, critical, or feminist) would you use if you wanted to analyze Steve Tobocman's experience in office? Why would you choose that type?
    • The Society Pages: We are not happy. We are not cool.

      In this podcast, sociologists discuss the methodologies and results from studies of happiness.

      1. Do you think that researchers can measure happiness?
      2. Can you think of other ways that researchers could ask respondents about levels of happiness?
      3. What other methodologies, besides quantitative, survey approaches could successfully research happiness?

Chapter 3: Society and Culture: Hardware and Software of Our Social World

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    • Video Links
    • American Porn

      This video is an expose into the multi-billion dollar pornography industry in the United States. It examines how an industry that is so seemingly out of line with our values can become so successful.

      1. What is the influence of pornography on American culture?
      2. Given porn's popularity, is it possible that pornography exhibits cultural values and beliefs supported by mainstream America? Why or why not?
      3. Is pornography consumption subcultural, countercultural, or mainstream? Explain.
      4. How would you apply the Social World model to understanding porn in the United States?
    • Growing Up Online

      This episode is about the impact of the Internet on the current generation. It shows how the Internet is reforming key social institutions, but particularly the relationships of young adults.

      1. What role does the Internet play in defining youth culture? What about mainstream American culture?
      2. In your opinion, does user-generated media play a different role in defining culture than non-user-generated media? Why or why not?
      3. The video claims that the Internet has “created the greatest generation gap since rock n’roll.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Do you see differences between younger and older Americans in terms of Internet use as a social problem? Why or why not?
      4. In your opinion, how problematic is the digital divide, or the inequalities that exist in access to media, both among groups in our nation and between affluent and less affluent nations?
    • James Surowiecki: When Social Media Became News

      James Surowiecki points to the 2005 tsunami, an event which he considers the moment when social media became a critical, legitimate tool in gathering and disseminating news. He argues that social media can provide both great benefits and drawbacks in the process of sharing and understanding information.

      1. Can social media sources sometimes provide a clearer picture of breaking news and current events than mainstream news media? Why?
      2. What are the drawbacks of exclusively relying on social media as a source of news?
    • The Merchants of Cool

      This video describes the people who design marketing campaigns geared towards American teenagers. Are their marketing campaigns simply reflecting the desires of teens, or are they creating these desires in an attempt to capture a rich market?

      1. What is responsible for the creation of youth culture, according to Rushkoff? Do you agree with his assessment? Why or why not?
      2. Although this film is from the 2000s, it is very dated in terms of describing youth culture. What does this say about youth culture?
      3. What does youth culture look like now, i.e. what material culture defines youth culture? Are there similarities between the youth culture portrayed in the video and youth culture today? Differences? Explain.
      4. Rushkoff suggests that individuals and entities who are non-members of youth culture play a large role in defining it. Should non-participants be able to define a culture? Why or why not? How are they able to do this?
    • The Mormons

      This episode examines the rise of the Mormon Church and explores Mormonism in comparison to other mainstream religions.

      1. In your opinion, do the Mormons represent a subculture, a counterculture, or mainstream culture? Explain.
      2. What material and non-material elements are central to the Mormon culture?
      3. How does the missionary work by Mormons address issues of cultural differences and cultural lag?
      4. Religion as a social institution is unique because it often socializes people into other social institutions. How does this apply between the relationship between Mormonism and family life? Explain.
    • The Persuaders

      This video examines the advertising industry and how they use branding and market research to make their products become part of culture.

      1. A lot of effort goes into trying to understand culture. What is the value of understanding culture from a business perspective?
      2. Is manipulating culture for profit (like emotional branding and cool hunting) an ethical business practice? Are businesses able to market in a way that doesn't interfere with the production and consumption of culture? Why or why not?
      3. Is the modern American culture a consumer culture? Why or why not?

      This video is a remake to a 1980s documentary that followed people in a parking lot prior to a Judas Priest concert. It examines the heavy metal subculture.

      1. Are metal fans a subculture or a counterculture? Why or why not?
      2. What norms, values, and beliefs define the metal community? What elements of material culture seem to define the metal community?
      3. What gender differences do you notice among members in the metal community?
    • 1967 Hippie Temptation TV Documentary

      This mini-documentary examines the Hippie movement from the 1960s and 1970s. It clearly displays the rift that exists between the Hippie culture and mainstream culture.

      1. The Hippies are constantly framed as a counterculture. Would you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? Your text defines countercultures as groups with expectations and values that are in sharp contrast with mainstream society. Do you believe the Hippies exhibit differences from the mainstream culture in 1967? Describe the differences, if any.
      2. What material and non-material elements define the Hippies?
      3. Which theoretical explanation best explains the behaviors of the Hippies, in your opinion? Why?
    • The Outsiders: Amish Teens – Parts 1-7

      Amish teenagers are allowed to explore the mainstream world before deciding whether they want to permanently join the Amish church. This testing of the outside world is called Rumm-Shpringa, which means "to run around". As was discussed in the textbook, Amish culture is very different than mainstream American culture, and it’s often quite shocking to Amish teenagers. This documentary from ABC News is presented on YouTube in 7 parts. The first part is linked below, and the rest can be accessed on the right-side links.

      1. Do you see Amish culture as being a subculture, microculture, or counterculture? Why?
      2. Did the Amish teenagers who participated in Rumspringa have generally positive or negative experiences interacting with mainstream American culture?
      3. Why do you think so many Amish teenagers return to join the church?
      4. Are there any ways in which Amish culture influences mainstream American culture? Does American culture influence Amish culture in any way?
    • What is Sociology?

      This video covers some of the foundations of sociology; the dynamics of culture, in particular.

      1. In what ways does culture provide the blueprint for a society?
      2. Consider the different ways that people announce their status to their community. What role do symbols play?
      3. In what ways does the elite class control a culture’s ideology?
    • Living in Costa Rica – Culture Shock

      This video explains some of the differences between Costa Rican and United States culture.

      1. If you have traveled to South America, how accurately do you feel that this video captures cultural differences?
      2. Have you traveled to other cultures and experienced culture shock? If so, detail some of the most significant “shocks” that you experienced.
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 165: Americans in Paris

      This episode explores Paris and Parisian culture from a non-romanticized prospective.

      1. Were you surprised by some of these accounts of Paris and Parisian culture? Why or why not? How do you believe that cultures come to be romanticized? Does this distract from our understanding of cultures?
      2. Contributor David Sedaris talks about his experiences assimilating to French culture after his move to Paris. What role does language play in his integration in the French culture?
      3. We often think of culture as something that is shared and universal for all residents of a society. Is this necessarily the case? How so or why not? Should culture be shared and universal, in your opinion? Why or why not?
    • Episode 38: Simulated Worlds

      This episode evaluates manufactured and recreated cultures.

      1. In your opinion, are the "hardcores" being ethnocentric or culturally relative? Explain. What about the "farbs"? Explain.
      2. How do the cultural values of the present get socially constructed as part of our understanding or recreation of the past?
      3. Are people able to reconstruct the culture of the past? Or is it something that will never be understood by people who did not experience life at that time.
    • Episode 197: "Before It Had a Name"

      This episode, especially Act One, "Mr. Border Vanishes" and Act Two "Of Course I Remember Your Name," explores the importance of language and labels by examining the meaning of things or events before they are named. Additionally, it discusses how these things or events are changed after being named.

      1. How do these stories illustrate the evolution of culture over time?
      2. How do beliefs and values come together in the stories of language in this episode?
      3. What was the impact of the development and application of a label on society?
    • Episode 109: Notes on Camp

      This episode uncovers the meaning and importance of summer camp based on the narratives of people who experienced it.

      1. Do you agree that camps have a distinct culture? Why so or why not? What examples of non-material culture are used in the episode to convince you that they do? What about examples of material culture?
      2. When listening to the camp stories, what do the listeners come to cherish and value about their camp experiences? Do these values mirror non-camp life? How so or not?
      3. What role does ritual play in camp life? How does this contribute to the creation of the camp culture?
    • Episode 279: Auto Show

      Act One of this episode investigates the world of db drag racing.

      1. Could db drag racing be considered a culture? What kind, and why?
      2. What seems to drive the people participating in these competitions? Do these reasons reflect at all on a larger culture?
    • Pop Culture Happy Hour: Nerd Culture and the Return of the Regrettable TV

      In this episode several NPR writers discuss the portrayal of “nerddom” and autism on television.

      1. How does popular culture, television in particular, operate on a micro, meso, and macro level?
      2. According to the authors, what sorts of stereotypes are perpetuated on TV regarding “nerds”?
      3. Would you consider “nerd culture” to be a subculture? A counterculture?

Chapter 4: Socialization: Becoming Human and Humane

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    • Video Links
    • The Released

      This episode explores the lives of mentally ill prisoners both during their time in prison, and following their release into society. According to the episode, nearly two-thirds are rearrested within 18 months of being released.

      1. The chapter discusses the concept of a “total institution.” In what ways is a prison a “total institution?” How does this type of society differ from that of the outside world?
      2. The chapter also discusses the process of “resocialization”. In what ways are prisoners “resocialized” when they enter prison? How are they resocialized when they re-enter general society? Does it seem like these prisoners are actually being resocialized after their release? What agents of socialization could be utilized to ensure resocialization takes place after prisoners are released?
    • Growing Up Online

      This video explains the experiences of today's youth including social networking sites and internet predators.

      1. How does the internet socialize adolescents?
      2. Since the internet can have so much power over children, do you think the government should regulate internet content the way that they regulate television content? Why or why not?
    • Nicholas Christakis: The Hidden Influence of Social Networks

      Nicholas Christakis explores how social networks between people can influence people in unexpected ways, and spread a variety of traits across individuals.

      1. Why does Christakis consider the kind of social networks he studies as "living things"?
      2. According to the speaker, what is a major influence on a person's location in a social network?
      3. Why are social networks so important? Can you pinpoint examples of traits or emotions that spread through your own personal social networks?
    • Merchants of Cool

      In this video, advertisers who determine what will be considered "pop culture" and sell that pop culture to young people are featured. Their systematic study of teen culture is featured.

      1. Do you think these teens are being socialized into a real or artificially created version of adolescence by watching teen media and purchasing teen products? Why do you feel that way?
      2. How do you think being socialized as a "mook" impact young men's adult development?
      3. How do you think being socialized as a "midriff" impact young women's adult development?
    • Young and Restless in China

      Here, the stories of 9 young Chinese men and women are told in light of the rapid social changes that China is undergoing.

      1. Which agents of socialization have most affected these individuals?
      2. How have the social changes that China is experiencing impacted these young people's socialization experiences?
      3. How does the socialization they have undergone differ from the way previous generations were socialized?
    • Living Old

      This video focuses on America’s “oldest old” (over age 85) and explains the social and cultural changes that the country should undergo as a result of this growing population.

      1. Would you consider a nursing home to be a total institution? Why or why not?
      2. How was Elliott Haak socialized into the end-of-life process?
    • Lonestar - Mr. Mom

      In this music video from the country group “Lonestar”, a man loses his job so his stay-at- home mom wife goes to work while he becomes an incompetent “Mr. Mom”

      1. What socialization messages do you think this video sends to men about fatherhood and domestic work?
      2. What socialization messages do you think this video sends to women about motherhood and domestic work?
      3. Are these messages positive or negative? Why?
    • Music, Culture, and Early Childhood Development

      Roger Brown, President of Berklee College of Music discusses the importance of music as a form of communication throughout history for families, groups and civilizations, and ties this to the ways in which music is central to the social and mental development of very young children.

      1. What role does music play in the intellectual, social, and cultural development of young children?
      2. Could music be considered a type of “symbol”, according to George Herbert Mead’s theory?
      3. After watching this interview, do you think music could be considered an “agent of socialization”? Why or why not?
    • Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films

      Take a look at this video that considers how masculinity is portrayed in Disney films.

      1. What is the “story” of masculinity, as told through Disney films?
      2. What role do films play in childhood socialization?
      3. How would a conflict theorist respond to the material in this video?
      4. How would a symbolic interactionist respond to the material in this video?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 120: Be Careful Who You Pretend to Be

      This episode details the stories of individuals who are pretending to be someone else. They include a woman who disguises herself as a man for her job and a man who has a role at a historic reenactment museum as a slave owner.

      1. How do these individuals use the looking glass self to maintain their roles?
      2. How do you think these individuals' core selves are impacted by the roles that they have to play?
    • Episode 27: The Cruelty of Children

      This episode is full of stories of children being mean to each other, and possible explanations for why they do it.

      1. In Act One, David Sedaris discusses why he acted mean to other children at school. What caused him to act mean? What role did socialization play in making him dislike the way he was? What other processes of socialization affected David later at summer camp?
      2. Act Three tells the story of a kindergarten teacher who set out to make her students be less cruel to each other. Was this teacher acting as an “agent of socialization”? What affect did her experiment have on the children?
    • Episode 330: My Reputation

      In this episode, individuals learn that their views of themselves are very different from the ways that other people see them.

      1. What sanctions do these individuals receive that let them know that others view them differently than they view themselves?
      2. What agents of socialization do you think have impacted these individuals' personalities and behaviors the most? How did those agents of socialization contribute to the differences between the ways they view themselves and the ways others view them?
    • Episode 340: Devil in Me

      Act One of this episode tells the story of an Iraq War veteran who returns home with feelings of hate and anger towards Muslims

      1. What encouraged Sam Slaven to try and change his outlook on Muslims? How exactly did Slaven overcome his feelings of hate?
      2. Did any person mentioned in this story function as an agent of socialization? If so, who was it? Who did the agent or agents of socialization help socialize?
    • Racial Discrimination, Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Crime: A Micro-sociological Model of Risk and Resilience - Callie Burt

      Navigate to the website and click on “Podcast:”

      1. How does Burt describe the relationship between racial discrimination and engagement in crime?
      2. How does Burt use sociological theory to guide her research questions?
      3. Explain how this research is micro-level analysis.
      4. What does this research find in terms of racial socialization and crime?

Chapter 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations: Connections That Work

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    • Breaking the Bank

      This episode explores the behind-the-scenes events of the merger that was negotiated between Merrill Lynch and Bank of America in the fall of 2008, during a major economic meltdown. Some called this “government nationalization” of the banking system, while others believed the banks had become oligarchies and were dealing with the effects of a free market economy.

      1. Given the textbook’s definition of oligarchies, do you think that the American banking system – either before or after the crash in 2008-2009 – could be classified as oligarchies? Why or why not?
      2. What role did social interaction, networking, and social statuses play in a few individuals negotiating secret deals that affected the lives of millions of people?
      3. Do you think there was a state of anomie during the financial crisis? Why or why not? If you do, what do you think led to this breakdown, and what – if anything – led to its resolution? Also, how might that state of anomie have impacted the decisions made during the meltdown?
    • Alexis Ohanian: How to Make a Splash in Social Media

      A co-founder of the social media site explains how the story of a whale named Mr. Splashy Pants can show organizations how to use social media for effective marketing campaigns.

      1. According to Ohanian, what is the key to launching an effective marketing campaign through social media?
      2. Why might some large companies or organizations have a difficult time following the Ohanian's advice?
    • A Dangerous Business
      A Dangerous Business Revisited

      These episodes look at the dangers posed by the iron foundry industry for workers and the environment.

      1. Is the role of bureaucracy more or less important in dangerous industries? Explain.
      2. What are the implications of the problems in and dysfunctions of bureaucracy in places like McWane?
      3. Routinization is often cited as one of the major dysfunctions of bureaucracies. However, can you see how it might be positive in situations like working at McWane? Why or why not? Is it generally a good practice to give workers agency in their jobs? Why or why not?
    • On Our Watch

      This episode follows Sudanese politics and how they evolved into the Darfur genocide.

      1. Is it possible to form in-groups and out-groups without conflict? In your opinion, to what extent is the genocide in Darfur an issue of in-group and out-group conflict?
      2. How did groups form to react to issues in Sudan? How did this impact conflict in the area?
      3. Apply the Social World model to the conflict in the Sudan. In your opinion, were there failures at any particular level that created or escalated the conflict? Explain.
    • First Blog/Dorkiness Prevails

      This is the first of numerous video blogs from Lonelygirl15, someone who was exposed to be an actress later in somewhat of a media controversy.

      1. When stepping back to evaluate this as a scripted first interaction, why do you feel that the producers chose to have her manage her impression this way? How would a dramaturgical analysis understand this video?
      2. What is the appeal to individuals who post video blogs on public forms like YouTube? What is the appeal to presenting an online version of self, or presenting self to a mass audience?
    • Danah Discussing MySpace

      This video shows Danah Boyd in an appearance on The O'Reilly Factor, where she discusses her research on digital communities like Myspace and Facebook.

      1. How are teens using and to create a community and a place?
      2. O'Reilly, in this video, is assuming that individuals use online communities for personal reasons. Boyd, on the other hand, is assuming that individuals use these sites for public reasons. Which are you more inclined to believe?
      3. If you are interested in this topic, you can see a longer discussion with Danah Boyd at UNC-Chapel Hill at
    • Do You Know Facebook?

      This clip is a lecture given by Fred Stutzman where he discusses the impact Facebook has on youth culture, privacy, and personal relationships.

      1. How do young adults use Facebook to create and define social networks?
      2. Are on-line similar or different to off-line social network? How is Facebook different from other social network sites, according to Stutzman?
      3. What is the difference between strong and weak ties in social networks? When you use Facebook or other similar sites, do you look to build strong or weak ties? Why is this?
      4. Social capital and social networks create us to other individuals. A latent function is of this is that it decreases our privacy, in that the more people we know the more people know about us. How does this impact our use of Facebook and social networking sites, according to Stutzman? How do we negotiate being a private and a networked individual simultaneously?
      5. How do you believe we can improve on-line communities? Do you believe they will become more or less important to social interaction? Why?
    • McDonaldization

      This clip explains the process of McDonaldization and interviews George Ritzer on how he sees McDonaldization shaping the current culture.

      1. What are the principles of McDonaldization? How are they exemplified in our modern culture?
      2. What do you think of this notion that the principals of the fast food industry have infiltrated most parts of our lives?
      3. How do you see McDonaldization shaping other segments of your life? Ritzer suggests religion, family, and education all show elements of McDonaldization. What elements do you see to support this in your experiences with these institutions?
      4. If you had to ‘brand’ the American experience or American culture around one corporation, which one would you select? Why?
      5. Should the corporation have the power to influence greater social trends?
      6. Think of some more examples of McDonaldization. Think about how we travel, how we communicate (in person and via technology), how we shop, how we are educated, etc. In what ways have we increasingly made these processes efficient, predictable, controlled and/or calculated?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 312: How We Talked Back Then

      Act Two of this episode presents a number of stories about people interacting with each other in ways that would not be possible without the internet.

      1. What type of social interaction occurs in these stories? What is the larger social context for the interaction? How does the interaction vary from what is presented in the JenniCam story to the tale of the mother who sent an email to the wrong address? How is social status conveyed in these interactions (consider the Microsoft story)? How does the internet change interaction (consider the story about the chat rooms for gay men)? How does this relate to larger social issues (i.e., AIDS)?
      2. Use a dramaturgical framework to explain the interactions in these stories.
      3. How has interaction over the internet changed in the ten years since this episode was produced?
    • Episode 201: Them

      This episode looks at the way we create groups in our social relationships.

      1. According to the stories in these acts, the creation of in-groups and out-groups span the necessary to the mundane. When, if ever, is creation of in-groups and out-groups good for societies? Explain.
      2. Is it ever possible to shift from being part of the in-group to the out-group? What social events tend to spur this?
      3. What types of groups do you see individuals joining across the episodes? What examples make you categorize it this way?
    • Episode 173: Three Kinds of Deception

      This episode explores ways that individuals can recreate who they are through deception.

      1. How would you use dramaturgy to explain the central characters in these episodes? What about rational choice theory? Ethnomethodology?
      2. We tend to assume that people are genuine when they are sending us cues about who they are, but this is not necessarily the case. Why do you believe it so easy to portray a false image of who we are to others?
      3. How were in-groups and out-groups created in the various acts? How did these in-groups and out-groups shape the social relationships defined?
    • Episode 208: Office Politics

      This episode discusses the complexities and complication of work relationships.

      1. How does the creation of power relationships within an organization introduce complications into workplace relationships? When is it a benefit?
      2. Where did you see role strain exemplified in this episode? What about role conflict?
      3. How do the individuals in these stories use groups and statuses to define their relationships to one another? Does this vary across the workplaces examined? Why or why not?
    • Episode 203: Recordings for Someone

      Act Three of this episode talks about a solider in the Persian Gulf War who recorded the sounds of battle for his wife back home.

      1. What was John Brasfield's original intention for recording his wartime experience? What were the unintended consequences of this recording?
      2. During the war, Brasfield embodied the role of a soldier, but also one of a father and husband. Do you see role conflict exemplified between any of Brasfield's different roles?
      3. Could the incident that Brasfield recorded have caused role strain within one of his roles? Explain which one, and why.
      4. Why did Brasfield's opinion of the incident change?
    • Gallup Business Journal: How to Fight Bureaucracy

      Download the mp3 file at the website

      1. Using Weber’s analysis of bureaucracy to guide you:
      2. Is it possible to fully root out bureaucracy out of a business?
      3. How does bureaucracy help and hinder a business?
      4. Is Weber’s Ideal Type of bureaucracy still relevant?
      5. How can a sociological understanding of bureaucracy help business owners in their day-to-day operations?

Chapter 6: Deviance and Social Control: Sickos, Freaks, and Folks Like Us

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • The Storm

      This episode examines how and why government at every level – local, state and federal – was unprepared, uncoordinated and overwhelmed in dealing with the Hurricane Katrina disaster that devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005, and killed more than 900 people in New Orleans.

      1. Which social theory (if any) might best explain the government’s lack of response and involvement after the hurricane? Which theory might best explain residents’ actions and social interactions after the storm (e.g., looting, altruism, etc.)?
      2. What are some common misperceptions about deviance that might be evident in this story? 
      3. What types of crimes were most commonly committed by residents after the storm (e.g., public order, predatory, etc.)?
    • The Meth Epidemic

      Here, Frontline explores the history, causes, and consequences of the methamphetamine epidemic in the United States.

      1. From what you saw in the video, what impact can drug use have on other crimes?
      2. From a conflict perspective, how would you explain the pharmaceutical industry's failure to cooperate with the DEA?
    • The New Asylums

      This video explains the stories of some of the 55,000 Americans who are receiving psychiatric treatment within prisons.

      1. Is the imprisoning of mentally ill persons a form of blind justice? Why or why not?
      2. How effective do prisons seem to be at meeting the rehabilitation needs of mentally ill prisoners based on what you’ve seen in this video?
    • When Kids Get Life

      According to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, in the United States there are currently over 2000 inmates serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for crimes that they committed when they were under the age of 18. In the rest of the world combined, there are only 12. This video features the stories of several young men who will spend the rest of their lives in prison for crimes they committed as juveniles.

      1. What do these boys’ stories (and the stories of those like them) tell us about how well the juvenile justice system is serving the four functions of prisons?
      2. How has living in a total institution changed these boys?
      3. Why do you think the juvenile lifetime incarceration rate is so much higher in the United States than in all other countries combined?
    • Growing Up Online

      This video explains the experiences of today's youth including social networking sites and internet predators.

      1. In what ways does the growth of the internet encourage or discourage crime in America?
      2. In what ways can the internet be used to help fight criminal activities?
    • On Our Watch

      This video details the genocide in Darfur and the United States’ failure to try to stop the mass executions.

      1. From a conflict perspective, why do you think the United States was more reluctant to intervene in Darfur than in Iraq?
      2. How would you apply the world systems perspective to the violence in Darfur?
      3. Do you think the United States government should play a role in the world criminal justice system? Why or why not?
    • Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment Part I
      Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment Part II
      Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment Part III

      This BBC TV show reenacts the famous Milgram Experiment, which measured the willingness of people to obey an authority figure, even if the commands they receive were contrary to their personal conscience. Watch all three videos before you answer the questions.

      1. Some "teachers" were willing to continue administering painful shocks to the "learner" after the authority figure encouraged them to continue. What does this suggest about the nature of authority?
      2. The "teachers" were not held against their will, and capable of leaving the experiment at any time. Why were some unwilling to simply leave?
    • Lizard Man

      This is the story of Texas man Eric Sprague who has tattooed, pierced, and surgically altered his body to make himself appear more lizard-like.

      1. Do you consider Eric's appearance deviant? Why or why not?
      2. Do you think Eric would consider your appearance deviant? Why or why not?
    • Women's Bodybuilding Finals

      This one minute clip is of a “final pose down” among female bodybuilders.

      1. Do you think that taking on characteristics (such as musculature) of another gender is considered to be deviant? Why or why not?
      2. How might you use differential association theory to describe these women’s “deviant behavior”?
    • Countdown: War Crimes Prosecutions Possible

      This clip from MSNBC’s “Countdown” discusses the possibility that U.S. government and military officials may be tried for war crimes committed under the Bush Administration.

      1. War crimes were not discussed in this chapter. After watching this clip (and perhaps doing a little internet research), how do you think they are similar to and different from hate crimes, predatory crimes, organized crimes, etc.?
      2. The textbook did discuss “state organized crime”. Do you think that war crimes are included in “state organized crime”? Why or why not? Do you think that government and military officials should be prosecuted for committing state organized crimes or war crimes?
      3. After watching this clip (and perhaps doing some more research), do you think war crimes are socially justifiable? What are some possible pros and cons to states committing such acts?
    • Georgia Juvenile Justice

      This video describes a juvenile justice reform program for youth.

      1. What do you think of the UNICEF sponsored program in Georgia?
      2. Imagine that you were in charge of an organization that worked to deter crime amongst juveniles. You would no doubt have to write some kind of grant seeking funds for your program. Imagine a program that would potentially keep local kids away from crime -- and USE a theory from the chapter to make your point (in other words, to defend why you think your program would work).
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 164: Crime Scene

      Every crime scene hides a story. In this episode, we hear about crime scenes and the stories they tell.

      1. After listening to these stories, what have researchers learned about why people commit crimes? Are any of the formal penalties imposed by the government successful deterrents?
      2. Given what you learned about the social construction of deviance, what explanations can you think of for why someone would return to the scene of a crime? Which theory might best explain this behavior?
    • Episode 251: Brother's Keeper: Act Three: Neighbors' Keeper

      In this Act, members of a small town question whether they could have done anything to prevent a triple murder committed by a neighbor.

      1. How might Durkheim explain this act of deviance in an area that does not seem to have the social problem of anomie?
      2. Do you think changing the social capital of the family involved in the murder may have made a difference in the outcome of this story? Why or why not?
    • Episode 210: Perfect Evidence

      This episode discusses the stories of people exonerated by DNA evidence, including a 14 year old who confessed to his sister's murder under intense police interrogation.

      1. Given the number of people who have been found not guilty following the introduction of DNA evidence, do you think we should continue to use the death penalty as a form of justice? Why or why not?
      2. How would a conflict theorist explain why the 14 year old confessed?
    • Episode 218: Act V

      In this episode, the commentator tells the story of a group of inmates in a high-security prison who put on Act V of Hamlet. The commentator notes the unique viewpoint of convicted murderers who are putting on a play about murder and its consequences.

      1. Which of the social functions of prisons do you think art programs like this provide (if any)?
      2. Do you agree or disagree that prisoners should have the ability to participate in programs like this? Why?
      3. Which of the misconceptions about deviance do you think Jack Hitt believed before he learned about the types of crimes that some of these inmates committed?
    • Episode 363: Enforcers

      This episode centers on people who sometimes take the law into their own hands, and sometimes break it as a result. Act One focuses on three men who consider themselves scam-baiters because they turn the tables on Internet scammers.

      1. What social theories might explain why someone resorts Internet scamming?
      2. The scam-baiters may not have been committing any crimes. However, could their actions have been considered deviant? By what standards?
      3. What social theories might explain why someone becomes a scam-baiter?
    • NPR: Oakland Officials Confounded By Surge In Violent Crime

      In this news account, the surge of crime in Oakland, California is discussed.

      1. Why has there been a sudden surge in crime in Oakland?
      2. Which theoretical perspective works best at explaining the racial and ethnic tensions in Oakland?
      3. How could one use labeling theory to address the practice of “Stop and Frisk?”

Chapter 7: Stratification: Rich and Famous – or Rags and Famine?

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • The Secret History of the Credit Card

      This show highlights the growth of the credit industry, the structural changes that allowed it, and the impact it has on American consumers.

      1. In your opinion, are the problems created by credit uniform across social classes? Why or why not?
      2. Do you see credit literacy as a form of cultural capital? Is it uniformly available to all individual in the United States?
      3. What role does credit play in the American social class stratification system?
    • Close to Home

      This episode chronicles the effects the recent recession has had people in the typically wealthy neighborhood of New York City’s Upper East Side.

      1. Do you think the recession has had an impact on the way American society is stratified (i.e., how people are divided into categories, unequal distribution of resources, etc.)?
      2. Do the changes discussed in this episode represent a change in individual’s social class? Is an economic recession (or an economic boom) able to affect the social mobility of individuals or even several generations?
      3. What common themes of Property, Power, and Prestige did you see in this episode? What affects did they end up having on people when the economy was good, and then when it was bad?
    • Country Boys

      This episode follows two young men growing up in poverty in rural Appalachia as they make the transition from high school.

      1. What impact does living in poverty have on Cody and Chris over the course of their lives? How does it impact their life chances?
      2. How do the social institutions in Cody and Chris's life (particularly work, education, and family) impact their chances for social mobility?
      3. Chris and Cody have significantly different life trajectories. What differences do you see in the film that explain this?
      4. This film only includes coverage of the boys’ lives though 2002. What do you believe they are up to now? Visit the Country Boys website and see how accurate you are. Chris: and Cody:
    • The Persuaders

      This video examines the advertising industry and how they use branding and market research to make their products become part of culture.

      1. We often think of economic position when we think of social class. What role does status play in social stratification?
      2. Do marketers play on our insecurities (in terms of status and social class) when marketing their products? What does this do to the social class system?
      3. Marketers often assume that we buy products because we identify with them. However, items must be bought, meaning that everyone does not have the same access to them. Do you think companies recreate the social class system through the pricing of their products? The marketing of their product? Why or why not?
    • Esther Duflo: Social Experiments to Fight Poverty

      Esther Duflo discussed how difficult it is to measure whether aid alleviates or worsens poverty, and suggests new solutions to determine its effectiveness.

      1. Why is it so difficult to determine whether aid increases or decreases poverty?
      2. What did Duflo's experiment on immunization uncover? What did her experiment on schooling uncover? What do her findings suggest about how aid should be distributed?
    • Bolivia: Leasing the Rain

      This episode shows how the privatization of water in Bolivia led the citizens to take strong political action.

      1. How does the experience of poverty vary in Bolivia from the United States?
      2. Are there resources that should be entitlements to everyone, regardless of their ability to purchase them? If no, why not? If so, what are these resources and how do we provide them to people?
      3. Why do you think the privatization of water in Bolivia went uncovered in the US news media? How do we feel about poverty abroad in the United States?
      4. Would you classify the issue of water privatization a class issue? Why or why not?
    • Videos on the Gap between Rich and Poor

      This first video from is a tour of the most expensive home in the world – priced at $140 million USD. The estate is in England, and is intended to be a single-family home.

      Sierra Leone

      This second video is a report on conditions in Sierra Leone, considered to be one of the poorest countries in the world.

      1. What aspects of Weber’s concepts of Power, Prestige, and Property were evident in each of these clips?
      2. What are the chances for social mobility (both downward and upward) for each of the people in these videos?
      3. How would you expect the living conditions in each of these videos to affect the individual lifestyles, attitudes, religious and political behaviors of people living in these regions? For example, who would be more likely to be liberal or conservative?
    • The World Bank (WB) & The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

      This video explains the role of the WB and the IMF in maintaining global stratification.

      1. How does stratification between nations vary from stratification within the United States?
      2. How does global poverty differ from domestic poverty?
      3. How does this video see the WB and the IMF in relations to global stratification? Would it be possible to reform their role in the global economy? Why or why not?
    • The Manifestoon

      This clip uses classic cartoon images to illustrate class struggle to the background of the Communist Manifesto.

      1. This cartoon is a dramatization of the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx. How do the images shown convey the messages of Marx work?
      2. What is the relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in modern capitalist society?
      3. Marx was writing more than 100 years ago, do you feel that the relationship between power and capitalism has strengthened or weakened during that time?
    • The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class

      This lecture delivered by Elizabeth Warren to the UC Berkeley Graduate Council exposes the difficulties credit poses to the American social class structure.

      1. What role does credit play in the social stratification system in the United States?
      2. What social factors create the increased propensity towards indebtedness? Based on Warren’s projection, should we have expected this increase?
      3. What social factors make carrying debt particularly threatening to middle class families?
      4. What is the relationship between debt and mobility?
      5. How does the changing stratification system impact other social institutions like the family?
    • The Ignored Growing Economic Inequality 2008 Parts One and Two

      This interview with sociologist and author Barbara Ehrenreich discusses her book entitled “Bait and Switch” - her work on the white collar work force in the U.S.

      1. The “American Dream” suggests that hard work gets you ahead and is the ticket to middle class life. However, Ehrenreich suggest that many Americans work terribly hard without experiencing upward mobility. Is this social justice, in your opinion?
      2. How have the politics of the Bush administration impacted stratification in the United States? What suggestions does she have for different policies to address stratification? In your opinion, which option should we pursue?
      3. Do you foresee a social and political climate that is more favorable to the poor and the near-poor in the imminent future? Why or why not?
      4. Ehrenreich seems skeptical of both mainstream political parties ability to address issues of the poor and the near poor. Do you believe that poverty is a central issue to the platforms of the mainstream political parties? Why or why not?
      5. What does the title, “Bait and Switch” refer to? Do you feel that your goals concerning the job market are motivated by passion or economics?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode: 62: Something for Nothing

      This episode features stories of people trying to get rich quick. However, as the saying goes, there’s no such thing as getting something for nothing.

      1. The prologue tells the story of people trying to win the lottery. Given what you learned about social stratification, conflict over resources, etc., which social class would be most likely to play the lottery?
      2. What common aspects of Property, Power, and Prestige do you see throughout these stories? How do each of these relate to people trying to get rich quick?
      3. How are these ideas of ‘getting something for nothing’ perpetuated throughout society? What could be done to give people (especially young children) a more realistic view of people’s access to resources and social mobility?
    • Episode 113: Windfall

      This episode examines what happens to people who rapidly experience social class mobility.

      1. In your opinion, is social class something defined by how much money you have or other factors? Does quick inheritance of lots of money, then, equate to mobility? Why or why not?
      2. Which story did you find most interesting? Why? Which story do you think reflects the most change due to shifts in income? Why?
      3. The individuals interviewed in these Acts have vast differences in how they view money, how money should be spent, and the importance of money on social life. What creates these differences in your opinion? Explain.
    • Episode 19: Rich Guys

      This episode explores the lives of three wealthy men who pursue ventures that are not what we would expect from them.

      1. How can the story of Maury Taylor, the Presidential candidate, illustrate the symbolic interactionist perspective on stratification (consider cultural capital)?
      2. How would structural-functionalists explain the candidacy of Maury Taylor?
      3. How would a conflict theorist explain the case of the wealthy man's suicide and the postmortem insemination?
    • Episode 303: David and Goliath ACT 2 – Begins at 19:13

      This episode is all about efforts to even the playing field by giving the edge to the "little guy." Act Two, which will be most interesting from a social inequality perspective, examines the textile industry in Cambodia.

      1. When introducing the Act, host Ira Glass states that there are battles that are important for the Davids of the world but are unnoticed by the Goliaths. How is this exemplified in the Cambodian textile industry? What about in the fight for global economic development?
      2. How did stratification in Cambodia shift when changes in the textile industry and trade relations with the U.S. shifted? How has this impacted garment workers?
      3. What does the Cambodian experience suggest about fair trade and fair labor policies in poor nations? What does this mean for inequality?
    • Episode 344: The Competition

      This episode examines the impact of social forces, particularly market economy, on individual lives.

      1. How did Pickle transform the role of the worker in his factory? What was his motivation in doing this? Do you agree with his intent? Why or why not?
      2. Do you believe that what Pickle did was ethical? Why or why not? What if Pickle had not displaced the workers to America and set up his plant in India. Would this have been ethical? Why or why not?
      3. How has the Pickle case, ironically, improved labor cases since?
    • Episode 487: Harper High School

      The episode examines the lives of students who live in a low-income neighborhood in Chicago.

      1. How does social class shape the lives the students in Harper High School on the micro, meso and macro levels?
      2. How do social class and violence correlate in this area of Chicago?
      3. How would a conflict theorist analyze the content of this show and the myriad social problems confronting this community?

Chapter 8: Race and Ethnic Group Stratification: Beyond “We” and “They”

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • A Jew Among the Germans

      This episode follows a Holocaust survivor visit the Holocaust memorial in Germany and come to terms with his feelings about Germany and the German culture.

      1. This film discusses German and Jewish relations across the three generations since the Holocaust. How do these relationships vary over time?
      2. In your opinion, how do symbolic efforts like the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, impact ethnic relations? Are they something that should be consistently pursued? Are there things groups can do to make them more or less effective? Explain.
      3. The film pursues the issue of guilt throughout. In your opinion, why do negative emotions, like guilt, get associated with group relations? Is there a more productive way we could pursue relational repair? How so or why not?
    • A Class Divided

      This episode follows the famous ‘Eye of the Storm’ experiment conducted by Jane Elliott to teach her elementary school students about racial inequality.

      1. How was Elliott able to socially construct differences for her class? Do you feel this is similar or different to how society constructs racial differences in the United States?
      2. What, if anything, surprised you about Elliott’s experiment and findings? Explain.
      3. People in Elliott’s studies seem to consistently react to the ‘fairness’ of the experiment. We do not, however, see this reaction on a day to day basis from the people who experience institutional discrimination. Why do you think this is?
    • Israel’s Next War

      This show highlights the lives of militant Jewish extremists in Israel.

      1. In our society, we tend to think of color and nationality defining ethnic barriers, but how can religion create ethnic barriers? Are there other statuses that cause ethnic distinctions that you can think of? If so, what?
      2. Israel’s far right is not characteristic of the majority of Jewish individuals in Israel. Can there be ethnic distinction within an ethnic group? Or does this necessarily cause division of the group? Explain.
      3. The text describes several reactions minority groups can take to prejudice and discrimination? Which of these apply to the actions of Israel’s extreme right? How so?
      4. Minority groups experience alienation from the mainstream culture, prejudice, and discrimination. How do we address this so that they do not seek radical retaliation like some of the militant Jewish terrorists described in the film?
    • The Storm

      This episode shows a timeline of Hurricane Katrina and the response of the government and aid organizations after the severity of the storm was realized.
      Race played a central role in the coverage of Hurricane Katrina, particularly in the aftermath of the storm. How was race and racial divisions socially constructed in the coverage of Katrina?

      1. How did institutional discrimination occur during Katrina relief efforts? In your opinion, could this have been avoided? Why or why not?
      2. To what an extent was Katrina relief a product of institutional failure? Explain.
      3. This episode does not cover the issues of the racial divide after Katrina as much as it covers the non-racialized aspects of FEMA. Why do you think this is?
    • Nate Silver: Does Race Affect Votes?

      Statistician Nate Silver considers whether or not the race of a candidate influences the number of votes he or she receives in an election.

      1. According to Silver, what factors might make voters less inclined to cast their vote based on the race of a candidate?
      2. How might a person's neighborhood influence the way they vote in elections? What social factors tend to decrease race-based voting?
    • The O.J. Verdict

      This episode explores the O.J. Simpson murder trial to understand how it came to have such a wide cultural impact on American society.

      1. Although O.J. Simpson is only one person, his prosecution became socially constructed as an issue of race relations. How did this happen?
      2. How did the role of race differ from the perceptions of the white and the black communities?
      3. What was the state of racial polarization in the United States at the time of the O.J. Simpson trial? How, if at all, has racial polarization changed in the time since the verdict?
    • Dark Shadows: The Legacy of War in Serbia and Bosnia

      This clip examines the civil war in the Balkans in the 1990s. It shows how perceived differences can cause monumental problems within a culture.

      1. What role did ethnicity play in the Bosnian war?
      2. What form or forms of group contact occurred in Serbia and Bosnia between 1992 and 1995? Explain.
      3. How are ethnic relations now in the area? Do you believe that the efforts in place to repair the ethnic relations will be successful? Why or why not?
    • Obama Speech: “A More Perfect Union”

      This speech was delivered by 2008 Presidential candidate Barack Obama to address race relations in the United States.

      1. In this speech, Barack Obama highlights how racial conflicts define the American experience. What evidence does he use to support this?
      2. Do you agree or disagree with his assessment that racial conflict defines the American experience? Why or why not?
      3. Do you agree with Obama that addressing racial injustices must take priority in American politics?
      4. How does Obama address issues of privilege? How does this vary from your perception of privilege?
      5. What role does institutional discrimination play in the current state of racial relations in the United States?
    • We Don’t Need Affirmative Action Anymore

      These clips show reactions to several policies that would address racial and ethnic inequality in the United States.

      1. What is the basis of resistance to affirmative action, according to this news piece? Does shifting the issue to social class instead of race trivialize the very real experiences of discrimination on the basis of race and gender in the United States?
      2. How is the affirmative action debate similar to the English-only debate?
      3. And how are each connected to the issue of immigration?
    • The Weiner Circle

      This video clip from the This American Life television program (based off the radio show by the same name) explores race relations in Chicago through an unusual restaurant.

      1. Given the context of business at The Weiner Circle, what do you feel is the role of language? Do the words used have the same context as they would in another context? Explain.
      2. The workers detail their perspective of the behavior of the late night visitors to The Weiner Circle. Do you agree with their perspective? Why or why not?
      3. Do you think that the culture of The Weiner Circle could be sustained without the hateful language emerging? Why or why not?
    • Savage Country: American Indian Mascots, Part I
      Savage Country: American Indian Mascots, Part II

      This documentary explores the use of Native American mascots and the impact that it has on race relations and Native American identity.

      1. Is it right for a school or college to use a potentially offensive mascot? Who should determine whether or not ethnic symbols should be used?
      2. Did you attend a school with a Native American mascot or share a conference with a school that has a Native American mascot? Was this a social issue for the school or the community? Why do you think this was?
      3. Is there a way that a school or community could use a Native American mascot in a neutral or a positive way?
    • Shopping While Black, A Social Experiment

      In this segment, hidden cameras uncover the reactions of shoppers as a black woman is treated poorly in an upscale retail store.

      1. What is the majority response of fellow shoppers when this woman is treated badly in the store?
      2. If you had been in the store, how do you think you would have responded? How you have intervened or remained silent?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 322: Shouting Across the Divide

      In this episode, a Muslim woman persuades her husband that their family would be happier if they left the West Bank and moved to America. They do, and things are good...until September 11, 2001. After that, the elementary school their daughter goes to begins using a textbook that says Muslims want to kill Christians. This and other stories of what happens when Muslims and non-Muslims try to communicate, and misfire.

      1. The prologue tells a story of the designer of the U.S. Supreme Court making a wall decoration that is offensive to Muslims. Could this be considered symbolic racism, institutional racism, individual discrimination, or institutional racism – or none of the above? Why?
      2. Act One tells the story of a women who promised her husband that if they moved to the U.S., their children would never encounter prejudice. Do you think that was true even before 2001? Do you think we will see a society which is free from prejudice sometime in the future? What can we do to create a prejudice-free society?
    • Episode 105: Take a Negro Home

      This episode looks at two stories of people who try to cross the color line, and why it is still so hard.

      1. Tales of forced integration like the false one at the beginning of this episode seem absurd when we hear them; however, we also repeatedly suggest that by just having more contact across racial groups, we will solve racial inequality. Why do we expect inequality can be addressed on the micro level? What can we do at the micro-, meso-, and macro-level to improve racial relations?
      2. Act One of this episode examines race relations through the social institution of the family. What challenges emerge in this institution? What can be done in the family or through the family to address racial inequalities?
      3. Act Two of this episode examines race relations through the social institution of education. What challenges emerge in this institution? What can be done in the educational system or through the educational institution to address racial inequalities?
    • Episode 72: Trek

      This episode follows a white friend and black friend who visit post-Apartheid South Africa and explore race relations as a part of their journey.

      1. How does South Africa and America's experiences vary when comparing the stories of Apartheid you hear in this episode to Jim Crow? What about post-Apartheid and post-Civil Rights?
      2. In eight years, South Africa transforms rapidly in terms of race relations. For instance, one gentleman details how he would be killed for dating interracially during Apartheid, but it is welcome now. How does society reconstruct race and race relations? It is can be so easily ‘
      3. How do Rich and Jason see race relations differently throughout their travels? Why do you think these differences exist? How do you interpret the stories they hear during their travels?
    • Episode 107: Trail of Tears

      This episode follows two women who travel the Trail of Tears in an attempt to connect to their ancestors.

      1. Were you surprised to hear that all of the individuals were having difficulty connecting to important ethnic locations and history? Why or why not?
      2. Is ethnicity something that can be lost? Why or why not? Is it important to practice ethnicity? How can individuals do this?
      3. If it is important to us to retain our ethnic identity, how can we do this? Is it possible to restore meaning to these vastly important historic landmarks to make sure they don't become just ‘roadside attractions'?
    • Episode 84: Harold

      This episode explores the intersection of race and politics in the life and career of Harold Washington, Chicago's first black mayor.

      1. How do race and class intersect in the situation surrounding Harold Washington's campaign for mayor? Can you explain this story from a conflict theory perspective?
      2. What were the importance of stereotypes and their alternatives in this story? How do institutional and ideological racism fit into this story?
      3. How does the story of Harold Washington fit into the social world model?

Chapter 9: Gender Stratification: She/He – Who Goes First?

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • American Porn

      Pornography is arguably the most profitable enterprise in cyberspace. While this episode focuses more on the financial aspects of the industry, there are many other gender and sexuality issues to be concerned with.

      1. The textbook states that socialization occurs not just in childhood, but throughout our entire lives. What messages about gender and sexuality are communicated to the (presumed) adults who watch this material?
      2. From watching this episode, does it seem that most pornography is heteronormative or not? Are there any double-standards in boy-girl, all-girl, or all-boy pornography?
      3. Do some research online to learn more about the working conditions for women (and men) in the porn industry? Are they usually safe and protected environments where mature adults can willingly work or refuse to work?
    • The Last Abortion Clinic

      In this video, the erosion of abortion rights since Planned Parenthood v. Casey is detailed.

      1. Based on what you saw in the video, what elements of abortion are micro-level issues? Which elements are meso-level issues? Which elements are macro-level issues?
      2. The group “Feminists for Life” argue that it is possible to be a feminist and against abortion. What do you think conflict theorists would say about this group?
    • The Mormons (segment: Those Who Still Practice Polygamy)

      This segment presents some of the families who still practice plural marriage. Their reasons for being in plural marriages and beliefs about their roles within the family are discussed.

      1. After watching the segment, what gender expectations exist for women in polygamous Mormon marriages? What gender expectations exist for polygamous men?
      2. How do you feel about the way the fundamentalist Mormon women dress? Who provides a better representation of the female body---a Mormon woman in traditional dress or a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader?
    • The Mormons (segment: Those Who Can, and Can't Conform)

      The experiences of working women and gay/lesbian Mormons are detailed in light of church teachings.

      1. What stresses do Mormon women face? How is this related to the Superwoman or Beauty Image?
      2. What societal pressures exist for Mormon women who must or who choose to work? What are the consequences of these pressures?
      3. How might the treatment of Mormon gay and lesbian persons be related to the role women are seen to play in the Mormon church?
    • Middle Sexes Experiment on Homosexuality

      In this video, an experiment that asked homophobic and non-homophobic men to watch gay pornography and report their arousal is detailed. Please note: This video includes mature themes.

      1. According to this experiment, how is homophobia related to homosexuality?
      2. What alternative explanations might exist for why the homophobic men were physically aroused by the homoerotic videos?
    • Rammstein “Sonne Complete”

      In this music video, German heavy metal group Rammstein present an alternative version of the Snow White story---one in which the princess has enslaved the dwarfs and forced them to mine golden drugs for her. This might be particular useful to watch following the discussion of the other fairy tale video clips.

      1. Compare this version of Snow White to the Disney story. How do the two versions of femininity differ? How are they similar?
      2. In fairy tales, women are often either saintly virgins or evil demons. Why do you think that these children’s stories present such a dichotomy of young girls?
    • Mermaid (“Kiss the Girl”); Beauty and the Beast Theme Song; Aladdin (Disney) – “A Whole New World”

      In these clips, scenes from Disney’s The Little Mermaid and Aladdin are presented. Each details a romantic scene between the prince and princess.

      1. What messages do these videos send children about heterosexuality?
      2. What do children learn about gender roles from watching these videos?
      3. What types of anticipatory socialization do children experience by watching these videos?
    • Sherri Shepherd: Clearly Defined Gender Roles or Else

      In this video, the women of The View argue whether cross-dressing is normal and acceptable among children.

      1. What socialization messages would these women, as parents, be sending to their children?
      2. Would you allow your daughter to wear “boys’” clothes? Why or why not?
      3. Would you allow your son to wear “girls’” clothes? Why or why not?
    • Killing Us Softly – Parts I-IV

      This video is a must-watch for all women and men. Jean Kilbourne's pioneering work helped develop and popularize the study of gender representation in advertising. Her award-winning “Killing us Softly” films have influenced millions of college and high school students across two generations and on an international scale. In this important new film, Kilbourne reviews if and how the image of women in advertising has changed over the last 20 years. By fostering creative and productive dialogue, she invites viewers to look at familiar images in a new way that moves and empowers them to take action.
      (Parts 2, 3, and 4 available through links on the right side of the page)

      1. What subtle messages about sex, gender, gender identity and roles, and sexuality were evident in these images? 
      2. What was your response to seeing these images discussed in this way? Was it new to you? Had you noticed different messages being sent to men and women as you flipped through magazines before? Will you look at images in the media in a different way after watching this video?
    • The Weiner Circle

      This Chicago Public Media video chronicles a hot dog stand where employees began insulting patrons. Then, the patrons began insulting them back. Now, the insults have become sexist and racist. Please note: This clip contains R-rated language

      1. How do sex, race, and class intersect in the types of insults hurled by the patrons to the employees?
      2. How would conflict theorists explain the fact that the employees are not, for the most part, using similarly racist and sexist insults?
      3. How might patriarchy be contributing to the types of insults used by the patrons?
    • Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity

      This is the introduction to the documentary by Jackson Katz that explores the connection between masculinity and violence in the media.

      1. How does Jackson Katz show that men’s behaviors are socially constructed and socially learned?
      2. How does a key social institution, the Media, shape how we perceive men in American society?
      3. One of Katz’s central arguments is that our society creates violence so that it is a normative expectation rather than an act of defiance, or a social abnormality. How would a sociologist test this claim? Would it vary between applied and academic sociologists?
    • Sex Slaves – Israel/Palestine

      This video from ABC-Australia describes how thousands of women from the former Soviet Union are being smuggled into Israel by the Bedouin to work as prostitutes.

      1. What aspects of subjugation do you see present in this video?
      2. What is the dominant majority’s response to this event? What is the minority’s response to this?
      3. Given what you learned in this chapter, what are some of the reasons for why women and girls are trafficked as sex slaves?
    • Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films

      This video explores the representation of masculinity in Disney films.

      1. How does media work as a socialization agent in terms of teaching boys what it means to be a man?
      2. How are these images of masculinity balanced with images of femininity in Disney films?
      3. How are masculinity and violence intertwined in Disney films?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 247: What is this Thing?

      This episode talks about love in America, particularly focusing on the romance novel industry and the ways in which female to male transsexual persons re-learned to love as a person of the other sex.

      1. Given what you know about the glass escalator, how do you think male romance novelists would be treated? Why?
      2. Why do you think romantic love is so feminized? What aspects of romantic love are considered masculine?
      3. What do the experiences of the transsexual men tell us about "doing gender"?
    • Episode 99: I Enjoy Being a Girl, Sort of

      This episode covers numerous aspects of gender, including doing gender, gender socialization and expectations, the beauty image, and polygamy as feminism.

      1. What agents of gender socialization most impacted Rebecca's friend? Do any of these agents impact you?
      2. How did Amy Sederis respond to the beauty image imposed upon her by her father? Do you think her response was effective? Why or why not?
      3. Why does Sarah Miller find it so difficult to "do masculinity"?
      4. According to the definition of feminism in your textbook, do you feel that Elizabeth Joseph and her sister-wives are feminists? Why or why not?
    • Episode 204: 81 Words

      This episode explains story behind the 81-word definition that the American Psychiatric Association changed in 1973 to de-classify homosexuality as a mental disorder and the people responsible for the change.

      1. According to symbolic interactionists, how does changing the definition of homosexuality from a mental disorder to a normal sexual variation impact the way people view sexual minorities?
      2. Why do you think Alix Spiegel's grandfather chose to marry and have children if he considered himself to be gay?
    • Episode 46: Sissies

      This episode explores the dynamics of gender performance, in particular, what it means to be called a “sissy.”

      1. Explain how gender is socially constructed?
      2. What are the social costs of not preforming gender according to social scripts?
      3. While being gay no longer holds such negatives social stigmas, why does a non-masculine man still draw reactions from society?
      4. Are the social costs the same for women who do not perform femininity in line with social standards?

Chapter 10: Family: Partner Taking, People Making, and Contract Breaking

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Growing up Online

      This video explains the internet experiences of today's youth including social networking sites and internet predators.

      1. How do you think the experience of "growing up on the internet" will impact the way that this generation selects lifetime mates?
      2. Whose responsibility is it to ensure that kids stay safe in cyberspace? Parents or the government?
    • Country Boys

      This video details the experiences of two teen boys growing up in rural Appalachia.

      1. From a conflict perspective, how do you think growing up in poor families affects the boys’ future goals?
      2. While watching the video, consider what social functions these boys’ families serve. Which do you feel they are lacking in? Are any other social institutions serving fulfilling these functions?
      3. Explain how the feminization of poverty is represented in this video.
    • Polygamy Family Interviews – Part I
      Polygamy Family Interviews – Part II
      Polygamy Family Interviews – Part III
      Polygamy Family Interviews – Part IV

      These videos are interviews with families who are in polygamous marriages. As you watch, keep in mind the many variations on what defines “family”.

      1. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s definition of family (given in the text), would polygamous families be counted as a “family”? Would sociologists consider polygamists a “family”?
      2. The text lists seven reasons why all societies have families. Do the polygamous families in these videos fulfill these purposes?
      3. Do you think there will be a time when society becomes accepting of polygamy? Why or why not? Do you think this would represent a threat to the structure and function of society, or provide a way to ensure more children and adults are socially, emotionally, and financially supported?
    • Arranged Marriages

      This news report includes interviews with those who live within arranged marriages.

      1. Why do you think those who have arranged marriages divorce so frequently? Is this a good thing of a bad thing?
      2. Would you ever consider letting your parents choose your dates? Your spouse? Why or why not?
      3. The video claims that “no expectations mean no disappointments” in terms of partner characteristics. Do you think these individuals really enter relationships with no expectations?
    • Roseanne: Episode: “Becky’s Choice” – Part I
      Roseanne: Episode: “Becky’s Choice” – Part II

      Roseanne portrays typical life in a working class American family. In this episode, the Conner family meets a family of yuppies. Meanwhile, the oldest daughter begins dating a less than desirable boyfriend.

      1. After watching this video, what special problems are faced by the parents of teenagers?
      2. What differences do you see between the two families based upon their social classes?
      3. Do you feel that this show provides a realistic portrayal of family life? Why or why not?
    • 1950 Family Date, Dinner in a 1950's Home

      Watch this 1950’s produced video concerning the importance of family dinners.

      1. How are the families’ chores gendered?
      2. Would this instructional video look significantly different today? How would it be different and how would it be the same?
      3. How would a conflict theorist and a functionalist theorist interpret this video?
      4. How can you analyze the “family values” in this video on the basis of social class and race?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 186: Prom

      This episode details the experiences of teens at high school proms and the depiction of high school proms in popular movies and television series. Acts 2-4 are particularly relevant. Consider the following questions:

      1. Describe the experience of teens finding a date and attending the prom in light of the three-stage mate-selection process mentioned in your text (stimulus, value comparison, roles and needs stage). Which stage(s) of this process best fit the experience of teen relationships?
      2. Using the symbolic interactionist perspective, explain how seeing prom scenes in movies or on television impacts teens' expectations for their own proms.
      3. What messages do you think high school proms send to gay or lesbian teens?
    • Episode 317: Unconditional Love

      This episode considers relationships between parents and children, and the love that forms the basis of the family unit. Each story examines the circumstances of families with highly impaired children and how they cope. Consider the following questions:

      1. Can you use the symbolic interactionist perspective to explain the circumstances o the family that adopts Daniel, the baby from the Romanian orphanage? How effective is Daniel's family in socializing him after his experience in the orphanage?
      2. How does having an autistic child change family dynamics and traditional notions of parenting?
      3. How do these stories fit into the social world model?
    • Episode 334: Duty Calls

      This episode describes the experiences of Josh, who had been estranged from his alcoholic mother and delinquent brother since he was nine, but returns to take care of her while she is dying. This story challenges ideas about family bonds, relationships, and obligations.

      1. How were various members of Josh's family impacted by his mother's substance abuse?
      2. Which of the social functions of the family did Josh's mother fulfill for him? Which does he fulfill for her?
      3. Would you have taken care of Josh's mom if you were in his situation? Why or why not?
    • Episode 140: Family Business

      This episode tells the stories of family businesses, and what happens when the tension of family dynamics collides with the pressure of capitalist market forces.

      1. The textbook states that all institutions are connected to one another. In what ways are families connected to the economy? How is the economy connected to families?
      2. Which theory do you think best describes the practice of families going into business together? Why?
      3. Did these families seem to have stronger ties to each other, or more conflict with each other? How would you feel about going into business with your family?
    • Episode 401: Parent Trap

      Act One of this episode discusses a dying mother who left behind letters for her daughter.

      1. What unintentional effects did Elizabeth's letters have on her daughter? Why did some of the letters cause Rebecca pain?
      2. How was Rebecca's relationship with her father affected by the letters?
      3. What benefits and drawbacks did the letters provide to Rebecca's family system?
    • Sociology Podcast

      Go to the above link, scroll down and select the podcast entitled “Marriage”

      1. According to functionalists, how does marriage benefit a society?
      2. How has modern society changed marriage?
      3. What did marriage look like generations ago?
      4. What aspects of modernity have most changed marriage?

Chapter 11: Education: What Are We Learning?

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Inside the Teenage Brain

      This episode takes a mostly biological approach to explaining teenage behavior. However, it is useful to show how interdisciplinary research can help us better understand how to craft social environments to best cultivate human capabilities.

      1. This video discusses biological and physiological impacts on the teenage body. However, even with the heavy biological focus, do you notice social undertones creating these teens’ experiences or making them important?
      2. Educators have to deal with cognitive issues when trying to convey material to students. However, most of their training is centered on education methods. Would it be fruitful for educators to learn and incorporate what we know about the functioning of the teenage brain into their teaching strategies? What are some changes you think we could make?
      3. One thing the video showed was how important sleep is for teenaged individuals. What social pressures interfere with our ability to get the sleep that we need? In your opinion, does education interfere with our ability to rest? Why or why not?
    • Medicating Kids
      The Medicated Child

      These episodes highlight the medicalization of behavioral issues and describes how the introduction of drugs like ADHD are reforming childhood and children’s experiences in other social institutions.

      1. In your opinion, is ADHD a social problem or a medical problem?
      2. Should teachers be able to diagnose or suggest medical attention for students who they perceive as having ADHD? If the child is a distraction to the learning environment, at what point does it become a social issue?
      3. The Medicated Child serves somewhat as a follow-up to Medicating Kids. How is the medical industry treating children? In your opinion, how will this impact their educational experiences? Expand.
    • Liz Coleman's Call to Reinvent Liberal Arts Education

      The president of Bennington College argues a reimagining of higher education in the United States based on an expanded idea of the liberal arts.

      1. According to Coleman, what is the price of increased academic specialization?
      2. Do you think a radical change in higher education, similar to what Coleman suggests, is even possible? Why or why not? What would some of the major obstacles be in establishing a new way of learning?
    • Growing Up Online

      This episode is about the impact of the Internet on the current generation. It shows how the Internet is reforming key social institutions, but particularly the relationships of young adults.

      1. Given the increased presence of the Internet in the lives of youth, how do we expect this to transform education? Do you already see evidence of this in your own education experience? How so?
      2. Teachers interviewed for the film argue that technology serves as a divide between them and their students. What can be done to bridge this gap? In your opinion, must teachers, students, and schools work simultaneously to address this divide? Or is there on level where resources would be best concentrated to close this divide?
      3. Another issue the film discusses is the multi-functioning of the Internet as a source of information and a source of entertainment. Can Internet media serve both purposes simultaneously? Why or why not?
    • Rate My Professors

      In this news clip from a college television station, students and instructors discuss the impact of

      1. Do you agree with the students interviewed in terms of what makes a good teacher? In terms of what makes a good student? Why or why not?
      2. Ultimately, instructors create their philosophy of teaching only in part with what students recommend. Is teaching in a way that students like necessary for individual’s educations? The institution of education? Why or why not?
      3. An interesting activity might be to visit, visit an institution that you do not attend to look up professors with “Professor Strikes Back” video. Where do you see inconsistencies between what students expect and what teachers? In your opinion, which group is more interested in the institution of education? How so?
    • A Vision of Students Today

      This video portrays how some students feel about their college experience as documented by one instructor and this class.

      1. Do you believe that this accurately portrays your educational experience? How so and how not?
      2. At the end of the video, it suggests that technology is revolutionizing education. What impact do you see technology having on your education? Is this advantageous and/or limiting, in your opinion?
      3. Can many of the problems the video discusses be solved by technology? If so which ones? How so or why not?
      4. If you were to create a university, what would it look like? What problems would you be certain to address? What problems do you anticipate would surface?
    • Teachers of the Year: “Change NCLB”

      This clip shows an assembly of Teachers of the Year from numerous states in the U.S. together to address the impact of the No Child Left Behind policy on American schools.

      1. The teachers of more than half of the states in the United States assembled to speak against the renewal of No Child Left Behind. What problems do they have with the policy? Do you agree or disagree that these are problems that need to be addressed? Why so or why not?
      2. Accountability seems to be a major concern in NCLB. Is there a way we could address the issues these teachers seem concerned with while also ensuring that accountability standards be maintained? At what level of analysis should policy makers most strongly focus on accountability?
    • Kozol: Segregated Schools are the Shame of the Nation

      In this clip, author Jonathan Kozol discusses his newest book, The Shame of a Nation, which explores the return of racial segregation in compulsory schooling in the U.S.

      1. How does segregation impact the educational and cultural climate of schools? How does this have an impact in meso- and macro-social factors?
      2. We tend to be comfortable acknowledging that our schools are segregated on the basis of social class; however we are less likely to acknowledge that our schools are still segregated by race. Why do you believe this is?
      3. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that racial segregation in education is unconstitutional. Given this, should the federal government have to address these issues that Kozol uncovers in his research? Why or why not?
      4. What structural factors have caused resegregation of schools, according to Kozol?
      5. Kozol is a noted applied sociologist and journalist. Do you feel that with issues as culturally important as segregation more scholars should do applied work? Why or why not?
    • Mayor Giuliani on Improving Our Schools

      This is a speech given by Rudy Giuliani when he was mayor of New York City to explain why he was in favor of school choice as a way to reform schools.

      1. Why does former Mayor Giuliani favor school choice? In your opinion, will school choice solve problems experienced by the average student? Why or why not?
      2. Former Mayor Giuliani also argues that bureaucracy is a major issue in modern education. In what ways can we ensure that bureaucracy fulfills the necessary functions within education without causing harm to students’ education?
    • Charles Leadbeater: Education Innovation in the Slums

      This talk examines radical new forms of education in slums such as the ones in Rio and Kibera.

      1. What lesson can U.S. school systems take from programs such as these?
      2. What are the manifest and latent functions of schooling in areas as poor as these?
      3. Can you imagine a U.S. educational system that taught teachers to use creative methods such as these? What might such a program look like?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 275: Two Steps Back

      This episode uses the experiences of a few teachers at one school to tell the story of educational reform in America. In ten years Washington Irving Elementary School rose from being a typically underperforming "bad" school into a very effective setting for learning.

      1. How did the educational reforms affect the student's sense of self? How did the student's family situations affect their educational experiences? How did the school take this into account?
      2. What changes in bureaucratic structure were important to the school reform? How can teachers resist school reform? How does centralized administration affect school reform? Can you find examples of teacher deprofessionalization in this story?
      3. What informal system, hidden curriculum, and value climate can you observe in this school?
    • Episode 207: Special Ed

      This episode explores experiences individuals have had with special education.

      1. Does special education serve the functions of schools? How so or how not? Do they contribute to social inequality? How so or how not?
      2. In your opinion, are the children in special education programs part of the culture and climate of the school? Why or why not?
      3. How does the bureaucratic element of school systems shape special education?
    • Episode 341: How to Talk to Kids

      This episode explores various ways to communicate with children.

      1. Can the lessons we learn through this episode be incorporated into education practices? Why or why not? Is communication breakdown a central problem in education? Why or why not?
      2. One of the hottest contested topic in schools is what should be included in the curricula and what should not. How do we determine what is appropriate for children and what is not?
      3. How does seeing children as something different from adults shape the way we pursue educating them?
    • Episode 350: Human Resources Act One

      This episode discusses bureaucracy. Act One specifically highlights bureaucracy in a large public school district.

      1. How does this episode describe the bureaucratic structure of schools? How does this change the climate of the school? How does this change the way the teachers identify themselves?
      2. Many sociology majors end up working in human resources departments. How would you see the information you have learned in this class being helpful in human relations? Could you see sociological knowledge helping resolve one of the stories in the acts in a more positive way? How so or how not?
      3. How could schools work with teachers in a way that addressed issues between teachers that uphold the educational climate and value climate of schools?
      4. Does the Rubber Room serve any functions for the New York City Schools? What is the purpose for its existence?
    • Episode 474: Back to School

      This episode considers skills that students can learn in school beyond the cognitive ones we typically associate with success in school.

      1. Can schools teach these kinds of non-cognitive skills?  How would that teaching vary by social class?
      2. How would the integration of this new kind of teaching change the informal system, hidden curriculum, and value climate of a school?
      3. What methods of assessment could be used if teaching included these non-cognitive skills? Would the process of tracking look different than it does now?

Chapter 12: Religion: The Meaning of Sacred Meaning

  • Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Discussion Questions
  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Hand of God

      In this video, the story of a family whose son was sexually abused by their parish priest is detailed.

      1. How would a conflict theorist explain the power that priests have over their congregations and the suppression of abuse allegations by the church hierarchy?
      2. Did Father Joseph sacralize his abuse of Paul? If so, how?
    • The Last Abortion Clinic

      In this video, the erosion of abortion rights since Planned Parenthood v. Casey is detailed.

      1. Which aspects of religious groups are required to organize and lobby against abortion- the meaning system, the belonging system, or the structural system?
      2. How does the abortion debate represent the differences in interpretation in what is considered sacred or profane?
    • The Mormons

      This segment presents some of the families who still practice plural marriage. Their reasons for being in plural marriages and beliefs about their roles within the family are discussed.

      1. Explain a myth, ritual, and symbol practiced by people of the Mormon faith.
      2. What things do the Mormons consider sacred that others might consider profane? Which type of theorist would be most interested in explaining how different groups of people interpret the same items or ideas in different ways?
      3. How is the process of going on missions impacted by the structural system of Mormonism?
    • Diane Benscoter: How Cults Rewire the Brain

      A former Moonie, or member of the Unification Church, describes her experience as a cult member and explains how cults indoctrinate their members.

      1. According to Benscoter, what makes cults or extremist religious organizations so dangerous?
      2. What aspects of the modern world could strengthen the appeal of cults or religious extremism?
    • Teacher Expelled Over Religion

      This video details the story of Chris Comer, a science teacher who was fired for failing to teach intelligent design in her Texas classroom.

      1. How would conflict theorists explain the inclusion of intelligent design into mandated curriculums?
      2. With the growth of secularism, how do you explain the rise in the teaching of intelligent design?
    • Iran's Cosmetic Craze

      This short video describes what might seem like a surprising phenomenon: the rising popularity of plastic surgery in the country of Iran.

      1. Iran is a strongly religious country that is governed by Islamic Law. The video states that police freely restrict Western hairstyles and clothing, yet there has been no equivalent restriction on plastic surgery. What do you think might account for this discrepancy?
      2. Why do you think people in Iran have so freely embraced plastic surgery?
    • Ritual of Religious Worship

      This video introduces the ritual of religious worship, step by step (specifically, temple worship in Taiwan), to let the audience understand some of the dos and don'ts, and to show how the many gods are worshipped in various ways.

      1. What does this video tells you about the social construction of religion?
      2. What examples did you see of myths, rituals, and symbols?
      3. Discuss how each of the three components of religion (meaning system, belonging system, and structural system) is supported through the rituals shown in this video.
    • The War of the Word: Women and Religion

      This video seeks to put women back in the heart of religion.

      1. Why is it that religion became so dominated by men, with the voices of women so silenced?
        1. How did religion become so masculinized?
      2. Can you distinguish what Durkheim called the sacred and the profane in this documentary?
      3. Find examples in the video of myth, rituals and symbols.
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 125: Apocalypse

      This episode presents the stories of individuals who either believe the end of times is near or who are trying to bring about the end of times.

      1. What types of religious associations do the featured individuals belong to?
      2. How is the Left Behind phenomenon related to secularization in the United States?
    • Episode 202: Faith

      This episode contains numerous discussions of faith including Muslim-Christian relations in Afghanistan, a man who built a 19 story tall cross, and a white pastor in an all-black church.

      1. Is the 190-foot tall cross a part of the meaning system, the belonging system, or the structural system?
      2. What commonalities to the Muslims and Christians find in their faiths? Are any of their similarities myths, rituals, or symbols?
      3. How would you describe the experience of the white pastor in an all black church from a conflict perspective?
    • Episode 2: Small Scale Sin

      These stories feature individuals who have committed non-violent crimes and the ways that they define what behavior is or is not a sin.

      1. Your text explains how technology impacts religion. How do you think the technological nature of these crimes related to the rationalizations these individuals use to explain why their crimes are not sins?
      2. How do the teenage boys draw the distinction between which behaviors are sacred and which are profane?
    • Episode 463: Mortal vs. Venial

      This episode examines the social construction of sin: mortal ones (the most serious) and venial (the kinds we commit more casually).

      1. A symbolic interactionist would consider the ways in which we communicate via symbols. What symbols are utilized in the transference of meaning, in regards to sin?
      2. How would a rational choice theorist analyze the content of this show? How would they explain the process whereby children learn to lie?
      3. How can a venial sin turn into a mortal one?

Chapter 13: Politics and Economics: Penetrating Power and Privilege

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  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Obama’s War

      In this episode Martin Smith travels across Afghanistan and Pakistan to see how the President's new strategy is taking shape, delivering vivid, on-the-ground reporting from this eight-year-old war's many fronts. Through interviews with top generals, diplomats and government officials, Smith also reports the internal debates over President Obama's grand attempt to combat terrorism at its roots.

      1. The text discussed the concept of the “nation-state”. This episode discusses the concept of “nation building”. What are the definitions of each of these terms, and how are they related?
      2. What aspects of the concepts of power and authority do you see in this episode? What are the viewpoints of people in Afghanistan and Pakistan? What are the viewpoints of U.S. soldiers, generals, and politicians?
    • Clay Shirky: How Social Media Can Make History

      Clay Shirky describes how social media can bypass traditional sources of power and greatly transform the nature of politics.

      1. What makes the internet so effective at transmitting information and media?
      2. How does new social media technology bypass traditional paths of power?
      3. How is the nature of social media changing the nature of politics?
    • The Showdown with Iran

      This episode explores the relationship between the United States and Iran and how changes to the political system in Iraq are shifting U.S./Iran relations.

      1. How do the governments of Iran and the U.S. vary?
      2. This program examines a looming war with Iran as a real possibility for the United States. In your opinion, would war with Iran be best explained by a Functionalist or Conflict perspective?
      3. Ideally, the U.S. and Iran would be able to avoid going to war with one another. What ways are they working to avoid war? In this seeming successful, based on evidence presented in this episode? Why or why not.
      4. In your opinion, what, if anything, would justify war with Iran?
    • Ten Trillion and Counting

      This episode traces the politics behind this mounting debt and investigates what some say is a looming crisis that makes the 2008-2009 financial situation pale in comparison.

      1. What type of economic system does the U.S. currently have? Do you think that type of system is more or less likely to result in economic crises such as the situation in 2008-09?
      2. What role has the political system of the U.S. had in this situation? What did the Bush administration do? What is the Obama administration doing?
    • Spying on the Home Front

      This show examines how the role of the political system and the citizen has changed since the terrorist attacks in the United States in September 2001.

      1. How do citizens and governments negotiate issues of security in the United States? Should this be changed, in your opinion? Why or why not?
      2. The text highlights characteristics of a democracy. Does the seizure of information promote or infringe on these characteristics? Explain.
    • Hot Politics

      This episode follows the issue of global warming and how it became one of the central issues in contemporary politics.

      1. We typically view our political system as polarized, or very divided between Republicans and Democrats. How is the global warming issue able to overcome polarization?
      2. What role has science taken in the global warming debate? In your opinion, are there any issues that social scientists study likely to have as big of an impact on politics as global warming? Why or why not?
      3. What factors beyond science and bipartisan support have made us willing to address global warming as a society?
    • Cheney’s Law

      This episode explores the power of the executive branch and how one particular policy has changed this.

      1. How does Cheney’s law redistribute power in the United States?
      2. We often think of the President as the most important political figure in American politics. Does this program question that in any way?
      3. In your opinion, was Cheney successful due to his structural position in our political system, because of his individual efforts, or because of the structure of American politics? Explain.
      4. How often is it necessary to examine the distribution of power in a society, in your opinion? Are there defining moments that make it more or less important? Should it happen in times of transition? Explain.
    • On Our Watch

      This episode follows Sudanese politics and how they evolved into the Darfur genocide.

      1. What role did the exercise of power play in the Darfur genocide?
      2. What failures in national politics contributed to or escalated the conflict in the Sudan? What about failure in global politics?
      3. Issues like Darfur often speak to the importance of legitimated power in a society. Would these issues have been avoided without political instability in the area? Why or why not?
      4. How were forms of violence used in the Sudan to attempt to seize power? Was this power recognized? Would you constitute these efforts as terrorism? Why or why not?
      5. Can you use the Social World model to explain the horrors of genocide in the Sudan? Why or why not?
    • Naomi Klein on China and the Olympics

      This clip is of an interview with Naomi Klein discussing her dissent to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games being held in China.

      1. How does China’s government vary from democracy in the United States?
      2. What is the relationship between politics and the economy in China, according to Klein? Do you agree with her opinion? Why or why not?
      3. In your opinion, which rights are most important for a political system to grant to its constituents? At what cost should states go to in order to offer these rights to their citizens?
    • President Obama’s Blackberry

      President Obama is the first president to insist on carrying a personal digital assistant, although there were initial concerns over security. This clip is an interview with an author of the book “Obama’s Blackberry”, which is a humorous book full of (fake) email and text messages that President Obama might get on his personal Blackberry.

      1. President Obama has said that he wants to communicate personally with staff to avoid “getting stuck in a bubble.” In what ways could this change the way Presidents (who are typically cut-off from the day-to-day lives of average Americans) connect with citizens, and vice versa? What are some possible drawbacks?
    • Economic Systems

      This video explains varying economic systems and how they work.

      1. What are the most blatant differences between communism and capitalism?
      2. What are the goals of capitalism, socialism and communism?
      3. From the information in this video, would Marx have supported socialism, communism or something in-between?
      4. Do you think there is a way to create a mixed economy?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 272: Big Tent

      This episode examines the rise of the GOP in American politics.

      1. What is the appeal to the Republican Party for the majority of Americans, according to the guests on this program?
      2. In your opinion, what values are important to American voters? How many of the key issues you come up with are related to social issues? How many are economic issues? Given the list that you created, are you surprised by Frank's findings? Why or why not?
      3. Based on your understanding of these Acts, how real is the divide between Republics and Democrats in the United States? How is this divide impacting American politics?
    • Episode 176: Two Nations, One President

      This episode follows the 2001 Presidential election in the United States and the fallout that it created.

      1. We have had a series of close Presidential elections and are likely to have another in 2008. In your opinion, and based on this episode, what impact do close elections have on the American political system?
      2. This episode looked across social institutions to understand the impact of the Presidency. How did the 2001 election impact other social institutions than politics?
      3. How can people who live in the same society have such different perceptions about social justice concerning such major issues like the 2001 election? If we can disagree about what is happening, is it reasonable to assume that we can agree on how to address problems in the American political system? Why or why not?
    • Episode 478: Red State Blue State

      This episode considers the ways in which politics impact family and friendships.

      1. What theory best explains the man’s reluctance to reveal his name on the radio show?
      2. How does this episode reveal the dynamics of politics on the micro, meso and macro-levels?
      3. Have you experienced this kind of tension in relationships due to your political beliefs? How so?
    • Episode 276: Swing Set

      This episode evaluates swing voters and tries to understand how people become undecided voters.

      1. This episode follows a somewhat counterintuitive notion that people who are heavily invested in politics can still be undecided for who they are going to vote for. How does this happen? If voting can be alienating for people who follow politics, how can we expect to bring in voters who are less informed about social issues?
      2. What institutional efforts do candidates go to in order to gain votes? Is this ethical in your opinion? Why or why not? Is it characteristic of a healthy democracy? Why or why not?
      3. Is the indecisiveness surrounding modern elections due to the changes in the political system? Why or why not?

Chapter 14: Medicine: An Anatomy of Health and Illness

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  • Internet Activities
  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Diet Wars

      In “Diet Wars,” Frontline explores the multi-billion dollar diet industry, the rules of which are often contradictory.

      1. How does obesity affect the health of the American population?
      2. How would you explain the contradictory messages the diet industry sends from a conflict perspective?
      3. What symbols do you notice surrounding the diet products in this video themselves? What do you think those symbols mean?
    • The Age of AIDS

      This video explains the history of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. and abroad.

      1. What social factors have contributed to the end of needle exchange and sex education programs?
      2. How has the nature of the health care system in the United States affected persons living with HIV/AIDS and their access to potentially life saving drugs?
    • The Medicated Child

      The 4000% increase in diagnoses of bipolar disorder is illustrated through the stories of three children and their families. The program also discuses the attempts of doctors to help these children manage their symptoms.

      1. How do you think the increase in labeling of children with this disorder has affected the way that they have been treated? Do you think they would be better off or worse off without the label?
      2. Do you think that these children should have any say in whether they receive treatment? Why or why not?
    • Sick Around the World

      In this report, the health care systems of Great Britain, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland are detailed.

      1. How would you classify the type of health care system that each of these countries has?
      2. Compared to the United States, which features of these systems do you think are better? Which features of these systems do you think are worse?
    • Living Old

      This video focuses on America's “oldest old” (over age 85) and explains the social and cultural changes that the country should undergo as a result of this growing population.

      1. How would conflict theorists explain why people from industrialized nations live longer than people in most other countries in the world?
      2. How do you think that the growing population of oldest old has changed the definition of what it means to be elderly in America?
    • Eric Topol: The Wireless Future of Medicine

      Eric Topol claims that future devices will be able to wirelessly monitor our health and vital statistics.

      1. What do you think about the future presented by Topol? Would you want all of your vital signs monitored by a wireless device? What are the benefits or drawbacks of this kind of technology?
      2. How would these new devices fit into the conflict perspective on health and illness?
    • The Alternative Fix

      In this video, the growth of alternative medicine treatments and the studies taking place to determine their effectiveness are explored.

      1. How does alternative medicine differ from allopathic medicine?
      2. Why do you think some U.S. doctors are so reluctant to accept alternative treatments? How is this mindset related to the history of the American Medical Association?
    • Maggot Medicine

      In this National Geographic video, maggot therapy in the U.S., in which live maggots are placed within wounds, is detailed (Warning: Graphic)

      1. Do you consider this a form of alternative medicine? Why or why not?
      2. How might global health care be impacted by this cheap, yet effective therapy?
    • Sing-A-Long

      This humorous sing-a-long produced by the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation is about doing self-exams for testicular cancer

      1. What audience do you think this song is trying to target?
      2. Given that men are less likely to go to the doctor than are women, do you think this is an effective strategy for encouraging men to see a physician? Do you think a more "professional" message would work better? Why or why not?
    • Nina Tandon: Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine?

      In this talk, tissue engineer Tandon explains the possibility of using stem cells to create personalized human organs.

      1. What are the implications of the technology Tandon describes?
        1. Would this technology be reserved for those with the best insurance or the most money?
      2. What would the global impact be of such a technology as this?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 52: Edge of Sanity

      In this episode, a number of stories are featured including that of a mental health facility worker David Sederes' experience with compulsions, and a psychologist who has put together a tape so that other mental health workers can have the experience of “hearing voices.”

      1. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, do you think Dr. Deegan's tapes will help mental health professionals treat their patients? Why or why not?
      2. How do you think David's experiences would have been different if a label would have been attached to his symptoms?
    • Episode 103: Scenes from a Transplant

      In this episode, an NPR reported goes from the world of the healthy to that of the sick when she enters a hospital in an attempt to get cancer treatment

      1. What aspects of the sick role to Rebecca take on?
      2. How do you think Rebecca's age, gender, and social class impacted the type of care she received?
    • Episode 391: More is Less

      This episode explains the American health care system, specifically, why it is that costs keep rising. One story looks at the doctors, one at the patients and one at the insurance industry.

      1. After listening to this episode, in what ways do you see the economy and politics being linked together when it comes to health care? In what ways are they separate?
      2. What are some common themes in the discussions of how to lower costs? What are some drawbacks to these suggestions?
      3. How are the concepts of power, authority, and negotiation each evident throughout this episode?
    • Episode 476: What Doesn’t Kill You

      This episode examines the experiences of people who have had brushes with death.

      1. How would you apply Parsons’ Sick Role to the experiences of these people?
      2. After listening to this episode, how would you describe the American experience of illness, death and dying?
      3. Discuss how the experiences described in this episode are beyond the physical and are also social in nature?

Chapter 15: Population and Urbanization: Living on Spaceship Earth

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    • Hot Politics

      This episode comments on the U.S. withdrawal from Kyoto. It also explains the ways that the United States is contributing to the world environmental problem and remarks upon our lack of response.

      1. After watching the program and looking at map 15.1 in your text, what relationship do you see between environmental problems and percent urban population?
      2. How would conflict theorists explain the Bush administration's attempts to censor scientific findings?
    • The Age of AIDS

      This video describes the pandemic of HIV/AIDS and the disproportionate impact it has had on developing nations.

      1. How would conflict theorists explain the fact that HIV/AIDS has disproportionately affected people in developing nations, particularly women and children?
      2. What impact do you think the continuing spread of HIV will have on the mortality rates in developed countries? In developing countries?
    • Living Old

      This video focuses on America's "oldest old" (over age 85) and explains the social and cultural changes that the country should undergo as a result of this growing population.

      1. How does the demographic rise of the "oldest old" affect other social institutions?
      2. How would functionalist theorists explain the phenomenon of choosing quantity of life over quality of life?
      3. How would rational choice theorists explain the phenomenon of choosing quantity of life over quality of life?
    • The Undertaking

      In this episode, the experiences of a family of funeral directors are chronicled.

      1. What do you think the way that we treat the dead in the United States says about our feelings on mortality?
      2. Given the current population trends in the United States, what do you anticipate will happen with the funeral industry in the future?
    • Gary Lauder's New Traffic Sign: Take Turns

      In the hopes of cutting down on traffic accidents and alleviating gridlock, Gary Lauder suggests an idea for new traffic signs.

      1. How would these new street signs cut down on accidents? Why?
      2. How could new street signs alleviate the problem of traffic in crowded areas?
    • Urbanization

      This short video addresses urbanization over the last forty years, and the challenges it will continue to create into the future.

      1. Over the last forty years, has the greater trend been towards or against increased urbanization?
      2. According to the video, what parts of the world will become more heavily urbanized in the future?
      3. Why does Rosling consider increased urbanization an opportunity?
    • Robert Neuwirth on our “Shadow Cities”

      This video examines the “cities of the future,” in particular the migration to the cities which leaves millions in poverty stricken areas.

      1. What does Neuwirth view as “the good life?”
      2. According to the video what is driving people from country-sides to cities?
      3. How can the global community respond to these squatter communities?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 58: Small Towns

      This episode discusses the desperation some people feel to leave small towns contrasted with the freedom they experience living in small towns. Finally, a group of inner city youth explains how the public housing projects that they live in feel like small towns to them.

      1. What issues are pushing individuals from small towns or pulling toward more rural areas?
      2. Do the public housing projects represent Gemeinschaft or Gesellschaft to the teens?
      3. What holds the small towns together? Mechanical or organic solidarity? What holds the public housing projects together?
    • Episode 146: Urban Nature

      In this episode, two types of changes are discussed: urban areas taking over nature, and nature returning to urban areas.

      1. How would you apply conflict theory to the "fight between man and nature"?
      2. How do you think bringing nature back to some urban spaces is related to Simmel, Wirth, and Fischer's ideas about human relationships within cities?
      3. What urban problems are brought up in the segment on urban fishermen?
    • Episode 170: Immigration

      This episode discusses provisions of the 1996 immigration law that many in law enforcement and even those who voted for it in Congress now agree are too harsh. The stories of immigrants affected by these laws are detailed.

      1. What factors do you think brought the migrants to the United States in the first place (push or pull)?
      2. Which of the four primary theoretical perspectives would you use to explain why so many non-political citizens of Bristol County began attending protests?
    • Episode 459: What Kind of Country?

      This episode looks at the problems communities are facing as they try to pay their bills in the midst of hard economic times.

      1. What kind of urban changes are leading to the budget issues in these communities?
      2. How would you use Georg Simmel’s and Erving Goffman’s perspectives to analyze these urban issues?
      3. To what degree to these governmental funding issues contribute to anomie?

Chapter 16: The Process of Change: Can We Make a Difference?

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  • Recommended Readings
    • Video Links
    • Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

      This episode explores how Wal-Mart has revolutionized all aspects of the product chain and the impact this has had on the globalization of capitalism.

      1. How is strengthening global capitalism shaping social change? How is this impacting individuals? Nations? Companies? The global system?
      2. How was Wal-Mart able to redefine the economy system? In your opinion, does this benefit nations like China who manufacture the majority of goods sold in Wal-Mart stores? Why or why not?
      3. To address the title of the program, is Wal-Mart good for America? Why or why not?
    • News War

      This four-part series explores the role of the Media in contemporary America. The first two parts examine sources and framing. The third looks at the evolution of the Media and the final shows how globalization is changing the Media industry.

      1. In your opinion, what role does the media play in social change? How is this evident in News Wars?
      2. This episode mainly focuses on the media and social change in the U.S. Is the media's role similar on a global scale? Why or why not?
      3. The episode also examines the shift in the balance of power from print to online media. How does this reflect social change? In your opinion, is this a social problem? Why or why not?
    • Sendhil Mullainathan: Solving Social Problems with a Nudge

      Mullainathan describes stubborn social problems that have a solution, but still continue to plague us.

      1. Can you think of other social problems that have an obvious solution, but continue to stubbornly persist?
      2. Why do you think the "last mile" is so difficult to overcome?
      3. How does Mullainathan think that "last mile" problem can be overcome?
    • Colombia: The Coca-Cola Controversy

      This video shows the protest countries and organizations have about Coca-Cola's business practices and how this is impacting the global and consumer landscape.

      1. This video examines The Coca-Cola Controversy as both a national and a global issue. What factors make it a national issue in Columbia? What issues make it a national issue?
      2. One thing that makes the issue with Coca-Cola so difficult is the lack of international laws regarding labor and/or industry. In your opinion, does a global body need to be created to monitor and create international law? Why or why not?
        1. If one was to be created, how much power should they have? Who would serve on it? Who would sit their agenda?
        2. As the influence of globalization spreads, is the need for a global government more or less necessary? Explain.
      3. What role have social movements played in addressing this issue? Do you feel they have been successful? Why or why not?
    • The Last Abortion Clinic

      This episode examines the impact of Roe v. Wade and how states and Pro-Life and Pro-Choice movements are working to challenge and redefine the verdict.

      1. What role does the legal system play in social change? When legal decisions create social change, do they tend to do this in conjunction with popular beliefs? Why or why not?
      2. Social movements mobilized around abortion are some of the strongest in the United States. How have the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice movements worked to create social change around abortion policy? In your opinion, does it seem like one side is more powerful than the other? Why or why not?
      3. Use the Social World model to examine abortion in the United States. What issues exist at each level of measurement?
    • Young and Restless in China

      This show follows nine young adults in China to see how the political and economic changes the nation is experiencing are impacting their lives.

      1. How do the individuals profiled in the video deal with the social change they experience living in modern China?
      2. Is social change experienced different between young and older members of a society? Why or why not?
      3. What structural changes seem to be particularly guiding Chinese society? How are these shaping a different life experience between youth in China and their parents or their political leaders?
      4. How is life different for youth in China and youth in America?
    • Intolerable Beauty - Portraits of American Mass Consumption

      This video displays the work of Chris Jordan, an American artist, who uses enhanced photography to make pictorial images of consumer waste in America.

      1. Consumption in modern capitalist societies is one focus of the environmental movement. Were you aware of the volume of goods Americans are consuming? Does this constitute a social problem?
      2. Do you believe that movement effort to get Americans to consume less will be successful? Why or why not? Do you believe they are necessary? Why or why not?
      3. Some scholars argue that consumption should be viewed as a choice and even a human right. Therefore, as large nations like India and China develop and gain economic resources, do you think they should be able to consume at the same volume as the United States? How do we allow this without harming society?
    • Rethinking Food Crisis Solutions

      This clip from Al Jazeera shows the problems with food security in the less developed nations and the relationship between globalization and food security.

      1. What role does technology play in addressing social problems related to food security?
      2. What problems, beyond hunger, does food shortage contribute to in the global society?
      3. In your opinion, should issues of food shortage take president over all other social movements? Why or why not?
    • EPA Behind in Toxic Research

      This video from 2008 discusses a government report which found that the Environmental Protection Agency faced massive delays in its research of toxic chemicals, which could leave many in the U.S. at risk. After watching this video, visit the EPA’s website:, and do some research to see if things have changed under the Obama administration.

      1. Which theory do you think would best explain one branch of the government (in this case the White House) preventing another governmental organization (the EPA) from doing its job? Why do you think this was done?
      2. What affect might leaving toxic chemicals undetected have on the population dynamics of a society? What effects might we see at all levels of society if companies were banned from using toxic chemicals of any kind?
    • History Link WTO Cam: Seattle 1999

      This time-stop video shows the emergence of collective protest in Seattle during the 1999 WTO meetings.

      1. This shot follows the 1999 World Trade Organization protests from the time where people start to gather to the point of police occupation of the area. Does this represent collective behavior or a social movement in your opinion? Explain.
      2. Watching this video, are there points where the structure of the population creates social action? Can people just coming together create action? Or must there be intent behind it? Explain your position.
      3. Do you see any stress or strain through the images of the protest that may lead to the eventual riot and resistance movements? What observations can you make about population and demography and the collective behavior?
    • Jeffrey Sachs Letter to the Next President – Part I
      John McArthur on the Millennium Villages Project – Part II
      Jeffrey Sachs Letter to the Next President – Part III

      These videos cover the State of the Planet 2008 Conference where economist Sachs addresses the importance of global development and the primacy it should take in our policy agenda.

      1. In this series of lectures, Sachs discusses a plan of action for the next President that he feels will address development in the global society. What are your thoughts about Sachs plans? What is the likelihood, in your opinion, of achieving sustainable development?
      2. What other social problems does Sachs believe can be addressed by sustainable development? Do you agree with his assessment? Do you see other issues that can be addressed by sustainable development?
      3. The United States is often criticized for addressing global issues because efforts and funding spent is subtracted from domestic investment. What are the benefits and limitations of seeing global issues as domestic issues, in your opinion?
      4. Do you agree with Sachs that development is a domestic issue? Why or why not?
      5. This lecture was delivered in March of 2008. Do you see any examples of the Obama Administration putting Sachs ideas or suggestions into action?
    • Kavita Ramdas: Radical women, embracing tradition

      This talk explores the ways in which women around the globe are seeking to change the world.

      1. Is it possible to work towards social change for women while maintaining respect for individual cultures?
      2. In what ways are women’s oppressions global?
      3. How important is it that women unite globally in their quest for equality?
    • Audio Links
    • Episode 158: Mob Mentality

      This episode discusses the pleasure, and the terror, of being part of a rampaging, angry mob.

      1. What are the differences between a mob, riot, panic, fad, and fashion? Which of these concepts did you see in these stories?
      2. Why were the people in these stories involved in mob-like actions? Were they working for social change? Were they successful?
    • Episode 131: The Kids Are Alright

      This episode works to uncover the involvement of young adults in social movements in honor of the student protests in Tiananmen Square.

      1. This episode examines why people participate in social change from many different perspectives. In your opinion, drawing from your interpretation of the episode, why do people participate in social movements?
      2. The various acts suggest that our actions are rarely interpreted in the ways they are intended. What implication does this have for social movements and social change?
      3. Desire for social change does not always include a vision of desired change that most of us would perceive as ideal. Is there a way to censor social movements so that the ‘good' movements (the ones in line with mainstream cultural values and goals) see more success than the ‘bad' movements? Why or why not?
      4. What role do youth play in social change?
    • Episode 254: Teenage Embed, Part Two

      In this episode a young man named Hydar Akbar goes to Afghanistan with his father who is working for change as the governor of the Kunar province.

      1. How does the situation of Hydar and his family fit into the social world model?
      2. How would you classify the various social movements in this environment? What are the apparent stresses and strains in the society?
      3. Can you think of any cyclical theories that could explain what you've heard in this story? How does globalization factor into the story? How does the story fit into world systems theory?
    • Episode 126: Do-Gooders

      This episode examines altruism and how people work to create change.

      1. This episode examines social acts on the micro-, meso-, and macro-level. Can meaningful social change, specifically acts that have the potential to transform society, occur at each level? Why or why not?
      2. The fact that this episode follows do-gooders as a curiosity suggests that our culture is not necessarily committed to changing society for the better. Are we generally committed to doing good in American society? In the global society? Why or why not?
      3. As this episode, social change for the better can experience differing levels of success and failure. How do you explain the variation of success between these two stories? In your opinion, is the potential for failure the biggest barrier for social action? Why or why not?
    • Episode 170: Immigration

      This episode evaluates a key immigration law established in 1996.

      1. Immigration is likely to play a key role in social change in contemporary global society. How do barriers to citizenship impact the lives of immigrants? How does this impact the role immigrants will play in social change?
      2. How do social movements surrounding the law impact the way structures interpret the policy? How was this policy able to engage people who were otherwise apolitical? Does this suggest the movement was successful? Why or why not?
      3. There have been several changes to U.S. immigration policy since this episode was broadcast, given the incidents of September 11, 2001. What change do you for immigrants in America?
    • Episode 364: Going Big

      This episode introduces people who have undertaken ambitious, sweeping measures to solve all kinds of problems.

      1. How did Geoffrey Canada enact change on the individual level, and the institutional level?
      2. Can Canada's ideas be implemented on the national, or macro, level? What changes might be necessary? What problems could arise?
      3. What theory of social change do you think most applies to Geoffrey Canada's Baby College and other programs?
    • Sociology Improve: The Fascist Hippie Drum Circle (October 11, 2011)

      In this podcast, sociology graduate students discuss Occupy Wallstreet and other social movements.

      1. How can political parties (e.g., conservatives, liberals, tea-partyers) be seen as social movements?
      2. How did Occupy Wallstreet protesters use collective behavior in their movement?
      3. Use the stages of social movements, as outlined in your text, to explain the Occupy Wallstreet movement and the Tea party movement.

Authors: Jeanne H. Ballantine and Keith A. Roberts

Pub Date: April 2013

Pages: 752

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